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41. The Guide -- Champions On Ice Fails To Impress You d think an ice skating show featuring Rudy Galindo in a sparkly checkered philippe candeloro, the extremely flamboyant and equally gorgeous http://www.thehoya.com/guide/060303/guide2.cfm | |
42. Private Ice Presents: Figure Skating Humor - The Quentin X. Quarterback Archives Private ice Publications Presents the funniest figure skating spoof ever, Quentin X. Quarterback, philippe candeloro, Elvis Stojko, Mike Burgh, http://www.skatefic.com/ssph/humor/QXQ/chapters/index.php?Chapter=13 |
43. Rainbow Ice - Flavor Of The Month Anytime two or more skating fans get together, eventually the talk turns to which philippe candeloro Brian Orser Emanuel Sandhu John Zimmerman. http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/flavor1200.html | |
44. Rainbow Ice - Flavor Of The Month We drove by a pond and I saw people skating on the ice. Of course, there sthe obvious, philippe candeloro. But I ve gotta say, he doesn t do it for me. http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/flavor0903.html | |
45. Petrenko Organizes "Viktory For Kids" Ice Show To Benefit CCRF (03/25/01) French sensation philippe candeloro, an Olympic and world medalist, The Jagged ice children s precision ice skating team then performed a special http://www.ukrweekly.com/Archive/2001/120121.shtml | |
46. Figure Skating - Episodes :Results 1994 Translate this page ice DANCING. FINAL, D1, D2, OD, FS, NAME, NATION 3, 3, 5, candeloro philippe,FRA. 4, 9, 4, PETRENKO Viktor, UKR. 5, 12, 3, BROWNING Kurt, CAN http://www31.ocn.ne.jp/~sarara/skate/olympic_episode/result94.html | |
47. Philippe Candeloro - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia philippe candeloro (born February 17, 1972 in Courbevoie) is a French figure He won the bronze medal in Figure skating of the 1994 Winter Olympics in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Candeloro |
48. Philippe Candeloro Figure Skating Photos philippe candeloro figure skating photos by Tracy Marks. http://www.windweaver.com/coi2003/philippe2003.htm | |
49. Philippe Candeloro Figure Skating Photo Gallery By Michelle Wojdyla philippe candeloro Photo Gallery. Back to Skaters Page Back to Home Page.All photos are copyright Michelle Wojdyla and may not be reproduced without http://www.toeloopy.com/gallery/skating/skaters/men/philippecandeloro.htm | |
50. Figure Skating Photo Gallery -- By Skater -- By Michelle Wojdyla Figure skating Photo Gallery by Michelle Wojdyla by skater Current elite seniorand junior skaters Todd Sand philippe candeloro Isabelle Delobel http://www.toeloopy.com/gallery/skating/skaters/ | |
51. Philippe Candeloro: Information From Answers.com philippe candeloro philippe candeloro (born February 17 , 1972 in Courbevoie He won the bronze medal in Figure skating of the 1994 Winter Olympics in http://www.answers.com/topic/philippe-candeloro | |
52. Washingtonpost.com: Figure Skating while France s philippe candeloro stirred the crowd and the judges to take Elena Berezhnaya s return to figure skating would be wrongly described as http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/longterm/olympics1998/sport/figskate | |
53. The Figure Skating Corner Skaters Photo Directory Philippe philippe candeloro 1993 European Championships Helsinki, Finland Exhibition.philippe candeloro 1996 World Championships Edmonton, Canada Free Skate http://home.snafu.de/eberl/archiv/photodir/skaters/men/candeloro_philippe_fra.sh | |
54. The Figure Skating Corner Winter Olympic Games Medalists The Figure skating Corner is also hosting biography and home pages of figure RUS Silver Elvis Stojko CAN Bronze philippe candeloro FRA 1998 Gold Ilia http://home.snafu.de/eberl/archiv/history/olympia_top3.shtml | |
55. If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It The first critical point to understand about the figure skating scoring systemis that the philippe candeloro 3 2 5 2 3 2 5 5 5 5/3, TOM=12, TO=32 4. http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/obo/score-tech.shtml | |
56. Rudy Galindo: World Professional Figure Skating Championships - 2000 I really like philippe candeloro s skating very much! He is SO CREATIVE, andwhat a showman he is!! But I think Rudy skated better in the artistic program http://www.rudy-galindo.com/wp2000.htm | |
57. Rudy Galindo: Ice Wars - 2000 philippe candeloro skated to something with the refrain it was a very good philippe didn t skate well and his second program wasn t much unless you http://www.rudy-galindo.com/wars3.htm | |
58. Philippe Candeloro - ScratchSpin.com Champions On ice Washington, DC 4/13/02. Page 1. Hallmark Skaters Championship -Washington, DC 12/7-8/01. Page 1. Champions On ice - East Coast 4/6-8/01 http://www.scratchspin.com/skaters/pcandeloro.shtml | |
59. Win, Place, And No! - The Only Truly Fair Election Is The One With One Voter. By Sandra Loosemore, CBS SportsLine s figure skating writer, has a mission. Viacheslav Zagorodniuk, and philippe candeloro, in that order. http://slate.msn.com/id/18581/ | |
60. Championship Series Of Figure Skating Andrei Vlachtchenko (4+4=8), philippe candeloro (7), Damon Allen (5), The Figure skating Final, Paris Bercy 1996 The official website for the http://www.skate.org/comp/csfsc.html | |
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