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41. The Sport Journal: Volume8, Number1,Winter 2005:Mass Media And Gender Identity I Records of ice skating date back to at least the 1700s, and figure skating, Skaters such as Elvis Stojko, kurt browning, Elizabeth Manley, http://www.thesportjournal.org/2005Journal/Vol8-No1/karen_mcgarry.asp | |
42. Investors Group | About Us | Media Releases - January 24, 2000 Tea Investors Group kurt browning Junior skating Fund launched. Chrysler Starson ice presented by Investors Group, of which browning is the headline http://www.investorsgroup.com/english/about_us/news_releases/2000/000124.htm | |
43. Barry Mittan .. Figure Skating Publications 6 issues per year Cost $ 1.50 per issue Newsletter for kurt browning Fan Club ice Prints. ice skating Down Under. The ice Queen. Life on the Edge http://www.jbmittan.com/pubs.htm |
44. On Thin Ice SLAM! Sports Canadian and International Figure skating News. If he wins goldhere, he d be tied with kurt browning in world championships with four, http://slam.canoe.ca/SlamSkating2000Worlds/mar27_ont.html | |
45. Rainbow Ice - Mary Louise Adams I certainly wasn t prepared for an image of kurt browning, a figure skater, doneup as the While hockey and figure skating both take place on the ice, http://www.plover.com/rainbowice/mla2.html | |
46. The 80s Server: Sports -- Ice Skating ice skating has become one of the most widely watched sports in the 90s, sohere s a peek back into Men kurt browning, Canada Women Midori Ito, Japan http://www.80s.com/Entertainment/Sports/IceSkating/ | |
47. Worlds Some behind the scenes politics involving kurt browning skating in the openingceremony to have continued the outburt while the skaters were on the ice. http://www.iceskatingintnl.com/archive/results/world96.htm | |
48. Figure Skating Melodrama: The Original "On The Edge" (serial Novel) Buy On the Edge A Figure skating Melodrama (Season 1) in Private ice s Pro Shop . skater Kristi Yamaguchi and four time world champion kurt browning. http://www.skatefic.com/serials/ote/index.php | |
49. Figure Skating Romance: Whispers On The Ice (fiction--serial) Whispers on the ice a Serialized Figure skating Novel Olympic Champion figureskater Kristi Yamaguchi and four time world champion kurt browning. http://www.skatefic.com/serials/woti/ | |
50. Kurt Browning - The Kurt Files kurt browning Canadian Figure Skater 4Time World Champion 4-Time Canadian Champion Vote for kurt as your favorite all-time Stars on ice skater! http://www.kurtfiles.com/ | |
51. Kurt Browning A figure skating great, browning stunned the world when he executed the firstsuccessful quadruple toe loop in a Figure skating. kurt browning http://www.histori.ca/minutes/minute.do?id=14247 |
52. Kurt Browning According to browning, figure skating is not, strictly speaking, an individualsport. browning, kurt with Neil Stevens. kurt Forcing the Edge. http://www.umanitoba.ca/cm/cmarchive/vol20no1/kurtbrowning.html | |
53. Britannica Student Encyclopedia Additional references about kurt browning from the figure skating articleDuring the Cold War (194789), judges tended to vote in EastWest blocs, http://www.britannica.com/ebi/print_toc?tocId=9310420 |
54. Kurt Browning - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia browning skates during the 2000 Stars on ice tour. kurt browning (born June 18,1966) was a prominent Canadian figure skater during the late 1980s and 1990s http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Browning |
55. Canada's Walk Of Fame: Kurt Browning, World Champion Figure Skater then kurt browning three-time Olympian, four-time Canadian figure skating It was on September 17, to be precise, that kurt browning became the http://www.canadaswalkoffame.com/inductees/01_kurt_browning.xml | |
56. JHB WEBSITE - Figure Skating: Kurt Browning - Entertainment - Http://maxpages.co Figure skating kurt browning. Home, Figure skating, Gateway, skate, sk8link,kurt browning, kurt, kurtbio, Other Skaters, alexei, Competitions http://maxpages.com/jbak/kurt | |
57. Ice World: Kurt Browning's Photo Gallery kurt browning. CLICK ON THUMBNAILS BELOW TO VIEW 2003 kurt browning s GottaSkate. 2003 Stars On ice 1998 Skate The Nation http://www.geocities.com/iceworld_ca/album-kurt.html | |
58. Ice World: 2003 Kurt Browning's Gotta SkatePhoto Gallery Photographs Are Of The Following Skaters kurt browning, Brian Boitano, ToddEldredge, ShaeLynn Bourne Victor Kraatz , Jennifer Robinson, http://www.geocities.com/iceworld_ca/03gottaskategallery.html | |
59. Biography kurt browning was born in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada to parents, kurt appeared with fellow Stars On ice cast members on FAMILY FEUD Feb. http://kurtkountry.tripod.com/newkb/id1.html | |
60. Kurt Browning: Sorry, Canada - Never Made It To The Podium - CBC Archives One month ago, world figure skating champion kurt browning fell apart at the 1994 Everybody knows that kurt browning redefined figure skating in this http://archives.cbc.ca/IDC-1-41-1341-8017/sports/olympics_podium/clip8 | |
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