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         Molecular Biology:     more books (100)
  1. Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
  2. Recombinant Proteins From Plants: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  3. Essentials of Molecular Biology by George M. Malacinski, 2005-09
  4. Plant Bioinformatics: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  5. Therapeutic Proteins: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  6. Molecular Biology: A Selection of Papers (Discontinued (Molecular Biology))
  7. Apoptosis Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  8. Molecular Biology by Robert Weaver, 2011-01-28
  9. Toxoplasma: Molecular and Cellular Biology
  10. Laboratory Investigations In Molecular Biology by Steven A. Williams, Barton E. Slatko, et all 2006-08-11
  11. Physics in Molecular Biology by Kim Sneppen, Giovanni Zocchi, 2005-10-17
  12. Molecular and Cellular Biology by Stephen L. Wolfe, 1993-01-15
  13. Introduction to the Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer
  14. Felix d`Herelle and the Origins of Molecular Biology by Dr. William C. Summers M.D., 1999-06-10

121. FORTH: Home
Founded on May 1983 and was one of the initially three- institutes of the Research Center of Crete (RCC). Since 1987, IMBB is one of the seven institutes
More accessible version FORTH IMBB
From model organisms to knowledge and applications
George Thireos is the Director of the Institute. A NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR
Home Research Groups Facilities Achievements Services ... Help English
Last revision date: 21 July, 2005 by

122. American Journal Of Respiratory Cell And Molecular Biology
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and molecular biology. Select an Issue from the Archive January 1994 August 2005, Current Issue August 2005 Cover
Select an Issue from the Archive
January 1994 - September 2005 Current Issue:
September 2005
(Next issue online: September 19) Search for Articles
January 1994 - September 2005 Articles in Press
View articles published ahead of print PDA Download ATS Guest Subscription Program for Developing Countries ABOUT AJRCMB EDITORIAL BOARD ... SUBSCRIPTIONS For faster access to AJRCMB Online from these locations use this URL:

Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia,
Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, UK. (More Information) Proc. Am. Thorac. Soc. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. Official Journal of the
Stanford University Libraries' HighWire Press assists in the publication of AJRCMB Online

123. Montreal Biotech
molecular biology equipment and cell culture products distributor.
T3000 Thermocycler


The T3000 Thermocycler represents the technological advancement of one of the most successful thermocyclers in Biometras history. Following the approved triple block concept, the new T3000 has been equipped with the latest in Peltier Technology to achieve excellent heating and cooling rates. Also the software has been completely revised for improved user friendliness.
High performance on compact space together with unlimited flexibility, that is the new T3000 Thermocycler.
RotorGene by Corbett Research - Real-time Quantitative Thermal Cycler
The RotorGene is the first Real-time centrifugal thermal cycler using standard 0.2ml tube format! The samples are heated and cooled in an air chamber. The RotorGene collects fluorescent energy of each sample while spinning and is used to quantitate DNA and RNA copy number. The RotorGene detects point mutations using melt curve data.
Rotor-Gene 3000, Four-Channel Multiplexing System

124. CMBL Home Page Index
Papers on biochemistry, molecular biology, cellular biology, physiology and biophysics as well as general and applied biotechnology.
International Scientific Journal ISSN 1425-8153
I SI IF:2000 - none
Official publication of Polish Society for Cell Biology
The site has been moved to the new address. If you are not rdirected, click on this link

125. UCL Department Of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Details of department including Ludwig Institute for Cancer and the Biochemistry Department at Royal Free Medical School, London, UK.
@import url(/css/fonts.css); @import url(/css/extras.css);
About the Department
Research Activities PhD Studentships Undergraduate Admissions ... Job Vacancies
We aim to provide a stimulating and diverse research and training environment of international standing within which important and exciting areas of modern biology, biotechnology and medicine can be investigated at the atomic, molecular, cellular and organism level. The department pursues these research aims through its high level of external research funding, its investment in excellent new facilities, up-to-date equipment and state-of-the-art technologies, the recruitment of high-calibre staff, maintenance of industrial contacts, and the fostering of close links and collaborations within the extensive UCL and Bloomsbury scientific community. The disciplines of biochemistry and molecular biology have never been more relevant to the furtherance of our fundamental knowledge and ability to exploit biological systems than in this, the 'post-genomic' era. From the structural biology of proteins and enzymes to the mechanism of amphibian limb regeneration; from the regulation of transcription of genes involved in drug metabolism to the uncovering of gene function in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, from understanding the signalling of insulin receptors to the computer analysis of whole genomes sequences, this department provides an exciting venue in which to realise the promise of these important goals.

