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41. Welcome To ASBMB Nonprofit scientific and educational organization with over 10000 members. Purpose is to advance the science of biochemistry and molecular biology through http://www.asbmb.org/ | |
42. Microbiology Server Status Protocol collection, with interactive forum for over ten topics, covering DNA, PCR, RNA and proteins techniques and links to online journals and http://micro.nwfsc.noaa.gov/protocols/ | |
43. BioShop Canada Inc. Supplies molecular biology reagents, biochemicals and chemicals to the Biomedical, Biotechnology and Life Science Research markets. http://www.bioshopcanada.com | |
44. Computational Molecular Biology At NIH molecular biology Desk Reference collection of basic information Software Repositories - access to molecular biology and sequence analysis software http://molbio.info.nih.gov/molbio/ | |
45. NIH Computational Molecular Biology: Databases FlyBase comprehensive database for genetics and molecular biology of Drosophila Mosquito Genomics WWW Server - clearinghouse for everything about Mosquito http://molbio.info.nih.gov/molbio/db.html | |
46. The Biology Project: Molecular Biology Problem sets and tutorials on nucleic acid, recombination and expression, with emphasis on genetics of prokaryotes, at the University of Arizona. http://www.biology.arizona.edu/molecular_bio/molecular_bio.html | |
47. Annual Reviews - Error Annual Review of Plant Physiology is an annually released journal. This site allows users to search for articles in issues of the journal since 1984 and lists the contents of the current issue. http://plant.annualreviews.org/ | |
48. CMS Molecular Biology Resource A compendium of tools for molecular biology, biotechnology, molecular evolution, biochemistry and biomolecular modeling. http://restools.sdsc.edu/ | |
49. The Website For The Department Of Molecular Biology And Microbiology Has Moved. Department of molecular biology Microbiology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio http://www.cwru.edu/med/microbio/mbio.htm | |
50. ScienceDirect - Journal Of Molecular Biology - List Of Issues Insect Biochemistry and molecular biologyNeurochemistry, hormone and pheromone biochemistry, enzymes and metabolism, hormone action and gene regulation, gene characterization and structure, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00222836 | |
51. Abgene - PCR Reagents, QPCR, Microplates, Biotechnologies, Plastics, Heat Sealin Manufactures molecular biology reagents, plastic consumables and instrumentation for the life sciences market, including products for PCR. http://www.abgene.com/ | |
52. Molecular Biology Web Book Chapters include Cells and Viruses, Protein Structure and Function, Nucleic Acids, Genomics and Proteomics, Cell Signaling and Apoptosis, Biotechnology and http://www.web-books.com/MoBio/ | |
53. Algorithms In Molecular Biology - Ron Shamir - Course Archive Lecture notes in PostScript format by Ron Shamir, TelAviv. http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~rshamir/algmb.html | |
54. UCLA Molecular Biology Tutorials - Home molecular biology Tutorials is composed of computerbased tools to aid in the teaching of college level. http://www.lsic.ucla.edu/ls3/tutorials/ | |
55. CPC: Molecular Biology Protocols A collection of protocols for genetically based testing. Includes a form for submitting new methods. http://cobweb.dartmouth.edu/~ambros/molbio/index.html |
56. MRC Laboratory Of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK. Introduction, history, openings, and projects in neurobiology, cell and structural biology, and protein and nucleic acid chemistry, in Cambridge, England. http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/ | |
57. EMBL - The European Molecular Biology Laboratory European molecular biology Laboratory. EMBL Grenoble EMBL Hamburg EMBL heidelberg EMBLEBI Hinxton EMBL Monterotondo http://www.embl.org/ | |
58. American Society For Gravitational And Space Biology A number of Life Science disciplines (from molecular biology to cell physiology) studied in experimental space conditions. http://www.asgsb.org/ | |
59. THE IUBMB HOMEPAGE 20th IUBMB International Congress of Biochemistry and molecular biology and 11th FAOBMB Congress of Biochemistry and molecular biology http://www.iubmb.org/ | |
60. Progress In Biophysics Molecular Biology An international review journal that covers the ground between the physical and biological sciences. Published by Elsevier Science. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/pbiomolbio | |
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