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         Molecular Biology:     more books (100)
  1. In Silico: 3D Animation and Simulation of Cell Biology with Maya and MEL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) by Jason Sharpe, Charles John Lumsden, et all 2008-06-30
  2. Flow Cytometry Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  3. The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology (Monographs on the History and Philosophy of Biology) by Lily E. Kay, 1996-11-07
  4. Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Fourth Edition
  5. Liposome Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  6. Essential Cell Biology by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, et all 2009-03-27
  7. Computational Molecular Biology: An Algorithmic Approach (Computational Molecular Biology) by Pavel A. Pevzner, 2000-08-21
  8. Operators and Promoters: The Story of Molecular Biology and Its Creators by Harrison G. Echols, 2001-08-06
  9. Protocols for Oligonucleotides and Analogs: Synthesis and Properties (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  10. Molecular Biology: Genes to Proteins by Burton E. Tropp, 2011-03-15
  11. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by William H. Elliott, Daphne C. Elliott, 2009-03-25
  12. The Molecular Basis of Cancer: Expert Consult - Online and Print by John Mendelsohn MD, Peter M. Howley MD, et all 2008-03-26
  13. Molecular Biology of Aging (Cold Spring Harbor Monograph Series 51) by Leonard P. Guarente, Linda Partridge, et all 2007-10-30
  14. Yeast: Molecular and Cell Biology by Horst Feldmann, 2010-01-19

81. Laboratory Of Molecular Biology Home
Information on current projects and biographies of staff members. Also includes an image gallery and a list of employment opportunities.
Related information:
Ira Pastan, Chief LMB

LMB Sections

The Gene Discovery Project

Employment opportunities
2000 LMB Group Picture

The Laboratory of Molecular Biology uses genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, and molecular modeling to examine and solve a broad range of important biological problems. One major program is directed at designing, producing, and testing new drugs to treat cancer. These drugs are genetically modified forms of Pseudomonas
The Laboratory of Molecular Biology is divided into the following sections:
Biochemical Genetics Section
Susan Gottesman, Chief

Biotherapy Section David FitzGerald, Chief Clinical Immunotherapy Section Robert J. Kreitman, Chief Developmental Genetics Section Sankar Adhya, Chief Ding Jun Jin, Investigator DNA Molecular Biology Section Sue Wickner, Chief Gene Regulation Section Sheue-yann Cheng, Chief Genetics Section Susan Garges, Chief Molecular Biology Section Ira Pastan, Chief Alfred C. Johnson, Investigator Molecular Genetics Section Glenn Merlino, Chief

82. Department Of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
A department in the Biological Sciences Division.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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83. Home: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, The University Of Melbourne
Contact lists, location and history of the department.
Uni Links: University Homepage About the University Students Research Community News Events Faculties A-Z Directory Library Uni Search:
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculties A-Z Directory ... Contact us
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Russell Grimwade School of Biochemistry, now the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, was officially opened in 1961.
While the areas of administration and teaching continue at this site toward the southwestern corner of the University campus, most of the departmental research is now undertaken nearby at the newly-built Bio21 Institute on Flemington Road.
The facilities at the Bio21 Institute support world-class research and foster cross-disciplinary interaction, benefiting academic staff, visiting scientists, and undergraduate and postgraduate students alike.
For students
top of page Contact us Contact the University Privacy Accessibility Date Created: 14 Oct 2004
Last Modified: 08 April 2005 12:53:53 12:53:53
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84. Medix, BBHelp, Contents, 2
Database of protocols and recipes for molecular biology experiments.
This is a partially completed html page in a set of molecular biology techniques, recipes and protocols pages. Please read the and the introductory pages . Your submissions and comments are always welcome. The pages have been assembled by Brendan Babb at the department of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town
BBHelp: Molecular Biology Help
On-line windows help for molecular biologists, including protocols, quick protocol guides, recipes and various useful appendices. This is a partial conversion of a windows help file ( ). Due to time constraints I will not be able to complete the conversion to HTML format in the near future. About How to contribute How to use BBHelp Protocols ... Contributors Protocols
I. Bacterial methods
DNA isolation, transformation, RNA isolation...
II. DNA related protocols
Restriction, ligation, Southern blots, ...
III. RNA related protocols
Northern blots, primer extension, ...
IV. Protein related protocols
SDS-PAGE gels, Western blots, ...
V. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Descriptions and discussion of PCR techniques,
List of all recipes
Keywords: List of all recipes; recipe

