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61. Upcoming Figure Skating Competitions Page Feb Championship Series of Figure skating Final The competitors with the most point philippe candeloro (Fra), Thierry Cerez (Fra), Steven Cousins (Gbr), http://www.skate.org/ucomp.html | |
62. Iceskate.Net - Olympics The first Olympic figure skating events were held in London in 1908. Men,Ilia Kulik (RUS), Elvis Stojko (CAN), philippe candeloro (FRA) http://www.iceskate.net/olympics.html | |
63. My PHILIPPE Page It last time on olympic ice in Nagano so i very please get bronze medal. I hopeyou all enjoy my performance. Best wishes Love philippe candeloro http://members.tripod.com/~Candeloro/index-2.html | |
64. Philippe Candeloro philippe candeloro. D Artagnan Onto the ice, handsome and proud Skates thefourth musketeer to the cheers of the crowd. The music of D Artagnan begins now http://members.tripod.com/~walkingcow/Philippe_Candeloro.htm | |
65. KIAT.NET - Olympic Winter Games Figure Skating Because competitions could be held indoors, figure skating was the first wintersport philippe candeloro, FRA. Lu Chen, CHN. 1998. Ilia Kulik, RUS http://www.kiat.net/olympics/sports/winter/figureskating.html | |
66. Home philippe candeloro,French Skater,Patinage,candeloro,Male Skater. to all ofyou and see you soon from the ice . your french skater !philippe candeloro http://philippecandeloro.homestead.com/Home.html | |
67. HickokSports.com - History - Olympic Figure Skating Medalists This document lists all Olympic figure skating medalists since 1924. 1998,Ilya Kulik, RUS, 1.5, Elvis Stojko, CAN, 4.0, philippe candeloro, FRA, 4.5 http://www.hickoksports.com/history/olfigsk.shtml | |
68. BBC News | Figure Skating | Kulik's Quad Takes Gold Kulik, 20, became the first skater since Dick Button in 1948 to take the gold in 1, Ilya Kulik, Russia; 2, Elvis Stojko, Canada; 3, philippe candeloro, http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sport/winter_olympics_98/figure_skating/newsid_ | |
69. Figure Skating Figure skating. All four events consist of a short program (two minutes and 40seconds) and a 2, Elvis Stojko, CAN, 4.0. 3, philippe candeloro, FRA, 4.5 http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0758192.html | |
70. Videos olys02FSvideo.jpg 2002 Olympic Figure skating NBC Highlight Videos (2-pk.) Elvis Stojko, Todd Eldredge, philippe candeloro, Lu Chen, Surya Bonaly, http://store.worldskatingmuseum.org/videos.html | |
71. Goodwill Games Elite figure skaters from Champions on ice, the premier professional figureskating tour On the men s side, favorites Brian Boitano, philippe candeloro, http://www.goodwillgames.com/2000/2000_newsArt5.html | |
72. SLAM! Elvis Stojko: Solid Gold For Elvis At NHK Trophy France s philippe candeloro, looking for a third straight singles crown here, In the ice dance event, the French duo of Marina Anissina and Gwendal http://slam.canoe.ca/SlamElvisStojko/95dec11_story.html | |
73. World Figure Skating Vol.1-5 WORLD FIGURE skating NO.2. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2000 in Nice, France Lipinski /Denise Biellmann / Surya Bonaly / Alexei Uramanov / philippe candeloro http://www.shinshokan.co.jp/abr/worldfigure/wfsback_1-5.html |
74. Welcome To U.S. Figure Skating Where it ranks in the annals of figure skating history may be up for debate It was the first medal for France in Worlds since philippe candeloro won the http://www.usfigureskating.org/Story.asp?id=24053 |
75. TSB Events | Reports | 2002 Winter Champions On Ice / Green Bay, WI We ve all seen them skate before, and probably seen this program before, philippe candeloro Proud to Be an American This program began with a http://www.theskateblade.com/events/reports/2002wcoi-gb.htm | |
76. TSB Reference | Results Archive | 1994-1995 Translate this page World Figure skating Championships - Birmingham, England Meno/Sand USA,philippe candeloro FRA, Moniotte/Lavanchy FRA, Nicole Bobek USA http://www.theskateblade.com/reference/results/1994-1995.htm | |
77. Drobiazko & Vanagas - Dreams On Ice The show involves several different skating genres. Frenchman philippe Candelorois also a solo male skater. His specialty is character skating, http://www.kataniye.com/dv/iceshows/dreamsonice2004/articles.html | |
78. 2001 Winter Champions On Ice Tour philippe candeloro was next, he did It Was A Very Good Year . I ended upstanding on the very end, right by where the skaters got on the bus. http://www.icechampions.com/reviews/01wcoireview.html |
79. USATODAY.com - Nancy-Tonya Drama Struck Gold For The Popularity Of Figure Skatin Bacharach tune on a taped TV special while philippe candeloro is taking off Network executives who had poohpoohed figure skating as something silly http://www.usatoday.com/sports/columnist/brennan/2004-01-06-brennan_x.htm | |
80. Salon | Are You A Crystal Vase? Page 2 If France s bronzemedal-winning figure skater, philippe candeloro, were a cartoon Which of the following sports is more honest than ice dancing? http://archive.salon.com/mwt/feature/1998/02/cov_18feature2.html | |
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