126. MWG - THE Genomic Company
Products and services include molecular biology instruments, DNA sequencing, oligos, microarrays, and bioinformatics.
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127. - The Online Service For Cell Biology With Videos And Interactive Media
Teaching material and digital media in internet quality for university and high school on cellular and molecular biology. (in English and German).
<%@ page language="java" import="*, de.evodion.iwf.navigation.*, de.evodion.iwf.teaser.*,*,*, de.gauss.lang.*,*"%> window.location.href=/*VIPURL*/"/cellseng/index.jsp";

128. Summer Studentships
Summer studentships for undergraduates in molecular biology, cell biology and neurology. Programme runs in the summer in Cambridge, UK.

LMB Home
The LMB PhD Programme Home Page
Summer Studentships
We usually take on several undergraduates each summer, provided we can match up people with positions. We particularly encourage applications from students who may be interested in pursuing a PhD at the LMB in the future. Summer studentships usually run from July to September and we are able to pay a competitive salary for the period of the studentship. If you are interested, please visit the LMB Group webpages and apply directly to the group leader(s) whose work most interests you. Alternatively, you can email directly one of the following Divisional Administrators who will be able to advise on which group leaders within their Division are looking for a summer student to recruit: Top

129. Wiley InterScience: Reference Work: Current Protocols In Molecular Biology Practical molecular biologyMethods, information, programs and BioMail for molecular biologists, as joint venture between Germany and Russia.
@import ""; Skip to Content If you are seeing this message, you may be experiencing temporary network problems. Please wait a few minutes and refresh the page. If the problem persists, you may wish to report it to your local Network Manager. It is also possible that your web browser is not configured or not able to display style sheets. In this case, although the visual presentation will be degraded, the site should continue to be functional. We recommend using the latest version of Microsoft or Mozilla web browser to help minimise these problems. Home LIFE SCIENCES Molecular Cell Biology
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology
Table of Contents CP Titles An essential tool for anyone at the forefronts of today's molecular biology revolution, Current Protocols in Molecular Biology —the first Current Protocols title—remains the benchmark by which all other lab manuals are judged. Continuously updated since its initial publication in 1987, this quarterly-updated five-volume set...
  • includes more than 1,000 procedures from hundreds of biologists at top laboratories around the globe.

130. Molecular Vision
a peerreviewed journal dedicated to the dissemination of research results in molecular biology, cell biology, and the genetics of the visual system (ocular and cortical). Access to the articles and services (search engine and announcement list) of the journal are free of charge. Molecular Vision is indexed by the National Library of Medicine, BIOSIS, and the Chemical Abstracts Service.
M olecular V ision is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the dissemination of research results in molecular biology, cell biology, and the genetics of the visual system (ocular and cortical). Molecular Vision is indexed in Medline, PubMed , and Index Medicus by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) ; in Science Citation Index, Current Contents, and other indexes by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) ; in Biological Abstracts by BIOSIS ; and in Chemical Abstracts by the Chemical Abstracts Service . Access to the journal (articles and services) is free of charge. Did you know that... Molecular Vision is published by scientists for scientists? Molecular Vision's Editorial Review Board is a distinguished panel of 60 scientists? you can be notified by email when Molecular Vision publishes new articles? Molecular Vision has developed improvements in the review and galley processes for electronic publishing Molecular Vision has no publication charges (even for color images)? Molecular Vision has an award winning web site? there are things you can do to support Molecular Vision Molecular Vision published its first article in October 1995?

