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Urmanov Alexei: more detail |
81. Japan Open 2001E (2001 INTERNATIONAL OPEN FIGURE skating COMPETITION) Skaters Photos. Men.Todd Eldredge, alexei urmanov, alexei Yagudin, Evgeni Plushenko,Takeshi http://www.pluto.dti.ne.jp/~ando3/figureskate/Todd/Japan_Open_2001E.html | |
82. Rainbow Ice - Program Descriptions alexei urmanov, Russia Swan Lake. Intersexed long program, 1995. urmanov,in a sweeping Crossdressing show character in Disney on ice, 1994-1995. http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/xdress.html | |
83. On Olympic Ice, A Master Coach Moskvina would later skate in pairs with alexei Mishin, finishing second in coaching the 1994 Olympic men s champion alexei urmanov and developing the http://www.iht.com/articles/2002/02/11/oskate_ed3__0.php | |
84. Russia Sweeps All 4 European Skating Titles The figure skaters have got the preliminary national championships out of the alexei urmanov was the surprise winner and was making a return to the top http://www.iht.com/articles/1998/01/19/skate.t_2.php | |
85. European Championships Olympic, World and European ice dance champions Oksana Grishuk Evgeny Platov (RUS)immediately Skater, SP, FS, Final. alexei urmanov, (RUS), 6, 1, 1 http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/Results/euro97.HTM | |
86. Pravda.RU The Procession Of Victorious Russian Figure Skaters The Russian figure skating school reaffirmed its title as the best school row - alexei urmanov in 1994, Ilya Kulik in 1998 and alexei Yagudin in 2002. http://newsfromrussia.com/main/2004/03/29/53081.html | |
87. TSN.ca - Figure Skating - Canada's Sports Leader FIGURE skating FIGURE skating, FIGURE skating FIGURE skating shortened thecareers of Viktor Petrenko, alexei urmanov and threetime world champ Stojko, http://www.tsn.ca/figure_skating/news_story.asp?ID=118656&hubName= |
88. TSN.ca - Figure Skating - Canada's Sports Leader He is only skating on his willpower, said coach alexei Mishin. Mishin wasin the same position eight years ago when he coached alexei urmanov, http://www.tsn.ca/figure_skating/news_story.asp?ID=118379&hubName= |
89. ARTÝSTÝK BUZ PATENÝ/Alexei Yagudin sampiyon olan alexei urmanov un antrenörü alexei Mishin in himayesine verildi . Avrupa Sampiyonasi 1 Skate America 1 Sparkassen Cup on ice 1 http://www.buzpateni.com/alexei_yagudin.htm | |
91. Figure Skating Pro-AM Competitions (1995-1999) The results of various ProAm Figure skating competitions from 1995-1999. alexei urmanov, Gregorian Variation, Swan Lake/Sleeping Beauty http://www.goldenskate.com/competitions/proam/otherproam.shtml | |
92. _._._. KRASOBRU ._._._. Figure Skating Site ._._._ Krasobruslení,Figure skating,stránka venující se ceskému i svetovému alexei urmanov, u kterého bych cekala, e jako nejstarí z muských aktéru nebude http://www.volny.cz/krasobru/report26.htm | |
93. The Ruffled Page is about the figure skater known as the Ruffled One * (aka alexei urmanov) . alexei urmanov Fan Page My personal fan page dedicated to my favourite http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Arena/4990/ruffle.htm | |
94. Alexei Urmanov: Information From Answers.com alexei urmanov alexei urmanov is a Russian figure skater who participated in the1992 and 1994 Winter Olympics. http://www.answers.com/topic/alexei-urmanov | |
95. 1999 Keri Lotion Figure Skating Classic: Men Todd Eldredge and alexei Mishin watch the competition. Ilia Klimkin Ilia Klimkin sfree skate. (We didn t get to see the junior short programs, http://www.leigh-i-am.com/keri99men.shtml | |
96. Alexei Urmanov - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. alexei urmanov is a Russian figure skaterwho participated in the 1992 and 1994 Winter Olympics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexei_Urmanov | |
97. News Article But Olympic Champion alexei urmanov was content to congratulate the new European Like urmanov, he completely stands in the tradition of Soviet skaters. http://www.kuliks-krew.com/Europeans95_files/German News Article.shtml | |
98. Figure Skating Links Nothing matches the excitement generated on the ice by pair skating, ice DANCING The newest Olympic figure skating event (introduced in 1976), http://www.suzannecooper.com/latenite/skate.html | |
99. A Rising Star - Andrei Griazev From Blades On Ice - November But the skater, who was still coached by Tatiana Mishina and alexei Mishin atthe time, You just go out on the ice, nobody knows who you are, you skate, http://andrei.ice-fantasy.org/BOI01.php | |
100. Japan Open 2000E Skaters. Men. Philippe Candeloro, Todd Eldredge, alexei urmanov, alexei Yagudin,Takeshi Honda. Ladies. Michelle Kwan, Surya Bonaly, Maria Butyrskaya, http://www.pluto.dti.ne.jp/~ando3/figureskate/Todd/Japan_Open_2000E.html | |
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