85. Molecular Biology Sales Jobs In The UK
molecular biology sales recruitment specialists, handling positions from graduate trainee to Sales Director.
Other Seltek Web Sites Clinical Research Jobs Contract Clinical Jobs Laboratory Jobs Science Sales Jobs 25a Hockerill St
Bishop's Stortford
Tel: 01279 657716
Fax: 01279 657716 Candidates Molecular Jobs Latest Sales Jobs All Jobs Our Service ... Register Employers Our Service Why Seltek? Testimonials Register Vacancy Toolbox Newsletter Contact Us Questions Links ... Home
Welcome To Seltek Consultants
Molecular Biology Division
Our molecular biology division was set up 5 years ago by Scott Peacock and is now one of the most active divisions within Seltek. Scott recruits and places molecular biologists in commercial positions ranging from sales trainee to sales director. If you have specialist knowledge of any of the following areas he would be particularly keen to hear from you: Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) DNA Extraction / Purification Cell Culture Capital Equipment / Instruments Consumables You may be a graduate or a lab technician looking for your first step into a commercial career or you may be an experienced sales manager looking for the next step up the corporate ladder. Either way, with his thorough knowledge of your industry Scott is ideally qualified to help you. All you need to do is call him on 01279 657716 or register

86. CPC: Molecular Biology Protocols
A collection of protocols for genetically based testing. Includes a form for submitting new methods.

87. The Ohio State University's Department Of Plant Cellular And Molecular Biology
Emphasis is on plant cell and molecular biology, developmental biology, physiology, biochemistry, and biotechnology.
News Research Interests People Undergraduate Program ... Contact Us The Ohio State University
Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology
500 Aronoff Laboratory
318 West 12th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Phone: 614.292.8952
Fax: 614.292.6345 Dr. William Jensen uses balloons to help students understand DNA Replication
and Protein Synthesis during a PCMB 101 Lecture.

88. MMBR -- Archive Of Issues By Date
Formerly Microbiological Reviews, this journal continues to be recognized as the definitive, broadbased review journal in the expanding disciplines of microbiology, immunology, and molecular and cellular biology. Fulltext articles accessible for free after one year
Archive of All Online Issues: 1 Mar 1992 - 1 Sep 2005
Visit PubMedCentral
for more online archival issues.
Current Issue: Recent Issues:
September 2005

Vol. 69, Num. 3
June 2005

Vol. 69, Num. 2
March 2005

Vol. 69, Num. 1
December 2004

Vol. 68, Num. 4
Full Text and Abstracts: 1 Mar 1998 - 1 Sep 2005 PDF and Abstracts: 1 Mar 1995 - 1 Dec 1997 Abstracts only: 1 Mar 1992 - 1 Dec 1994

Appl. Environ. Microbiol.
Infect. Immun. Eukaryot. Cell Mol. Cell. Biol. ... ALL ASM JOURNALS by the American Society for Microbiology

89. Weigel World - Dept. Weigel (MPI For Developmental Biology)
Research on the regulation of transition from vegetative to reproductive development in flowers, and the generation of floral organs in Arabidopsis thaliana. Includes links to associated groups, and contacts at the MaxPlanck Institute, T¼bingen, Germany.
@import url(; @import url(; @import url(;
Weigel World
Search Weigel World:
Search Sections Personal tools You are here: Home
Dept. Weigel (MPI for Developmental Biology)
Top Last modified 2005-07-03 11:42 AM Impressum

90. ISPMB Home Page
ISPMB, Department of Biochemistry and molecular biology INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY for PLANT molecular biology Plant molecular biology of the Future
and By-Laws
Officers Membership Directory
Sustaining Members Journal Affiliations Announcements** ...
ISPMB WebWoman
Business Office:
ISPMB, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA
Tel: (1) 706-542-3239
Fax: (1) 706-542-2090
Plant Molecular Biology of the Future
At the 2006 Congress to be held August 20-25 in Adelaide, Australia, The International Society for Plant Molecular Biology will officially be disbanded. Although the Society will be closing, the Congress will continue as the legacy of the Society and a Congress Board of Directors is being established to select the site of subsequent congress venues from proposals received. Residual ISPMB funds will be used to underwrite the initial expenses of a 2009 congress. While the obvious mission of ISPMB Congresses is to provide a worldwide forum to document scientific progress in Plant Molecular Biology, future triennial congresses must generate income to support sufficient start-up expenses for subsequent congresses.

