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Yamaguchi Kristi: more detail | ||||||
41. Ice Skating Posters And Prints At Art.com ice skating Posters and Prints Find ice skating Posters and Prints at Add kristi yamaguchi Poster to Gallery Add kristi yamaguchi Poster to Wishlist http://www.art.com/asp/display-asp/_/id--5637/Ice_Skating.htm | |
42. Kristi Yamaguchi - ScratchSpin.com Holiday Celebration on ice. Norfolk, VA 12/03/04. kristi yamaguchi s Salute toAmerican Music Hershey s Figure skating Challenge Binghamton NY 4/13/99 http://www.scratchspin.com/skaters/kyamaguchi.shtml | |
43. Ice Skating. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 gliding along an ice surface on keellike runners known as ice skates. Scott Hamilton, Brian Boitano, kristi yamaguchi, Tara Lipinski, and Sarah Hughes. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ic/iceskati.html | |
44. Kids Domain - Ice Skating PC Screensavers ice skating Savers for PC. kristi yamaguchi Screensaver. screen Screensavershot.com.Requires Windows 95/98 or later; Source kristi.exe http://www.kidsdomain.com/sports/iceskate/pcsavers.html | |
45. Aahceleb.com: Kristi Yamaguchi Pic, Poster, Close-up Pics & Event Picture Actress kristi yamaguchi was the gold medallist in figure skating at the 1992 in skating Spectacular (2003) (TV), On Edge (2001/I), and Aladdin on ice http://www.aahceleb.com/pics/yamagu~1.html | |
46. Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: References This FAQ list is posted monthly to rec.sport.skating.ice.figure. Figure skatingfor Dummies , by kristi yamaguchi and Christy Ness with Jody Meacham http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/faq/references.shtml | |
47. Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: Skating People And Events This FAQ list is posted monthly to rec.sport.skating.ice.figure. Surya Bonaly;Laetitia Hubert; kristi yamaguchi; kristi yamaguchi 1991 Tonya Harding; http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/faq/people.shtml | |
48. Alibris: Sports Recreation Ice Figure Skating Conditioning for Figure skating Office Techniques for On-ice Performance more books like by Meachem, Jody, and Ness, Christy, and yamaguchi, kristi http://www.alibris.com/search/books/subject/Sports Recreation Ice Figure Skating | |
49. Books & Publications bookmagiconice Magic on ice $5.95 Stars bios, skating tips, kristi yamaguchi,Nancy Kerrigan, Peggy Fleming. skating s Female Stars can all be found in http://store.worldskatingmuseum.org/books.html | |
50. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition: Yamaguchi@ HighBeam Research The Virginian Pilot kristi yamaguchi S LONG GOODBYE TO ice skating.(SPORTS) kristi yamaguchi Always Dream.(figure skater) http://www.highbeam.com/ref/doc0.asp?docid=1E1:Yamaguch |
51. Iceskate.Net - Books - Biographies kristi yamaguchi. kristi yamaguchi (Figure skating Legends). Amazon Page Review,0791050254. kristi yamaguchi Artist on ice Order Info Amazon, 0822596490 http://www.iceskate.net/books_bio.html | |
52. ICE SKATING: A Golden Moment - Concert On Ice A review of kristi yamaguchi s A Golden Moment, a concert on ice featuring some So many figure skating exhibitions are coordinated with recorded music, http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-27-2000-1169.asp | |
53. EReader.com: Book Series: Female Figure Skating Legends She started iceskating at the age of six. Soon, Tara Lipinski would enthrall kristi yamaguchi by Sam Wellman. Born with a congenital defect that forced http://www.ereader.com/product/book/series/1196 | |
54. Fishpond.co.nz Sports Recreation, ice Figure skating, Figure skating for Dummies (For kristi yamaguchi knows skating Her experience and passion for the sport http://www.fishpond.co.nz/product_info.php?products_id=482686 |
55. Teen Movie Critic kristi yamaguchi, the world famous ice skater and Olympic gold medalist, saysthat one of the things that first attracted her to ice skating was the fancy http://www.dreamagic.com/vivianrose/yamaguchi.html | |
56. Sunset: Hot For Ice-skating In Colorado Springs - Colorado Springs World Arena A Full text of the article, Hot for iceskating in Colorado Springs - ColoradoSprings bronze statue of kristi yamaguchi, 1992 Olympic gold medalist. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1216/is_2_204/ai_59247061 | |
57. Skating Books- Mary Lu's Reading List Figure skating For Dummies by kristi yamaguchi, Christy Ness, Jody Meacham, kristi yamaguchi Triumph On ice - by Andrews McMeel Publishing http://radio.weblogs.com/0100243/stories/2002/02/26/skatingBooksMaryLusReadingLi | |
58. Las Vegas SUN: Barry Manilow (live!) Plus Kristi Yamaguchi And Co. Equals 'StarS plus kristi yamaguchi and Co. equals StarSkates . By Kimberley McGee And hethinks the ice skating devotees and fans will be too, noting that this is http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/archives/1999/oct/06/509395242.html | |
59. Photosport ® | Stock Photos - Figure Skating - Stars On Ice Photos 37-54 dsoi0101.tif kristi yamaguchi skates in prelude to 99 Stars on ice program, SanDiego, Calif., Jan 15, 1999. dsoi0102.tif kristi yamaguchi skates in http://www.photosport.com/stars/stars03.htm | |
60. Photosport ® Stock Photos - Figure Skating Figure skating photos from the photosport.com online sports photo library. Stars 3754 1999 Discover(R) Stars on ice(TM) kristi yamaguchi, http://www.photosport.com/figureskating/ |
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