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101. DINOBASE, Dinomenu Dinosaur species, taxonomy, references, and pictures. http://palaeo.gly.bris.ac.uk/dinobase/dinomenu.html | |
102. Critical And Creative Thinking - Bloom's Taxonomy What s Bloom s taxonomy and how is it helpful in project planning? Learning Skills Program Bloom s taxonomy from University of Victoria This page http://eduscapes.com/tap/topic69.htm | |
103. Everett Talavera`s Aplocheilus Lineatus Web Page taxonomy, breeding, natural history, and care of the Aplochelius Lineatus. http://mx.geocities.com/mexfishweb/page.html | |
104. Taxonomy The Cetacean Research ( Rescue) Unit, Dolphins Whales of the Moray Firth. http://www.crru.org.uk/education/factfiles/taxonomy.htm | |
105. Classification Of Living Things review of basic taxonomy (classification) (high school biology) taxonomy attempts to organize all of these organisms into increasingly smaller smaller http://www.borg.com/~lubehawk/taxonmy.htm | |
106. Mark Rieger's Fruit Crop Home Page Horticulture professor's survey of the taxonomy and culture of the world's major fruit crops. http://www.uga.edu/fruit/index.html | |
107. A Taxonomy Of Internet Commerce By Paul Bambury This paper attempts to clarify terminology discussing the interface between commerce and the Internet. http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue3_10/bambury/ | |
108. Wiley-VCH - Journal Of Basic Microbiology The journal publishes results of fundamental research on procariotic and eucariotic microorganisms. Particular consideration is given to papers dealing with general aspects of microbial physiology, biochemistry, cytology, genetics, ecology, taxonomy, virology and biotechnology. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/en/journals/alphabeticIndex/2248 | |
109. Resource Of The American Scientific Affiliation: Taxonomy, Transitional Forms, A taxonomy refers to the methods by which species are defined and grouped into a taxonomy, the process of classifying living and fossil organisms, http://www.asa3.org/ASA/resources/Miller.html | |
110. Growing Squash And Pumpkins In The Home Garden, HYG-1620-93 Gives information on history and taxonomy, climate, harvesting, storage, and varieties. http://www.ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1620.html | |
111. Pfam: Taxonomy Query Multilevel cascading menu for navigation in Internet Explorer. Menus have borders, highlight colours and are positioned relative to one another on the fly. http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/tql.shtml | |
112. Glossary: Paleontology: Guide To Authors: Publishing In ESS Singlepage parallel documents in English and French by Natural Resources Canada. Animal and plant taxonomy, archaeology, zoology, botany. http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/ess/pubs/guide/paleo/gloss_e.html | |
113. Lichens, Education, Taxonomy, Database General information for young students including synoptic key and photos. http://mgd.nacse.org/hyperSQL/lichenland/ | |
114. Virus Databases Online A comprehensive index of viruses. Includes detailed descriptions on many viruses. It is also called The International Viral Database as approved by the International Committee on taxonomy of Viruses. http://life.anu.edu.au/viruses/ | |
115. Teaching Using Bloom's Taxonomy Teaching using Bloom s taxonomy. Return to Previous Page. http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/KSD/MA/resources/blooms/teachers_blooms.html | |
116. Mikko's Phylogeny Archive A compilation of various phylogenetic trees representing different views of taxonomy. Includes links to other taxonomic websites. http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/index.htm | |
117. Blooms Taxonomy Teaching Using Blooms taxonomy. 1.Knowledge (finding out) a. Use records, films, videos, models, events, media, diagrams, books http://www.kent.k12.wa.us/KSD/MA/resources/blooms/blooms.html | |
118. Systematic Botany The Jornal Of The American Society Of Plant Taxonomists (ASPT) Promotes research and teaching in the taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of vascular and nonvascular plants. http://www.sysbot.org/ | |
119. Graffiti Taxonomy Graffiti taxonomy presents isolated letters from various graffiti tags, reproduced in similar scales and at close proximity. The intent of these studies is http://ni9e.com/graf_taxonomy.html | |
120. Feature-Practical Taxonomies Examines the use and implementation of taxonomies to organize organizational knowledge and data. http://www.phys.uni.torun.pl/~duch/ref/s-search/taxonomy/featureb1.htm | |
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