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161. T-cell Biology Group Aims for understanding of the molecular basis of leukocyte recognition, and integrating these findings into coherent and systematic models of Tcell activation. http://www.jr2.ox.ac.uk/ndm/groups/simon_davis/ | |
162. Www.lymphocytes.de Lymphoyte development, differentiation and their malignant transformation. Overview of techniques, abstracts of recent results, publication in PDF, staff, and location at the HeinrichHeine University Duesseldorf, Germany. http://www.lymphocytes.de/ | |
163. Seed Biology At U Of KY Degree programs and research on physiology of germination, dormancy, molecular genetics for applications in horticulture and agriculture. Includes dissertation list, and overview of the faculty at Lexington. http://www.uky.edu/Projects/SeedBiology/ | |
164. Molecular And Developmental Biology Graduate Program, Cincinnati Children's Hosp Details of MS and PhD level research in understanding the subcellular basis of processes at the Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/chrf/training/mdb/ | |
165. Walter Lab Homepage Studies of the alpha helical cytokine family Interferongamma, interferon-alpha, and interleukin-10, their receptors, intracellular signaling molecules with emphasis on understanding the structural basis of molecular recognition events that subsequently lead to cellular signal transduction, maintained by Mark R. Walter laboratory at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. http://torus.cbse.uab.edu/walter/ | |
166. Salk Institute For Biological Studies The Salk Institute is a private, nonprofit, research organization dedicated to fundamental research in biology and its relation to health, studying such challenging problems as the organization and operation of the brain, the control of gene activity, and the molecular origins of cancer, AIDS, and other diseases. http://www.salk.edu/ |
167. Hardin MD : Biotechnology / Bioinformatics / Genetic Engineering Selected lists of internet sources in biotechnology, molecular, biology, genetics. From the University of Iowa. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/biotech.html | |
168. The School Of Molecular And Cellular Biology At The University Of Illinois Comprehensive source of information about the school. http://www.life.uiuc.edu/mcb/ | |
169. Department Of Molecular And Cell Biology Home Welcome to the molecular and Cell biology department at the University of California, Berkeley. This page describes the academic and research oportunities http://mcb.berkeley.edu/ | |
170. Welcome To Institute Of Molecular And Cell Biology Includes information about IMBN Conference, BioPartnering Workshop, IMCB's report and selected publications. http://www.imcb.nus.edu.sg/ | |
171. Dept Of Molecular And Cellular Biology, Harvard U: Biology Links Maintained by Harvard Department of molecular and Cell biology. Formerly called WWW Virtual Library of Immunology. http://mcb.harvard.edu/BioLinks/Immunology.html | |
172. Max Planck Institute Of Molecular Plant Physiology In Golm, Germany The mission of the MPIMP institute is to study biological phenomena in plants at a molecular level using systems (whole plant) biology to create a holistic picture of metabolism in the context of growth and development. http://www.mpimp-golm.mpg.de/ | |
173. Genome Biology | Homepage Publishes articles from the full spectrum of biology. Subjects include molecular, cellular, organismal or population biology studied from a genomic perspective. Includes access to full articles. http://genomebiology.com/ | |
174. Theoretical Biology/Bioinformatics Utrecht Formal models in ecology, spatial pattern formation, (molecular) evolution, immunology, and ethology. Formalisms range from mathematical models, cellular automata, genetic algorithms, to discreteevent individual-oriented simulation models. Bioinformatic approach typically involves spatial, multi-leveled models with many interacting entities whose behavior is determined by local information. http://www-binf.bio.uu.nl/ | |
175. Lodish Bridge Page molecular Cell biology by Lodish, Berk, Matsudaira, Kaiser, Krieger, Scott, Zipursky, and Darnell. Visit our web sites for both editions http://www.whfreeman.com/lodish/ | |
176. Molecular Cell Biology WEB Server Frame Cytomics from the web server at the College of Agriculture, Ehime University, Japan. http://at5239.agr.ehime-u.ac.jp/english/default.htm |
177. Yale > Molecular Cellular And Developmental Biology > Introduction General information, programs of study, facilities, personnel, and seminars. http://www.biology.yale.edu/ | |
178. Microbiology And Molecular Genetics Graduate Program And Department The MMG department is dedicated to excellence in teaching and research. Our faculty carry out research in the biology, pathogenesis, and molecular genetics of a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes http://mmg.uth.tmc.edu | |
179. Home PhD in molecular and cell biology. Seeking postdoctoral or scientist position in a biotech company. http://www.boris-shor.htmlplanet.com | |
180. MBC -- Archive Of Issues By Date Home Help Feedback For Subscribers Archive Search Copyright © 2005 by The American Society for Cell biology. http://www.molbiolcell.org/contents-by-date.0.shtml | |
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