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41. Semiotic Paradigm In Theoretical Biology In October, 1988, a workshop Semiotic approach in theoretical biology was Students of the theoretical biology Group of Tartu University devoted to http://www.zbi.ee/~kalevi/artikkel.htm | |
42. Jakob Von Uexküll Centre, Uexküll-Center, Uexküll-Zentrum Research in biosemiotics, theoretical biology, philosophy of biology and fields bordering with them (e.g., ecosemiotics). http://www.zbi.ee/~uexkull/ | |
43. Robotics As Theoretical Biology Workshop Workshop on Robotics as theoretical biology, to be held on August 10th, 2002, in Edinburgh, Scotland, as part of the 7th Meeting of the International http://www.shef.ac.uk/~abrg/sab02/index.shtml | |
44. IngentaConnect Publication: Journal Of Theoretical Biology Journal of theoretical biology. ISSN 00225193 visit publication homepage Journal of theoretical biology logo Academic Press logo http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ap/jt | |
45. The Israeli Society For Theoretical And Mathematical Biology Established in 1996 to foster interdisciplinary research in Israel and to provide a forum for Israeli scientists to discuss research in theoretical biology, mathematical biology, and mathematics applied to or motivated by biology. Conferences, online newsletter. http://bioinfo.weizmann.ac.il/istmb/ | |
46. IngentaConnect Publication: Comments® On Theoretical Biology Comments® on theoretical biology. ISSN 08948550. Taylor and Francis Ltd logo. Publisher Taylor and Francis Ltd. 4 issues are available electronically http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/gctb | |
47. BBSPrints Archive: Browse By Subject: Theoretical Biology Browse by Subject theoretical biology (Top Level) Biology. theoretical biology (2). This subject category contains 2 entries http://www.bbsonline.org/view-bio-theory.html | |
48. Biologie - Universiteit Leiden MTBI Homepage Mathematical and theoretical biology InstituteThe Mathematical and theoretical biology Institute (MTBI), established in 1996 by Carlos Castillo-Chavez, provides sequential student-driven research http://wwwbio.leidenuniv.nl/ |
49. Comments On Theoretical Biology Comments on theoretical biology. Comments® on theoretical biology http//www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/08948550.html (Link inactive 30 July 2004) With the http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/c/msg03341.html | |
50. Journal Of Theoretical Biology Journal of theoretical biology OAA49407@ccat.sas.upenn.edu Subject Journal of theoretical biology Sender ownernewjour@ccat.sas.upenn.edu Precedence http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/j/msg02357.html | |
51. WELCOME TO THE ECMTB2002 SITE 5th Conference of the European Society of Mathematical and theoretical biology on Mathematical Modelling and Computing in Biology and Medecine. Milano, Italy; 26 July 2002. http://ecmtb.mat.unimi.it/ |
52. Theorerical Biology Sites theoretical biology SITES. The KLI Theory Lab (ALTENBERG, Austria) Claus EMMECHE TB site Jesper HOFFMEYER - TB site Kalevi KULL - TB site http://www.biologiateorica.it/theosite.htm | |
53. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Biology/Theoretical_Biology theoretical biology Groningen Our research focusses on competition and natural Program in theoretical biology, Institute for Advanced Study - The http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Biology/Theoretical_Biology | |
54. Theoretical Biology Group Welcome to WWW page of theoretical biology Group. Our theoretical biology Group is formed by biologists and physicists, interested in biological http://www.dma.unifi.it/~michele/theobio.html | |
55. IEE - Ecology & Evolution theoretical biology. are members of IEEEcology Evolution It is equipped with laboratories for microscopy, molecular biology, parasitology and http://www.eco.ethz.ch/ | |
56. Claus Emmeche Home Page Home page of a theoretical biologist with general interests in Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Science, and Science Studies, and research interests in artificial life and theoretical biology. Links to online papers, other resources, and to the Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies. http://www.nbi.dk/~emmeche/ | |
57. Carl T. Bergstrom - Home Page Photo Liorah Wichser. Carl T. Bergstrom theoretical biology June 24, 2005 PLoS Computational Biology, a new open access journal, is launched. http://octavia.zoology.washington.edu/ | |
58. Journal Of Theoretical Biology Journal of theoretical biology. Go to the journal s homepage. Click for more detail about the paper. Click ( ) to the citation page. http://www.isrl.uiuc.edu/~amag/langev/pubtype/article_JournalofTheoreticalBiolog | |
59. Program In Theoretical Biology, Institute For Advanced Study The Program in theoretical biology has many diverse interests, including immunology and virology, the evolution of language, evolutionary genomics, epidemiology, the evolution of cancer and the evolution of cooperation and fairness. http://www.ptb.ias.edu | |
60. Connotea: Bookmarks Matching Tag "theoretical Biology" Users who used theoretical biology . Taka EXPORT LIST RSS ? Bookmarks matching tag theoretical biology . The evolution of the human mind and http://www.connotea.org/tag/theoretical biology | |
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