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         Molecular Biology:     more books (100)
  1. Selected Papers in Molecular Biology by Jacques Monod, 1979-01
  2. Molecular Genetics of Bacteria (Snyder, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria) by Larry Snyder, Wendy Champness, 2007-05-31
  3. Avian Influenza Virus (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  4. NanoBiotechnology Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  5. Molecular Biology Problem Solver: A Laboratory Guide by Alan S. Gerstein, 2001-08-24
  6. Molecular Biology of Drug Addiction
  7. Advances in Gene Technology: The Molecular Biology of Immune Diseases and the Immune Response (ICSU Short Reports)
  8. Dictionary of Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology by Gurbachan Miglani, 1998-03-30
  9. Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology
  10. Applied Cell and Molecular Biology for Engineers
  11. Essential Cell Biology, Second Edition by Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, et all 2003-09-25
  12. Phage And the Origins of Molecular Biology, The Centennial Edition
  13. B Cell Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
  14. Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Third Edition (3 Volume Set) by Joe Sambrook, 2001-01-15

61. Molecular Biology Protocols
molecular biology Protocols Laboratory protocols, methods, procedures, strategies, and techniques in molecular biology, cell biology, and biochemistry.
Molecular Biology Protocols
Molecular Biology Protocols: Laboratory protocols, methods, procedures, strategies, and techniques in molecular biology, cell biology, and biochemistry. A comprehensive collection of molecular biology protocols, molecular biology methods, molecular biology techniques, molecular biology procedures, molecular biology strategies, general laboratory protocols, laboratory techniques, laboratory methods, and procedures.
Sponsored by the following companies
  • Brinkmann Instruments offers many Eppendorf products for PCR, electroporation, reagents, micromanipulation, purification kits, pipettes, and centrifuges. The definitive and most comprehensive site for molecular biologists! Horizon Scientific Press The leading specialist publisher in molecular biology and microbiology Current Issues in Molecular Biology Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology Your Link Could Be Here Readily Available to Molecular Biologists Worldwide.
  • Highly Recommended Reading Recently published books that are recommended as essential reading! You are visitor number to this site.

    62. Bio Netbook
    The Pasteur Institute s BioNetbook is a Web biology notebook. molecular biology (820), genetic (1051), genomic (1219), biochemistry (1192)
    Bio Netbook
    Version française
    The BioNetbook is a directory of Web pages for Biology (8278).
    There are several ways to use it... (see help
    • ... by searching a word ( Exact word
    • ... by selecting topics ( Resource Type ( Organism ( Biological Domain ( database (1780) resources index (1111) bibliography (533) online analysis tools (1994) courses and tutorials (1247) forums, meetings (766) repositories (76) software (1709) history and culture (174) Homo sapiens (319) primates (except human) (22) mouse (88) other vertebrates (41) Drosophila melanogaster (40) Caenorhabditis elegans (36) Zebrafish (19) other invertebrates (20) Arabidopsis thaliana (60) Nicotina tabacum (11) other plants (105) fungi (19) yeast (96) other eukaryotes (27) Escherichia coli (50) Bacillus subtilis (36) Vibrio cholerae (12) mycobacteria (34) other bacteria (104) viruses (78) other prokaryotes (20) molecular biology (820) genetic (1051) genomic (1219) biochemistry (1192) sequence analysis (2071) structural biology (856) bio-computing (1378) evolution (407) molecular modelling, ... (523) medicine (521) parasitology (97) bacteriology (93) virology (122) immunology (152) neurology (147) all selected criteria (AND) at least one criterion (OR)
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    63. Algorithms In Molecular Biology - Ron Shamir - Course Archive
    Algorithms for molecular biology Course Archive. Ron Shamir. This archive contains material of the course Algorithms for molecular biology , taught by Ron
    Algorithms for Molecular Biology: Course Archive
    Ron Shamir
    This archive contains material of the course "Algorithms for Molecular Biology", taught by Ron Shamir (in Fall 94 and Fall 95 together with Dalit Naor , in Fall 98-99 and Fall 00-01 with Itsik Pe'er and in Fall 01-02 with Roded Sharan ), in the School of Computer Science at Tel Aviv University. This is a one-semester graduate course with one three-hour meeting each week. Note: The two lecture notes of '95 and '99 have only minor overlap. The '95 lecture notes are more theoretically oriented (more proofs, hardness results) and the '99 lecture notes are much more applied. The choice of topics is also quite different. The 99 and 01 sets are more overlapping (about 70%). The main difference between the 01 and 02 sets is that gene expression analysis (which now has a separate whole course ) is given less coverage, and linkage analysis was added. For material covered in more than one set, the most recent version is recommended.
    Course and Lecture Notes available:
    Note: I am now giving an additional, new advanced course

