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121. ITC Homepage Teaching and research facility affiliated with, but not part of, the University of Vienna. Part of the Vienna Biocenter. http://www.itc.univie.ac.at/ | |
122. The Quarterly Review Of Biology Historical, philosophical, and technical treatments of important biological topics. The QRB also provides educators, students, and biological researchers with authoritative articles, theoretical papers, comprehensive book reviews, and timely assessments of the life sciences. http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/QRB/home.html | |
123. Bulletin Of Mathematical Biology Academic Press journal publishing original research papers, survey articles, and extended book reviews related to research at the junction of computational, theoretical and experimental biology. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/issn/0092-8240 | |
124. Probabilistic And Statistical Inference - University Of Toronto Research on computational machine learning tools and theoretical frameworks with applications in computational molecular biology, computer vision, sensory processing, and iterative decoding. http://www.psi.toronto.edu/ |
125. Organic And Biomolecular Chemistry Articles Publishes fundamental work on synthetic, physical and biomolecular organic chemistry as well as all organic aspects of chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, natural product chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, macromolecular chemistry, theoretical chemistry, and catalysis. http://www.rsc.org/publishing/journals/OB/article.asp?type=CurrentIssue |
126. Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society Home Page The oldest biological journal in the world, principally concerned with the process of organic evolution, though papers are also published in the general fields of theoretical, genetic, and population biology. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/bij/ | |
127. Advances In Complex Systems Journal for multidisciplinary approaches, either empirical or theoretical, to the study of complex systems in such diverse fields as biology, physics, engineering, economics, cognitive science and social sciences, so as to promote the crossfertilization of ideas among all the scientific disciplines having to deal with their own complex systems. http://www.tbi.univie.ac.at/ACS/ | |
128. UO Chemistry Department Department of Chemistry undergraduate and graduate programs and research in Chemistry and Biochemistry; interdisciplinary research institutes for chemical physics, materials science, optics, theoretical science, molecular biology and neuroscience. http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~chem | |
129. Real People...great Minds...where Science Begins |Theoretical Division (T) | Los Covers many disciplines of theoretical science, including applied mathematics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and much of theoretical physics, ranging from fundamental issues to the modeling of complex systems. http://www.lanl.gov/orgs/t/ | |
130. Cornell Chemistry Home - Major research concentration in the following subfields analytical, inorganic, organic, bioorganic, physical, biophysical, polymer, theoretical, or chemical physics. http://www.chem.cornell.edu/ | |
131. Center For Cancer Research Nanobiology Program (CCRNP) theoretical and experimental work in areas such as macromolecular structure and function; membrane structure and function; immunology; phamacokinetics and computational and modeling methodology. Staff photos and biographies, and an overview of current projects are highlighted. http://www-lecb.ncifcrf.gov/ | |
132. Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic Center The Oceanographic Center pursues studies and investigations in marine biology and in observational and theoretical oceanography. http://www.nova.edu/ocean/ | |
133. U Of S - Dep't. Of Microbiology Offers undergraduate and graduate programs providing theoretical knowledge and technical skills in the areas of bacteriology, virology, immunology, genetics, molecular biology and biotechnology. Includes programme, faculty and student information, research and contact details. http://www.usask.ca/medicine/microbio/ | |
134. Website Redirect Dies ist eine mit SysCP angelegte Domain. Hier sind noch keine Inhalte hinterlegt worden. http://www.biol.rug.nl/theobio/ | |
135. Animal Cognition At The University Of Vienna Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany. Max Planck Institut für Verhaltensphysiologie, Seewiesen, Germany http://www.univie.ac.at/zoologie/theo/welcome.htm | |
136. Welcome To AMUC MTBI HOMEPAGE. http://math.asu.edu/MTBI/ | |
137. Planeta Clix Translate this page Serviços de hospedagem gratuita. http://planeta.clix.pt/ | |
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