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81. Food Science Fact Sheet food science deals with the transformation of raw agricultural goods into foodproducts food science is a fouryear curriculum offered by the College of http://www.ndsu.edu/ndsu/academic/factsheets/ag/foodsci.shtml | |
82. MTT Agrifood Research Finland Agricultural and food science (formerly Agricultural and food science in Finland)publishes original reports on agriculture and food research. http://www.mtt.fi/afs/ | |
83. Welcome To The Food Science And Human Nutrition Department Hit Counter Last Updated 05/03/2005 For further information about FSHN, pleasecontact University of Florida, food science Human Nutrition Department http://fshn.ifas.ufl.edu/ | |
84. Knovel Subject Area Food Science Knovel Subject Area food science. Title, Author, Publisher, Copyright / PublicationDate, Knovel Release Date, ISBN, Electronic ISBN, Data Type http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/library/Show_Books.jsp?SpaceID=60 |
85. Food Science And Technology At Virginia Tech Virginia Tech, Department of food science and Technology. http://www.fst.vt.edu/ | |
86. Current Hot Topics Current Hot Topics covers food safety issues such as E.coli Food Poisoning, Listeria in Cheese, BSE, BST, Trans Fatty Acids, Genetic Modification, Food Irradiation, Olestra, Salt, Microbiological Food Safety for Children and Vulnerable Groups, Food Allergens, Salmonella, Dioxins and PCBs. The statements are drawn up by experts within the broad membership of the Institute of food science and Technology. http://www.easynet.co.uk/ifst/hottop.htm |
87. Nutrition - Academic Info Nutrition food science. Home Search Index Contact Test Prep DegreePrograms Student Center Study Break Bookstore Advertise http://www.academicinfo.net/mednut.html | |
88. Foodtechcareers.org-Food Science Technology Careers, Careers And Courses, Guidan Shows the range of careers in this industry, with a database of courses anddetails of undergraduate programs in the United Kingdom. http://www.foodtechcareers.org/ | |
89. Ific.org : Welcome To International Food Information Council Foundation Information on nutrition facts and guides, as well as food science, including food biotechnology and functional foods. http://www.ific.org | |
90. CRC Journals Critical Reviews in food science and Nutrition ( Online Contents More Information ).Critical Reviews in Microbiology ( Online Contents More Information http://www.crcjournals.com/ | |
91. Nutrition: Arbor Nutrition Guide Guide to nutrition resources on the Internet including food science, clinical nutrition, ancient diets, and functional foods. http://www.arborcom.com/ | |
92. Www.foodsafety.gov - Teacher's Bulletin, Bring Food Science Into Your Middle And Science and our Food Supply, Teacher s Bulletin, Bring food science Into YourMiddle and High School Classrooms, FDA/ http://www.foodsafety.gov/~fsg/teach.html | |
93. Food Science And Human Nutrition - Clemson University An exciting new career by integrating the art and science of food . Would youlike to help the food science and Human Nutrition program by making a cash http://www.clemson.edu/foodscience/ | |
94. Chemické Listy journal of Czech Chemical Society. Publishes reviews and original papers on the development in chemistry and related fields (biochemistry, environmental science, material science, education, pharmaceutics, food science, information science). http://chemicke-listy.vscht.cz/en/index.html | |
95. Welcomey DEPARTMENT OF food science HUMAN NUTRITION. Web Site has moved tohttp//www.fsn.umaine.edu/. Please update your bookmark or favorites http://www.ume.maine.edu/~nfa/fsn/ | |
96. Division Of Sciences, University Of Otago, New Zealand Free service for New Zealand teachers looking for information about science including anatomy and structural biology, biochemistry, botany, chemistry, clothing and textile sciences, computer, information and food science, geology, human nutrition, mathematics and statistics, microbiology, pharmacology, physics, and physiology. http://www.sciences.otago.ac.nz/nztsh/nztsh.htm | |
97. Karger Publishers food science and Technology Research, published by the Japanese Society for Food Published 4 times a year by the Japanese Society for food science and http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Aktion=JournalHome&ProduktNr=2 |
98. K-State Food Science Institute The Kansas State University food science Institute facilitates education, research,and technical assistance in the food industries. http://foodsci.k-state.edu/ | |
99. EFFoST Home Page The European Federation of food science and Technology (EFFoST) is a EFFoST hasbecome a focus for European cooperation among food scientists, http://www.effost.org/ | |
100. NSTA - Curriculum Kit: Science And Our Food Supply The FDA/NSTA Professional Development Program in food science is a workshop offered Selected participants will implement the Science and Our Food Supply http://www.nsta.org/fdacurriculum | |
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