    64. Suchergebnisse: Homepages & Shops
    scientific consultant company specialising in the molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics research of bacterial pathogens of clinical and veterinary importance, working for academic, industrial, and governmental institutions
    var keyword='test'; WP='/';EGO='tsc';ID=CT=TS=0 Investor Relations Werbung My T-Online Sitemap ... Hilfe document.write (''); Sie sind hier: Startseite Suche: Internet Themen Service Shopping Suche verfeinern: Service T-Online Suchdienst deutsch weltweit
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    Club Internet France ... Verbraucherinfos

    65. Protocol Online - Your Lab's Reference Book
    Database of research protocols in bioscience including molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, plant biology, developmental biology, neuroscience,
    A SCIENCE Recommended Site Protocols BioForum BioProduct PubAlert Tip of the day: To access this site quickly, search Google using the word 'protocol'. Advance Search Add protocol search to your site Animal Techniques
    ... Software Inside Protocol Online BioForum Discussion >>Latest Discussions Contamination - How to deal? (by ckf) purification of IgG and IgM from human serum (by nannav) Protein samples still in liquid form at -20C (by seasons) Does Mirus Jurkat TransIt is effective reagent? (by qz00) Looking for anti-TM antibody of Spleen Necrosis Virus (by darwin3) ELISA for secreted protein in cell culture medium (by adamadam) making more chemically competent cells (by enlighten_me) pcr (by yerene) Cloned genes (by eevgx6) Indexed by disciplines and by topics, easy browsing and search Popular Categories New Technology Most Popular Protocols Today's Top Searches Cell Culture


    DNA Isolation

    Latest Scientific Breakthroughs - Articles in Press from Nature, Science, Cell, etc. Computer optimization of a minimal biped model discovers walking and running (Nature, 2005-09-11)

    66. Molecular Biology Protocols
    Top molecular biology Protocols. molecular biology Procedures (Chisholm Lab, Northwestern University Medical School)
    Home Protocols BioForum BioProduct ... PubAlert All Category This Category Advance Search
    Top : Molecular Biology
    Subcategories Related Categories: Protocols
    • Molecular Biology Procedures (Chisholm Lab, Northwestern University Medical School)
      A collection of protocols in molecular biology in a single page. Major topics include General Techniques for Handling Nucleic Acids, DEP treatment of solutions, Phenol Extraction, Ethanol Precipitation of Nucleic Acids, PEG Precipitation of DNA, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, RNA mRNA extraction, RNA Slot Blots, Formaldehyde Denaturing Gels for RNA, Ribonuclease Protection Assay, Primer Extention, Riboprobe Synthesis , Subcloning of DNA fragments, and many more...
      Added: Thu Oct 03 2002, Hits: 5813, Reviews: Write review Report a dead link Cached

    Sponsored Links Home Submit A Protocol Submit A URL Update A URL ... Feedback Updated on: Thu Sep 01 2005 - 21:27:13

    67. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters
    cmbl home page. Twoja przegladarka nie obsluguje ramek.
    Twoja przegl±darka nie obs³uguje ramek.