91. Springer - Your Publishers Of Books, Journals, And Electronic Media
Subscription information, samples, and links. - Our new domain
Please choose your location on the buttons above for information, special sales and services targeted to where you live. - Europe
Please select an item from the list below.
General Springer

Springer Germany

Springer United Kingdom

Springer Switzerland - North America - South America - Europe - Africa - Asia - Australia and Oceania

92. EMBL Heidelberg - The European Molecular Biology Laboratory
European molecular biology Laboratory. The first rate research from the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit MMPU is now set to continue for the
Travel and Contact Staff Only Site Map Help? ... Science for Teachers 4 September 2005
A new link between stem cells and tumors

Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory [EMBL] in Heidelberg and the Institute of Biomedical Research of the Parc Científic de Barcelona [IRB-PCB] have now added key evidence to claims that some types of cancer originate with defects in stem cells. 25 August 2005
A double punch for female survival

Achieving equality between the sexes can be a challenge even for single cells. More News Related Organisations: EMBO, EIROforum, EMBLEM, EMBL Ventures ...
Designers Jason Soffe and Francesco Sottile

93. Dr Gu's Research Lab
Studies on spinal cord sensory tranmission using patchclamp, immunocytochmistry and molecular biology approaches.
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94. ASBMB Homepage
The ASBMB fosters research, teaching and industry in Biochemistry and molecular biology through regional and national meetings, newsletters and the
Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology HOME COMBIO NEWS WHAT WE DO ... sustaining members
Welcome to the ASBMB Homepage
Latest News:
  • September 16, 2005 - The Special Golden Jubilee issue of the Australian Biochemist, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the ASBMB, is freely available to view online August 11, 2005 - Full bios of the 2005 ASBMB Award Winners are now available online. May 19, 2005 - Congratulations to the winners of the 2005 ASBMB Awards May 18, 2005 - Many conferences of interest to ASBMB members are now online
The Society aims to advance Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Australia, facilitating research and education, and interfacing with business and the community. Please contact the Honorary Secretary Rohan Baker, Molecular Genetics Group, JCSMR, Australian National University, GPO Box 334 Canberra ACT 2601, , if you have any comments or suggestions about the ASBMB. The ASBMB Web Site is intended to be a useful online resource for members and non-members alike:
  • Find out more about the ASBMB and its activities.

95. All Science Den
Articles about assorted topics, such as molecular biology, physics. Some include Flash animations to help explain concepts.
(skip navigation)
About this site Accessibility Statement and other Technical Information ... New Visitors
All Science
Welcome to All Science!
This site has recently changed its name and moved to a new domain - which you can probably tell, since you are at the new domain now! A new feature just added to the site are 'mini articles' - these will consist of small articles with just a short summary or brief news about the topic. Eventually these will be updated into full articles.
Current Research in Molecular Biology
Type 2 Diabetes - Basic information about type 2 diabetes including research about insulin resistance and Pancreatic -Cell Mass.
Perception and Performance of Music by the Brain
- this article reviews what is currently known and being researched about how the brain hear, perceives and plays music.
- obesity focusing on the roles of leptin, insulin, neuropeptide Y, agouti-related peptide, alpha-MSH, cholecystokinin, ghrelin and PYY in obesity and in weight gain and loss. Includes an interactive Flash animation explaining the role of leptin.
- Information about osteoporosis including the roles of osteoblast and osteoclast formation and regulation, additional factors involved with the development of osteoporosis and medications available.

96. Sites For The Molecular Biology - LINKS
Essential Tools and Resources for molecular biology and Biochemistry on the Internet.
Sites for the Molecular Biology - LINKS
Essential Tools and Resources for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry on the Internet
  • All linked sites have been checked. Invalid links may still exist but will be checked again later. [May 21, 2005]
  • This page has received an award from CSJ Index (in Japanese). [ What's Best!
  • This page has received an award from Hot MedSite. [Hot MedSite Award]
Japanese Table of Contents
What's New !