131. IUBMB Nomenclature Home Page
INTERNATIONAL UNION OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND molecular biology. Recommendations on Biochemical Organic Nomenclature, Symbols Terminology etc.
World Wide Web material prepared by G. P. Moss

Department of Chemistry, Queen Mary, University of London

Mile End Road, London, E1 4NS, UK
To search the database click here What's Here and What's New Changes to Published Documents for World Wide Web Presentation Home page for IUBMB Full text of IUBMB Nomenclature Committee Recommendations Enzyme Nomenclature EC 1 Oxidoreductases EC 2 Transferases EC 3 Hydrolases ... Supplements Proposed New Enzymes
ADDED September 2005 Enzymes Kinetics Multiple Forms of Enzymes (Isoenzymes) Multienzymes Nomenclature Nucleic Acid Sequences ... Inositol
Watch this space ! Full text of IUPAC IUBMB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature recommendations Polymerised Amino Acids Nomenclature Biochemical Thermodynamics Nomenclature of Amino Acids and Peptides Carbohydrate Nomenclature ... Prenol Nomenclature
Terpenoid precursors Retinoid Nomenclature (Vitamin A) Vitamin B-6 Nomenclature
Corrinoid Nomenclature ...
(to January 2004)
Provisional IUPAC nomenclature recommendations;
and how to get copies (mirror sites in USA Germany Japan South Africa ... UK Most entries in the above table are hypertext linked to the full details. If these links are not active please consult the

132. MBI: Oligo Primer Analysis Software, Primer Design
Manufacturer molecular biology Insights, Inc. DNASIS Max is a general, comprehensive DNA 19992003 molecular biology Insights, Inc. All rights reserved.

Ms. Lavenda
Welcome to MBI, developer and manufacturer of OLIGO Primer Analysis Software - the 1st software of its kind, since 1989. Voted #1 Download an OLIGO Demo Oligo 6 Tour New OLIGO 6 features, the Lite Version and more Screen Images ... Useful Biocomputing Links OLIGO
Max Questions?

133. - Progress In Biophysics Molecular Biology
Progress in Biophysics molecular biology covers the ground between the physical and biological sciences. It indicates to the physicist the great variety
Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... Products Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing ... Special issues and supplements For Authors Guide for authors Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Impact factor Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier ... Select your view
An International Review Journal
Denis Noble, Tom L. Blundell

See editorial board for all editors information
covers the ground between the physical and biological sciences. It indicates to the physicist the great variety of unsolved problems awaiting attention in the biological sciences. The biologist and biochemist will find that this journal presents new and stimulating ideas on structural and functional problems of the living organism. This journal will be of particular interest to biophysicists, biologists, biochemists and molecular biologists.
ISSN: 0079-6107
Commenced publication 1950
Subscription for the year 2006, Volumes 90-92, 9 issues

134. Genomics Glossaries And Taxonomies
Genomic terminology defined and hierarchically related, from Cambridge Healthtech Institute. Emphasis is on biotechnology and pharmaceutical applications, proteomics, informatics, technologies, instrumentation and molecular biology.
Search This Site The Web Get a Free Search Engine for Your Web Site Term not found? tips BioPharmaceutical Glossary, Taxonomies
and guide to 21st century therapeutics, technologies and trends
Glossary last updated Aug. 22, 2005 Homepage last revised Aug. 22, 2005
4,500+ definitions
Mary Chitty, Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Registration policy has details Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Prof. First: Last: Title: Dept.: Company: Address: City: State: Zip: Country: Email: Opt-out of Email YES NO Telephone: Fax: document.FrontPage_Form1.interest.value = 'DDV';
Site Map
Contact us Tips/FAQ What happened to the genomic glossaries? ... -Omes and -omics More... Applications Map Informatics Bioinformatics Cheminformatics In silico Research More... Informatics Map Technologies Mass spectrometry Molecular Imaging Sequencing Ultrasensitivity More... Biology Biomarkers Biomolecules DNA Gene definitions ... RNA More... Looking for unfamiliar terms Alphabetical glossaries index Bibliography
New Scientist, Nov. 23, 2002 Weblinks: Genetics You're likely to find here definitions and information untouched by many other reference works.