    68. Japanese Society For Plant Cell And Molecular Biology
    Offers new information on the basic research and the applied technology of plant tissue culture, plant molecular biology, plant cell engineering and related field. With journal published quarterly.
    Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
    I nformation L inks

    69. Genetics And Molecular Biology - Home Page
    Genetics and molecular biology considers contributions that present the results of original research in genetics, evolution and related scientific

    70. ExPASy's Life Sciences Directory
    Part of the ExPASy molecular biology Server, this extensive list contains almost exclusively pointers to information sources for life scientists with an interest in biological macromolecules.
    ExPASy Home page Site Map Search ExPASy Contact us Search Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL (full text) PROSITE SWISS-2DPAGE ENZYME NEWT Taxonomy HAMAP families ExPASy web site for The ExPASy Server requires Javascript to be fully functional. You may not see all the information available for this page (More information)
    ExPASy Life Sciences Directory
    (formerly known as the Amos' WWW links page)
    Last Update: September 13, 2005 This list contains almost exclusively pointers to information sources for life scientists with an interest in biological macromolecules. Links to protein sequence, 3D structure and 2D-gel analytical tools are provided on the ExPASy server, and more specifically from its Proteomics tools page. Links to Geneva and Swiss biological servers, institutes, etc. are on the Local page of ExPASy. Finally, if you don't find what you want here, do not forget to use our BioHunt molecular biology information search engine. Notes:
      1) The URL for this page is
      2) If you would like to submit a specific link or to notify us of a modified link, please send eval(unescape('%76%61%72%20%73%3D%27%20%41%52%48%46%45%22%3D%61%6D%6C%69%6F%74%77%3A%62%65%61%6D%74%73%72%65%65%40%70%78%73%61%2E%79%72%6F%22%67%27%3B%76%61%72%20%72%3D%27%27%3B%66%6F%72%28%76%61%72%20%69%3D%30%3B%69%3C%73%2E%6C%65%6E%67%74%68%3B%69%2B%2B%2C%69%2B%2B%29%7B%72%3D%72%2B%73%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%69%6E%67%28%69%2B%31%2C%69%2B%32%29%2B%73%2E%73%75%62%73%74%72%69%6E%67%28%69%2C%69%2B%31%29%7D%64%6F%63%75%6D%65%6E%74%2E%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3C%27%2B%72%2B%27%3E%75%73%3C%2F%61%3E%27%29%3B'))

    Mission, organization, activities and other information maintained by the University of Bern, Switzerland.
    International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Follow the links below to obtain information on organization
    and activities of the Union !
    20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    and 11th FAOBMB Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    "Life: Molecular Integration & Biological Diversity"
    June 18-23, 2006, Kyoto (JAPAN)
    The Mission of IUBMB
    The Organization of IUBMB
    The Activities of IUBMB
    General Information
    Past Activites
    Call for applications to host the 22nd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2012:
    Applications to host the 22nd International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 2012

    72. Top Navigation
    The Department offers three programs Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Health Science, and Master of Science. Graduates have gone on to careers in academia, biotechnological and pharmaceutical companies, government, or research institutes.
    September 17, 2005
    Clara Kielkopf
    , PhD, assistant professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, was awarded a Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Research Award by the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. Kielkopf also was awarded a Sidney Kimmel Foundation for Cancer Research Scholars Award.
    Department Home

    Department Brochure


    Division of
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology faculty members Cecile Pickart, PhD Michael Matunis, PhD , and Leslyn Hanakahi, PhD are featured in the Fall 2004 issue of Johns Hopkins Public Health Magazine - See Cover Story, Microcosmos Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is the study of the molecular and genetic bases of cellular processes. Our faculty conducts research to increase current knowledge of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms of normal and abnormal cellular processes. Our research, PhD, and graduate programs can be applied to a broad group of important and currently relevant health problems such as cancer, aging, neurological diseases, fertility/infertility, and environmentally based diseases. Department research interests include:
    • Cellular and Molecular Biology Biochemistry Molecular Genetics Structural Biology Developmental and Reproductive Biology Enzymology Molecular Biophysics Molecular Endocrinology Chemical Biology Biochemical Nutrition
    The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health offers three programs: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),

