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81. Past News On Michelle | Reflections On Ice: Michelle Kwan Skates To The Music Of Unfortunately, the ratings for Reflections on ice Michelle Kwan Skates to philippe candeloro will play her love interest, and Michael Weiss plays the http://heatherw.com/mk/olds/mulan.htm | |
82. Event Reviews And Reports | Fans Comments On Michelle's Mulan Special If you missed Reflections on ice Michelle Kwan Skates to the Music of Disney sMulan, I enjoyed seeing her skate with philippe candeloro. http://heatherw.com/mk/reports/mulan/mshowrev.htm | |
83. Champions On Ice Brings Golden Glow To Mellon Arena - PittsburghLIVE.com Fellow skaters Brian Boitano, Sasha Cohen, philippe candeloro, Oksana Kazakovaand Artur Dmitriev joined him in the program that raised more than $130000 http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/tribune-review/entertainment/events/s_108580.htm | |
84. European Championships History was made on the final day of the 1997 European Figure skating Championships with philippe candeloro (FRA) also skating well to finish fourth. http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/Results/euro97.HTM | |
85. Buy Champions Tickets - Cheap Champion Concert Show Tickets At Onlineseats including Victor Petrenko, Rudy Galindo and philippe candeloro. And intrue Champions on ice tradition, all of the skaters will perform to original http://www.onlineseats.com/champions-tickets/index.asp | |
86. Eligibility Rules Have Deepened Confusion /VANTAGE POINT : Figure Skating Slides Figure skating is on thin ice. More than five years after the soapopera saga Some skaters like the born showman candeloro are perfectly content to http://www.iht.com/articles/1999/03/30/skate.2.t_4.php | |
87. Champion Skaters Take To Volpe Center Ice Saturday French champion and Olympic bronze medalist philippe candeloro and other A former skater with Champions on ice, Kirk welcomes the break from http://www.eagletribune.com/news/stories/20040909/LI_002.htm | |
88. Olympic Games Medallists - Figure Skating philippe candeloro FRA philippe candeloro FRA Timothy Goebel USA, 14 http://www.gbrathletics.com/olympic/figure.htm | |
89. Viktor Petrenko: "You Want To Do Something In Your Life To Help Other People" (0 She has a good sense of figure skating she is talented in both program and world silver medalist philippe candeloro, 1998 Olympic pairs champions http://www.ukrweekly.com/Archive/2001/140123.shtml | |
90. ESPN.com - SKATING - Night Of Revivals At Skating Championships philippe candeloro won the men s competition his first major title as anamateur or They simply chose Bolero because it s great skating music. http://espn.go.com/skating/news/2000/1210/935669.html | |
91. Photo List -Men- candeloro, philippe 98 99 Figure skating Super Stars 99- 00 Japan Open 00.ELDREDGE, Todd 98 -99 Japan Open 99 99- 00 Japan Open 00 4 Continents 00 http://www.ne.jp/asahi/acp/soramame/favorites/list/list_men.html | |
92. The Figure Skating Corner Figure Skating Fan Pages - Men The Figure skating Corner is also hosting biography and home pages of figureskaters. philippe candeloro The sizzling showman (FRA) by Lori Sterns http://cgi.snafu.de/eberl/user-cgi-bin/fs_fan_m.php | |
93. Philippe Candeloro Pictures And Wallpapers Links philippe candeloro pictures, photos, wallpapers, and posters. main iceskating philippe candeloro links. philippe candeloro photos, trading http://www.altosport.com/c/philippe-candeloro/links.html | |
94. Washingtonpost.com: In Final Attempt For A Gold Medal, Eldredge Is Safe-and Then Eldredge may have five national figure skating titles and one world And France sPhilippe candeloro danced away with Eldredge s bronze medal with the http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/longterm/olympics1998/sport/figskate | |
95. WhoisPhilippe philippe is a very unique male figure skater who grew up outside of Paris, France . philippe candeloro est une figure mâle très spéciale patineur qui a http://philippecandeloro.homestead.com/whoisPhilippe.html | |
96. SLAM! Elvis Stojko: Gutsy Stojko Takes Silver Instead, the world champion figure skater is wearing an Olympic silver medal after philippe candeloro, France, 2.0; 3. Elvis Stojko, Richmond Hill, 3.0; http://slam.canoe.ca/SlamElvisStojko/98oly_final.html | |
97. OUTSPORTS: The Site For Gay Sports Fans And Athletes 9, difficult ice caused uncharacteristic falls for Rudy and such stalwarts The World Professional Figure skating Championships held annually in December http://www.outsports.com/difference/galindo.htm | |
98. CNN/SI - Nagano Olympics - Athlete Profile: Philippe Candeloro - February 3, 199 I skate my best and try to give people pleasure, says candeloro. Brunet remainscandeloro s coach today philippe loved soccer as a kid, but kept from http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/events/1998/nagano/athletes/11.htm | |
99. Untitled e) Scuzzy pond ice. Q5 What famous skater sat on Hitler s lap? a) PhilippeCandeloro. b) Oksana Baiul. c) Nicole Bobek. d) Gary Beacom http://oasis.dit.upm.es/~jantonio/personal/patinaje/quiz.htm | |
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