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Urmanov Alexei: more detail |
61. Untitled Document Q. Who is your figure skating role model? A. alexei urmanov. He is a great skaterand helps me a lot. Q. Do you have a favorite lady skater? http://www.europeonice.com/interviewandrei.htm | |
62. International Skating Union The fifth event in the ISU Grand Prix of Figure skating, the Cup of Russia, In a fascinating domestic battle, alexei urmanov (RUS) took the lead in the http://ww2.isu.org/figure/events/9899/cr98.html | |
63. International Skating Union The new season s ISU Grand Prix of skating opened in Detroit with the Thrifty Olympic champion alexei urmanov (RUS), also making a comeback from injury. http://ww2.isu.org/figure/events/9899/sa98.html | |
64. Figure Skating Tapes For Trade alexei Yagudin. Team Blades of Gold . group of young skater girls. Dan Hollander Vladimir Politshuk/alexei Bessedin (comedians on the ice) http://www.beepworld.de/members66/figureskatingtapes/galaspro_competitio.htm | |
65. Figure Skating alexei urmanov showed another style of skating in his honour program. Home Page Return to 96 World s Index Return to 96 World s Index. http://www.ualberta.ca/~droles/skate/Alex.html | |
66. Figure Skating–Men 1994, alexei urmanov, Russia. 1998, Ilia Kulik, Russia (Aleksei urmanov winsmen s figure skating event over Elvis Stojko) (1994 Winter Olympics) (The http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0106662.html | |
67. Figure Skating Men, alexei urmanov, RUS, 1.5. Women, Oksana Baiul, UKR, 2.0 Go FIGURE; Iceskating is a growing recreational activity, and this state provides many http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0301243.html |
68. If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It The first critical point to understand about the figure skating scoring alexei urmanov 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9/1 2. Viacheslav Zagorodniuk 5 5 4 4 2 3 2 2 3 http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/obo/score-tech.shtml | |
69. Googlism : When Is Alexei Yagudin alexei yagudin is in second spot for putting his hand down on the ice when landingthe alexei yagudin is arguably figure skating s busiest performer http://www.googlism.com/when_is/a/alexei_yagudin/ | |
70. FIGURE SKATERS OF TATIANA TARASOVA Alexei Yagudin RUSSIA Date Of The biographic data alexei Yagudin started skating when he was 4 and a half Besides urmanov skates at the professional level he was the first on the http://www.tarasova.dmitryorlov.com/english/ath/archive/yagudin/ |
71. News - Sophistication On Ice She is looking forward to returning to the ice this fall in several shows, Other skaters in the show include alexei urmanov, Leonova Khvalvko, http://www.theskateblade.com/caryn/news.htm | |
72. TSB Reference | Results Archive | 1995-1996 World Figure skating Championships Edmonton, Alberta Shishkova/Naumov RUS,alexei urmanov RUS, Grishuk/Platov RUS, Michelle Kwan USA http://www.theskateblade.com/reference/results/1995-1996.htm | |
73. Eurosport - WinterSports - Figure Skating - Live And Results. Men And Women. are doing the arena s big names such as alexei urmanov, Ilia Kulik, A.Krylova O . alexei yagudin) i think brian is best skater!brian is golden http://www.eurosport.com/home/pages/v4/l2/s46/messageboard_lng2_spo46_sto674735. | |
74. World Figure Skating Results SLAM! Sports Canadian and International Figure skating News. alexei urmanov,Russia 9.8. 6. Takeshi Honda, Japan 10.0. 7. Guo Zhengxin, China, 14.4. http://slam.canoe.ca/SlamSkating99Worlds/results_day4.html | |
75. Stojko Was Unaware Of Urmanov's Withdrawal that alexei urmanov, the leader going into the free skating, had withdrawn . urmanov had warmed up with the final flight of six skaters but a groin http://slam.canoe.ca/WorldFigureSkatingChampionships97/wo_mar20_urmanov.html | |
76. WORLD FIGURE SKATING BACK ISSUES VOL. 6-10 WORLD FIGURE skating No.7. SALT LAKE OLYMPICS 2002. alexei Yagudin / Evgeni alexei urmanov / Tatiana Malinina / Arikawa Miyamoto / Maria Petrova http://www.shinshokan.co.jp/abr/worldfigure/wfsback_6-10.html | |
77. Reigning World Champion Michelle Kwan Joins Other Olympic And World Champions At Olympic And World Champions At 98 Goodwill Games Figure skating Competition . Russia 1998 World Bronze Medalist alexei urmanov, Russia - 1994 http://www.businesswire.com/webbox/bw.051398/692956.htm | |
78. CNNSI.com - 2002 Winter Olympics - Figure Skating - Russian Yagudin Takes Gold; More Russian gold in Olympic figure skating this time with perfection, He joined 1994 Olympic gold medalist alexei urmanov and 98 winner Ilia Kulik http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/2002/figure_skating/news/2002/02/14/mens_skating_a | |
79. Resultatlista / Kopia : World Figure Skating Championships 1997 alexei urmanov RUS Referee Mrs. Britta Lindgren ISU Asst. Referee Mr. Did not qualify for Free Skate 25. Elena Ershova Evgeniy Sviridov UZB http://www.skatesweden.se/Resultatlista_kopia_VM1997.htm | |
80. Europamästare I Konståkning Damer O Herrar. European Figure Skating Championsh European Figure skating Championships, Ladies. År / Year / Place, Guld / Gold Ukraina, alexei urmanov Ryssland, Viacheslav Zagorodniuk Ukraina http://www.skatesweden.se/skfhistemdh.htm | |
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