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81. A Big Pink Cookie... In Paris Im missing the one tonight because Im going to Stars On ice! There may betechnically better skaters, but kurt browning has always been my favorite http://www.bigpinkcookie.com/2004/01/23/stars-on-ice/ | |
82. HickokSports.com - History - Figure Skating Halls Of Fame The USFSA established a separate US Figure skating Hall of Fame in 1991 to honorAmerican kurt browning, 2000. Petra Burka, 1997. Toller Cranston, 1997 http://www.hickoksports.com/history/figskatinghof.shtml | |
83. Untitled My main motivation for putting the Technical Figure skating page together is say, kurt browning doing a toe loop right next to one of me doing the same http://oasis.dit.upm.es/~jantonio/personal/patinaje/welcome.htm | |
84. Canadian Olympic Committee browning, kurt, Figure skating, Athlete, 1990, M. Buddo, Donald S, Athletics,Builder, 1965, M. Bulau, Horst, Ski Jumping, Athlete, 1993, M http://www.olympic.ca/EN/hof/inductees_ag.shtml | |
85. TSN.ca - Figure Skating - Canada's Sports Leader kurt browning says Jeff Buttle reminds him a lot of himself in his younger days, browning was 22 when he won the first of his four world figure skating http://www.tsn.ca/figure_skating/news_story.asp?ID=114457&hubName= |
86. Gang Of Five Stalks Elvis VANCOUVER There s a gang of five stalking figure skating great Elvis who could very well be the next Elvis Stojko, kurt browning or Brian Orser. http://slam.canoe.ca/SlamCanadianSkatingChampionships1997/cc_five_feb8.html | |
87. Rainbow Ice - Flavor Of The Month In his 1991 autobiography kurt Forcing the Edge, kurt browning devoted a Unlike browning, Hamilton does have a history of blaming gay skaters for http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/flavor0900.html | |
88. The Figure Skating Corner Figure Skating Fan Pages - Men The Figure skating Corner is also hosting biography and home pages of figureskaters. kurt browning The kurt files (CAN) by Tina Tyan http://cgi.snafu.de/eberl/user-cgi-bin/fs_fan_m.php | |
89. Epinions.com - I'm Not Skating Around The Subject! I m Not skating Around The Subject! before you decide to buy. as IdRather Watch kurt, meaning the professional figure skater kurt browning, http://www.epinions.com/content_2468978820 | |
90. CNNSI.com - 2002 Winter Olympics - SI's Cazeneuve: Figure Skating's Black Eye - SALT LAKE CITY The pairs figure skating event Monday night brought out thebest and kurt browning, Canada s fourtime world champ in men s singles, http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/2002/news/2002/02/12/cazeneuve_skating/ | |
91. Firefly Books - Skate Talk A Long Time Coming Jason Dungjen; The Calm of Winning kurt browning; Fall. Fall. Fall. Fall. Return to Figure skating Return to Sports http://www.fireflybooks.com/books/2097B.html | |
92. Firefly Books - Figure Skating Now Figure skating Now Olympic and World Stars kurt browning landed the world sfirst quadruple jump in 1988, and as late as 1997 there were still only 3 http://www.fireflybooks.com/Publicity/books/75274.html | |
93. Kurt Browning Biography kurt browning biography and related resources. Sports Hall of Fame in 1994and Canada s Figure skating Hall of Fame in 2000. kurt browning Resources http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Browning_Kurt.html | |
94. Alexei Yagudin - Figure Skater Bio And Skating Videos - Smucker's Stars On Ice kurt continues to perform on both the Canadian and American Stars on ice Tours.In addition, kurt browning has his own touring show, Gotta Skate, http://www.starsonice.com/cast/cast_detail.asp?CastID=77 |
95. Skate Canada: About Skate Canada: Hall Of Fame: Inductions The Skate Canada Hall of Fame was developed to pay tribute to athletes, In 1980, after he moved to Edmonton, Alta., he met a young kurt browning, http://www.skatecanada.ca/en/about_skate_canada/hall_of_fame/inductions/ | |
96. GENERAL SKATING TV ALERTS More about skating can still be found @ JHB ONLINEFIGURE skating Stars OnIce 2004 photo page now up! ***. Read kurt s interview with the Ottawa Sun http://kurtkountry.tripod.com/ | |
97. Kurt Browning Did you know that kurt browning was the first skater in the world to land a kurt browning is one of Canada s most famous figure skaters and Alberta is http://projects.cbe.ab.ca/ict/2learn/jcreid/famousalbertans/htmlfiles/albertans/ | |
98. Kurt Browning Competing In The 1997 World Professional Figure Caption kurt browning competing in the 1997 World Professional Figure SkatingChampionships in Washington, DC. Credit Alice Berman / www.hangitonthewall. http://www.hangitonthewall.com/MASTER/FigureSkating/page/image12.html |
99. Sports Related Videos And DVDs For Sale Scott Hamilton, Kristi Yamaguchi, Katarina Witt, kurt browning, Gershwin onIce VHS, Dorothy Hamill and a cast of world-class skaters perform to http://www.tenmayflower.com/shop/index.cfm?do=list&CategoryID=60&page=index2 |
100. UWO Gazette - Volume 96, Issue 82 Favourite figure skater? kurt browning. He has done so much for the sport throughhis talent and helping rid the sport of the gay male stereotype through http://www.gazette.uwo.ca/2003/March/6/sports1.htm | |
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