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21. Basic Info (Main Page) I don t know who s luckier, kurt browning because of what skating has given tohim, or skating because kurt has been called the Gene Kelly of the ice. http://members.aol.com/melroze758/page1/BasicInfo.htm | |
22. Quotes I don t know who s luckier, kurt browning because of what skating has given to When you watch kurt browning, it s like seeing a musical on the ice. http://members.aol.com/melroze758/page1/Quotes.htm | |
23. Shafer Tours Bus Trip To See Ice Skating Champions Kristy Yamaguchi, Kurt Browni ice skating Champions Kristi Yamaguchi, kurt browning and Scott Hamilton with alive performance by Kenny Rogers Shafer Tours bus trip from Binghamton. http://www.shaferbus.com/Kristi Yamaguchi.htm | |
24. Jane S Skating Rink kurt browning never won an Olympic medal, but will always be the first The World Figure skating Museum and Hall of Fame Frogs on ice Skate Web http://www.janeek.com/skating.htm | |
25. Welcome To U.S. Figure Skating - Does anyone have vids of kurt browning . . . Nyah or Casablanca in particular? browning Meditation de Thais - Improv on ice 1999.wmv http://board.usfigureskating.org/default.asp?action=9&read=11740&fid=107&FirstTo |
26. David's Links Canadian Figure skating Fan Page On the ice A Figure skating Fan Page Skaters - male. Brian Boitano Sebastien Britten kurt browning Official http://www.ualberta.ca/~droles/link/figskate.html | |
27. Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: Skating People And Events This FAQ list is posted monthly to rec.sport.skating.ice.figure. quadruple toeloop kurt browning, 1988 World championships; quadruple salchow http://www.frogsonice.com/skateweb/faq/people.shtml | |
28. Figure Skating: World Champions 198991, kurt browning, Canada. 1992, Viktor Petrenko, Unified Team Chevy Champions on ice Partners With Figure skating in Harlem; Donation to help http://www.infoplease.com/ipsa/A0112794.html | |
29. Ice Skating Accessories Galore - Other Skating Collectibles Page Other ice skating Collectibles Bells, Beer Steins, Figurines, The book isabsolutely loaded with photographs of stars like kurt browning, Lu Chen, http://www.icesk8.com/access31.htm | |
30. Ice Skating Accessories Galore - Skating Videos Our ice skating Videos Page Features Top Selling and Collectible Figure Tara Lipinski, Kristi Yamaguchi, Ilia Kulik, kurt browning and the entire Stars http://www.icesk8.com/access23.htm |
31. Sports: Ice Skating Page Do you like to ice skate with friends? Do you like kurt browning? How long didit take you to land an axel? Have you ever fallen on someone else s skates? http://sports.teenfx.com/Ice_Skating.html | |
32. Figure Skating Stars On Ice 2004 Time To See This Show! The theme of this year s Stars on ice show is Time. In addition, reveredskating legends like Scott Hamilton, kurt browning, Ekaterina Gordeeva and http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/1-13-2004-49386.asp |
33. ICE SKATING: A Golden Moment - Concert On Ice A review of Kristi Yamaguchi s A Golden Moment, a concert on ice featuring That performance came in kurt browning, skating to Bobby Caldwell and his Big http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-27-2000-1169.asp | |
34. Programs kurt browning, Yuka Sato to headline sold out Superstars on ice 2005 kurt browning and Yuka Sato will headline a rare small venue figure skating show http://www.skokieparkdistrict.org/news_center.asp?Cat=1&View=ViewArticle&Mode=Ne |
35. Competitive Figure Skating FAQ: Skating People And Events This FAQ list is posted monthly to rec.sport.skating.ice.figure. Midori Ito,fall 1988 Eastern Japanese championships quadruple toe loop kurt browning, http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sports/skating/ice/figure/people/ | |
36. TSB Events | Reports | 2004 Canadian Stars On Ice - Hamilton, ON Each year thousands of Canadian figure skating fans crowd ice arenas from The guys stayed on the ice and tossed kurt browning into the air several times http://www.theskateblade.com/events/reports/2004csoi-ham.htm | |
37. Scott Myers' Figure Skating Tapes Magic Memories On ice (Part I and Part II). Masters of Figure skating 1999 kurt browning By Request (2000, CBC). ice Angel (Fox Family Channel Movie) http://www.angelfire.com/tx/scottmyers/skatetapes.html | |
38. Recreation & Sports, Sports, Skating, Ice Skating, WebRing Ring directory of Recreation Sports, Sports, skating, ice A webringdevoted to 4time world champion figure skater, kurt browning, of Canada. http://dir.webring.com/rw?d=Recreation___Sports/Sports/Skating/Ice_Skating |
39. Celebrity1000.com - Your Ultimate Entertainment Source One of Canada s most famous figure skaters, kurt browning, grew up in the the figure skating world and can be seen from time to time in Stars on ice . http://www.celebrity1000.com/celebritysites/male/kurtbrowning/ | |
40. Blades On Ice - Old News Smuckers presents kurt browning s Gotta Skate V Live show date Tues., Oct. 18, Always the latest in figure skating news from Blades On ice Magazine. http://www.bladesonice.com/mag/oldnews1.htm |
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