Japanese Version

Tools for the Molecular Biology

Quick Access Table
Research Tool Sites for the Molecular Biology

The CMS Molecular Biology Resource
[ Mirror - Not available any longer ] Molecular Biology Software
Schiz. pombe

Useful LINK Sites

Other Interesting Sites
Internet Search Engines General Collection - Software since September 14, 1996 HOME This page was last modified on: May 21, 2005.

97. Computational Biology Software
Essential Tools and Resources for molecular biology and Biochemistry on the Internet.
Molecular Biology Software
What's New Home Research Tool LINKS ... Japanese
Macintosh Software for the Molecular Biologists
  • GeneSystems www - Creator of Plasmid Artist: Macintosh software for generating publication quality plasmid map diagrams.
  • Genetics Computer Group www - Developers of the Wisconsin Sequence Analysis Package, software aiding researchers in DNA and protein analysis.
  • MolBio Macintosh Site ftp - Server with huge amounts of molbio software at Indiana University (USA)
  • Textco, Inc www - Molecular biology software for the Macintosh.
  • EnzymeX - A program for molecular biologists. For Mac OS X.
What's New Home Research Tool LINKS ... General
DNA Sequence Analysis Software
  • The BioCatalog: Rel 5.8 www - The BioCatalog is a software directory of general interest in molecular biology and genetics - European Bioinformatics Institute
  • DELILA ftp - Sequence analysis system: Files in this archive are compressed by the Unix compress routine - NCI (USA)
  • Double Digester ftp - Yale University (USA)
  • Gene Construction Kit and Gene Inspector - provided by Textco, Inc

98. Phytochemistry
Covers research on all aspects of plant chemistry, plant biochemistry, plant molecular biology and chemical ecology.
Home Site map Regional Sites Advanced Product Search ... Phytochemistry Journal information Product description Editorial board Audience Abstracting/indexing ... Special issues and supplements For Authors Guide for authors Online Submission Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Impact factor Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier ... Select your view PHYTOCHEMISTRY
The International Journal of Plant Chemistry, Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
An Official Journal of the Phytochemical Society of Europe and the Phytochemical Society of North America.
G.P. Bolwell, N.G. Lewis, D. Strack

See editorial board for all editors information
Phytochemistry is the international journal of pure and applied plant chemistry, plant biochemistry and molecular biology, published 24 times per annum by Elsevier. The majority of these publications will be Regular Issues covering research on all aspects of pure and applied plant biochemistry, especially that which leads to a deeper understanding of the factors underlying the growth, development and metabolism of plants and the chemistry of plant constituents. Phytochemistry is a primary source for papers dealing with plant secondary compounds, especially with regard to their biosynthesis and diverse properties. This specialisation is reflected further in Special issues (Reports on Structure Elucidation) devoted exclusively to structure elucidation of phytochemicals that is published 5-6 times per annum.

99. Graphics Gallery
The major actors of molecular biology the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA. How they carry and transfer genetic information from one cell generation to the next
Graphics Gallery
Graphics Gallery is a series of labeled diagrams with explanations representing the important processes of biotechnology. Each diagram is followed by a summary of information, providing a context for the process illustrated.
Table of Contents
From Gene to Function Biological Engineering Cell Processes Building Blocks ... Viruses
From Gene to Function
The major actors of molecular biology: the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.
How they carry and transfer genetic information from one cell generation to the next and translate this coded information into active proteins.
Building Blocks
From atoms to molecules and cells to tissues, a study of structure and function.
Chromosomes and Cell Division
Eucaryotic cell duplication: how chromosomes and genes transmit the information from one mother cell to subsequent generations.

100. CPN Home
A multidisciplinary research coalition at the University of Mississippi Medical Center including Cellular Neuroimaging, Behavioral Studies, Human Brain Collection, and molecular biology themes
The Center for Psychiatric Neuroscience This website is made possible by funds from the CPN at UMC, which is supported by NIH Grant number P20 RR017701 funded through the IDeA Program of the National Center for Research Resources.

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