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81. GNF SymAtlas Database covering the genomes of humans and mice. Includes integrated publishing datasets software and FAQ maintained by the genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation. http://symatlas.gnf.org/SymAtlas/ | |
82. BBC NEWS | In Depth | Human Genome human genome Monday, 6 January, 2003, 1130 GMT The sequencing of the human genome will be finished by next year, a leading scientist says at a http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/in_depth/sci_tech/2000/human_genome/default.stm | |
83. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Human Genome Finally Complete The biological code crackers uncovering the DNA blueprint for human life say the job has been finished two years early. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/2940601.stm | |
84. HGM2004 - Human Genome Meeting 2004 Home Page The home page for the HUGO human Genome Meeting 2004, HGM2004, to be held in Berlin Germany. http://hgm2004.hgu.mrc.ac.uk/ | |
85. A Brief History Of The Human Genome Project Thus was initiated the detailed mapping of the human genome. The dramatic proposition was made that the entire human genome should not only be mapped http://www.dartmouth.edu/~cbbc/courses/bio4/bio4-1997/16-HumanGenome.html | |
86. USDOE Office Of Biological & Environmental Research Thus, GenomicsGTL is a joint program with the Office of Advanced Scientific the risks to human health from exposures to low levels of radiation. http://www.sc.doe.gov/ober/lsd_top.html | |
87. Howard University - National Human Genome Center The National human Genome Center at Howard University is a comprehensive resource for genomic research on African Americans and other African Diaspora http://www.genomecenter.howard.edu/intro.htm | |
88. The Human Genome Projects the International human Genome Sequencing Consortium (IHGSC) in the 15 February Neither group had determined the complete sequence of the human genome. http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/H/HGP.html | |
89. B200 Human Genome Lectures Molecular Biology and the human Genome Project Introduction Cloning cDNA The last thirty years have seen the study of the human genome grow from a http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucbhjow/b200/b200.html | |
90. Human Genome - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The human Genome Project produced a reference sequence of the In addition to protein coding genes, the human genome contains several thousand RNA genes, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genome | |
91. Human Genome Project - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The human Genome Project (HGP) endeavored to map the human genome down to the The human genome project is one of a number of international genome http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Genome_Project | |
92. CGC - Columbia Genome Center $11 million grant from the National human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) of the Research at the CGC CGC Research is focused in five areas human http://genome4.cpmc.columbia.edu/ | |
93. NCGR database of human genome sequences from Los Alamos National Laboratory. NCGR has continued to design and maintain publically accessible genomic http://www.ncgr.org/ | |
94. Genome Research Web site for Genome Research. GeneBreaking by human Retrotransposons 1073. Enhancer Activity in Vertebrate Iroquois Clusters 1061 http://www.genome.org/ | |
95. The Human Genome Browser At UCSC -- Kent Et Al. 12 (6): 996 -- Genome Research A unification of mosaic structures in the human genome Hum. Mol. Identification of Promoter Regions in the human Genome by Using a Retroviral Plasmid http://www.genome.org/cgi/content/abstract/12/6/996 | |
96. NOVA Online | Cracking The Code Of Life From Pythagoras to the human Genome Project and beyond, find out in this timeline how our understanding of heredity has changed throughout history. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/genome/ | |
97. Online NewsHour: Breaking The Code -- December 2, 1999 If you printed out the whole human genome on pages and I don t know if we ll ever do that but if you did and bound it into volumes and piled them on top http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/july-dec99/dna_12-2.html | |
98. Human Genome Sequencing: Nearing The End Of The Beginning - 03-01 The February 2001 issues of em Science /em (Feb. 16) and em Nature /em (Feb. 15) contain detailed analyses of the human genome sequence working draft. http://www.pnl.gov/energyscience/03-01/art1.htm | |
99. HUGO: Chromosome 22 *human Chromosome 22 Project, Sanger Centre Chromosome Resources *Integrated maps *NCBI Entrez *NCBI LocusLink *OMIM *human Genome Project Info. http://www.gdb.org/hugo/chr22/ | |
100. Blending The Human Genome With Art | CNET News.com Blending the human genome with art An unusual collaboration between scientists and artists leads to the creation of a human search tool. http://news.com.com/Blending the human genome with art/2100-7337_3-5805639.html | |
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