135. BD PharMingen
Develops, manufactures, and markets high quality, leading edge products for immunology, apoptosis, cell biology, neurobiology, and molecular biology research.
BD Worldwide Privacy Site Map Advanced Search ... Investors With a leading position in research immunology, BD Biosciences Pharmingen provides biomedical research reagents and kits with applications for cell biology, immunology, molecular biology, oncology, proteomics, and signal transduction.
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136. Genamics SoftwareSeek - Molecular Biology And Biochemistry Software And Online T
Comprehensive collection of molecular biology and biochemistry programs for Windows, MSDOS, Mac, Linux and Unix.
topPanel("genamics") Genamics SoftwareSeek Genamics SoftwareSeek is a respository and database of freely-distributable and commercial tools for use in molecular biology and biochemistry. Windows, MS-DOS, Mac, Unix and Linux platforms are supported, as well as online tools that run through your internet browser. The database presently contains more than 1200 entries , and is growing rapidly. Biochemistry

DNA Sequence Analysis

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Search the library by a combination of platform, program name, and classification or by a keyword.
Check the database often - new programs and tools are added regularly. Add or Modify the Database
We want to keep this software archive as comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date as possible. If there are any programs (free or commercial) or online tools not listed here, please contribute to the database. As part of the Genamics Open Resource Project , updates to SoftwareSeek occur real-time. Promote Your Products at SoftwareSeek
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137. Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Education
Web site for Biochemistry and molecular biology Education.
About the Journal Subscriptions Librarian's Resource Instructions to Authors ...
The American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
publishes Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.
Stanford University Libraries' assists in the publication of BAMBED Online Now Available - FREE Link to JBC Classics and Reflections
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Jan/Feb 2002 - Jul/Aug 2005 Search for Articles
Jan/Feb 2002 - Jul/Aug 2005 Search All HighWire Journals
Current Issue:

Jul/Aug 2005
(Next: September)
RECENT EDITORIALS: The HighWire Library of Science and Medicine All ASBMB Journals Journal of Biological Chemistry Journal of Lipid Research ... Molecular and Cellular Proteomics For faster access to BAMBED Online from these countries use this URL:
Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, UK. (More Information) Online ISSN 1539-3429 Print ISSN 1470-8175

138. BMERC: Computational Biology, Structure Prediction, Functional Profiles, And Gen
Tools and methods for computational biology. Working on secondary protein structure prediction, providing reliable profiles, and developing new ways to study molecular biology through bioinformatics.
Ribosomal Protein Evolution
Tools Projects News ... Web-Map
Or use the full option search form.
RECOMB 2005 Meeting in Boston
BMERC 36 Cummington St. Boston, MA 02215
Phone: (617) 353-7123 Fax: (617) 353-7020 Graduate Program in Bioinformatics
The BMERC provides research support in both the development and application of computational biology / Bioinformatics methods in biology. This includes a graduate and postdoctoral training program. The Center's research focus is currently on full-genome comparative analyses, protein structure prediction, protein function identification and domain dissection. Our work has led to the formulation and testing of hypotheses in the areas of molecular evolution, gene regulation, developmental genetics, and protein structure-function relationships. Computational Biology Tools: Who we are: Databases and Related Sites:

139. CSIRO PUBLISHING - Functional Plant Biology
A journal for publication of biochemistry, biophysics, developmental biology, cell and molecular biology, plantenvironment and plant-microbe interactions, and the integration of these areas.
appPath = ""; Home Journals About Us Shopping Cart Continuing Australian Journal of Plant Physiology You are here: Journals Functional Plant Biology Search All Content This Journal All Journals Other Content Advanced Search Journal Home General Information Scope ... How to Order
Functional Plant Biology
Current Issue Volume 32 (9)
Feature Paper
Rapid Communication
: SNPs in rice starch synthase IIa
Functional Plant Biology is a highly cited international journal publishing original research and reviews in all aspects of plant function including biochemistry, biophysics, developmental biology, cell and molecular biology, plant-environment and plant-microbe interactions, and the integration and modelling of these areas. Regular and timely reporting of novel science enables the journal to develop in tandem with the rapid progress in plant sciences. This is a must-read for those wanting to keep abreast of current findings in plant functional biology research. Features
  • Research of international importance and relevance Fast turnaround time enabling rapid publication Regular reviews and themed special issues Focus on molecular biology and gene discovery Widely abstracted Special rates for society members
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    How to Order Subscription Options Pay-per-view Related Product Molecular Breeding for the Genetic Improvement of Forage Crops and Turf Provides an up-to-date account of progress and potential in the genetic improvement of grasslands.

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    Picking, arraying, gridding, replicating, rearraying, and microarraying robots and consumables for the molecular biology industry.

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