    73. JBMB Online [BSRK]
    The Journal of Biochemistry and molecular biology,
    in Title in Authors in Institutions in Abstract in Keywords
    - Instructions to Authors

    - Editorial Board

    Vol. 38 No. 4 [July 2005]

    Addition of an Overseas Editor: Due to tremendous increase of overseas submissions Dr. Zigang Dong is added to the Editorial Board as another Overseas Editor. He is Hormel-Knowlton Professor and Executive Director of the Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota (Austin, MN, USA). Dr. James E. Erman, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL, USA) continues to serve as an Overseas Editor. Overseas manuscripts on the areas of protein chemistry, enzymology, and physical biochemistry are dealt with by Prof. Erman, and those on molecular biology, genetics, and nucleic acids are by Prof. Dong.
    Electronic Submission: Manuscripts submitted electronically are processed faster than mail submissions. Authors from outside Korea may submit manuscripts either to Prof. Erman at t40jee1@wpo.cso.

    74. CAMBIA Home
    CAMBIA, a non profit biotech research organisation, giving a company profile, details of research undertaken, a bibliography and contact details.
    CAMBIA -
    CAMBIA Home
    For more than a decade, CAMBIA has been creating new tools and technologies to foster innovation and a spirit of collaboration in the life sciences. In Spanish and Italian, CAMBIA means " change". This meaning is at the very heart of CAMBIA's mission.
    CAMBIA's Activities

    75. Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools
    Part 1 molecular biology Search and Analysis (96/06/15 64k) Part 2 Bibliographic, Text and WWW Searches (95/06/15 - 25k)
    Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools
    A Collection of WWW Links to Information
    and Services Useful to Molecular Biologists
    !Under Revision!
    This Collection is mirrored in the U.S. Germany Switzerland and Japan
    For your convenience use the nearest connection!.
    To install a local copy you can now get the June 16th, 1995 Version
    Part 1: Molecular Biology Search and Analysis Part 2: Bibliographic, Text and WWW Searches Part 3: Guides, Tutorials and Help Tools All: Parts 1, 2 and 3 (!No Pictures!) - Old! Journals: Bio/Chemical Journals and Newsletters Extras: List of Pedro's Biological Resources
    Personal Classification of Links:
    - Hot/Very Useful Tools - Good/Useful Tools - Other Tools - Journal Links - Local Pages - Email Search - More Recent Additions/Changes - Less Recent Additions/Changes - WWW Server Gopher - Gopher Server FTP - FTP Server Telnet - Telnet Port
    I welcome any comments or suggestions
    Last Modified: 96/03/15 USA: Germany: Switzerland: Japan:

    76. BioTech Science Resources
    Directory of molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, medicine, ecology, and evolution. Maintained by Indiana University.

    77. Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools - Part 1
    Part 1 molecular biology Search and Analysis. *3* 3DALI - Database relating Proteins Structures and Sequences (see Documentation) at EMBL-Heidelberg W3
    [ TOP ]
    [ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ] [ Part 3 ] ... [ Extras ]
    Part 1: Molecular Biology Search and Analysis
    3D-ALI - Database relating Proteins Structures and Sequences (see Documentation ) at EMBL-Heidelberg
    AA Analysis - Protein Identification in SwissProt and PIR using Amino Acid Composition at EMBL-Heidelberg
    AA CompIdent - Protein Identification in SwissProt using Amino Acid Composition at ExPASy , Switzerland
    AA CompSim - Compare the Amino Acid Composition of a SwissProt Entry with Other Entries at ExPASy , Switzerland
    AA Sequence Analysis - Multiple Analysis of a Native or Modified Amino Acid Sequence at Rockefeller U.
    AbCheck - Test an Antibody Sequence Against the Kabat Database at U. College-London , UK
    ALIGN - Optimal Global Alignment of Two Sequences with No Short-cuts at EERIE-Nimes , France and Align at MIPS , Germany
    AllAll - Relationships in a Set of Related Peptides at , Switzerland
    AllAllDB - Search the All-Against-All Database of SwissProt at , Switzerland
    AMAS - Analysis of Protein Multiple Sequence Alignments at U. Oxford

    78. Computational Molecular Biology
    Computational molecular biology (Biochem 218/BMI 231) is a practical, handson approach to the field of computational molecular biology.
    Computational Molecular Biology
    Biochemistry 218 - BioMedical Informatics 231
    Doug Brutlag Lee Kozar ... Students from Industry
    Course Description
    Biochemistry (5th edition by Berg, Tymoczko and Stryer) or Lewin's Genes VIII textbooks. A final paper will be required for the course that critically and constructively analyzes one of the methods presented in the course. The final project could also present a novel application of existing tools or the development of some new or improved method. The course is given on-line only for the academic year 2004-05 and will not be given during for the academic year 2005-06 . Registration is strictly limited to 50 students. You may put your name on the priority list by sending e-mail to Kathryn Hedjasi ( ). You must also register with the registrar.
    Course Requirements
    There will be 7 homework assignments utilizing the tools described in the lectures. While no computer programming experience is required, prior exposure to personal computers, e-mail, and the Internet is essential. All homework and final projects will be submitted in electronic form, generally as e-mail or e-mail attachments but submissions as html Web pages are also accepted. Each student will also be required to submit a final project which critically analyzes the methods presented in the course or proposes or implements a novel approach.

    79. Glossary Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
    Glossary of Biochemistry and molecular biology. David M. Glick. Last Updated 12 December 2003. Search the Glossary. In the sciences, an essential aspect of
    home journals books services ... Order Online
    Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    David M. Glick
    Last Updated: 12 December 2003 Search the Glossary As in the first edition (Raven Press, 1990), names of metabolites, enzymes, etc. are not systematically listed, as this information is easily available in a textbook, and accessed through its index. The 'official' nomenclature of enzymes is available in Enzyme Nomenclature: Recommendations (1992) of the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology on the Nomenclature and Classification of Enzymes (Webb, E.C., ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, 1992. The nomenclature of other biochemical substances (metabolites, macromolecules, vitamins, hormones, etc.) is presented in Biochemical Nomenclature and Related Documents: A Compendium, 2nd edn., published for the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology by Portland Press, London, 1992. Sales enquiries
    Portland Customer Services
    Portland Press Ltd.
    Commerce Way
    Colchester C02 8HP
    Tel: +44 (0)1206 796351
    Fax: +44 (0)1206 799331

    80. Glossary Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
    Glossary of Biochemistry and molecular biology. David M. Glick. Last Updated 12 December 2003. Search Alphabetically
    home journals books services ... Order Online
    Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    David M. Glick
    Last Updated: 12 December 2003 Search Alphabetically A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z and/or Search For a particular term
    Enter a word to search for If you know of any terms that have been omitted from this glossary that you feel would be useful to include, please send details to the Editorial Office at Portland Press. Sales enquiries
    Portland Customer Services
    Portland Press Ltd.
    Commerce Way
    Colchester C02 8HP
    Tel: +44 (0)1206 796351
    Fax: +44 (0)1206 799331
    Map Editorial enquiries Portland Press Ltd. Third Floor Eagle House 16 Procter Street London Tel: +44(0) 20 7280 4110 Fax: +44(0) 20 7280 4169 E-mail: Map Quick search Search Tips search latest titles alphabetical list ... library recommendation form

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