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Nakamura Hikaru: more detail | |||||||
81. CHESS Lubomir Kavalek hikaru nakamura was in a sole lead three rounds before the end of a doubleround Bd1! resembling Bobby Fischer s random chess.) 2 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/07/31/AR2005073101033. | |
82. Sino-US Chess Event To Kick Off Thursday the United States will face off here in the SinoUS chess Event slated fromJuly 11 to 15. nakamura hikaru, IM, 2466. Questions?Comments? Click here http://english.people.com.cn/200207/11/eng20020711_99497.shtml | |
83. China Draws US 5-5 In Chess Contest Third Round 55 here on Sunday in the third round of their second chess contest. nakamura hikaru, IM, beat Zhao Jun, NM Vinay Bhat, IM, lost to Wang Yue, FM http://english.people.com.cn/200207/15/eng20020715_99698.shtml | |
84. 38th Annual Biel Chess Festival chess The 38th annual Biel chess Festival took place from 1629 July. Andrei Volokitin (Ukraine 34), the US Champion hikaru nakamura (45), http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/7-31-2005-73974.asp | |
85. Speed Chess On DVD Maurice Ashley, Larry Christiansen, Joel Benjamin,Alexander S chessCentral for chess Boards, chess Sets chess Pieces, Huge Back to School Alexander Shabalov, and the young phenom hikaru nakamura test their will, http://www.chesscentral.com/dvd-chess/speed-chess.htm | |
86. ? 11.12.2004 When hikaru nakamura won the US Championship this week he didn t go to The organizers include Mexican chess legend GM Marcel Sisniega, http://www.chessinchina.net/html/USAnakamura-UKRkarjakin.htm |
87. Chess Player Gears Up For Prestigious Tournament By ROSY WEISER SENTINEL CORRESP It was hikaru nakamura, who now at age 17 is the reigning US chess champ, theyoungest since the infamous Bobby Fischer won the title in the late 1950s. http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/archive/2005/May/08/local/stories/05local.htm | |
88. Guardian Unlimited Sport | Special Reports | Speelman On Chess The 38th annual Biel chess Festival took place from 1629 July. AndreiVolokitin (Ukraine 34), the US Champion hikaru nakamura (45), Christian Bauer http://sport.guardian.co.uk/chess/story/0,15873,1539922,00.html | |
89. Débuter Aux échecs - Young Masters Chess Tournament Translate this page Young Masters chess Tournament nakamura, hikaru g USA 2660 Mamedyarov,Shakhiyar g AZE 2646 Harikrishna, Pentyala g IND 2645 Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2528 http://echecs.ovh-nukefrance.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=22 |
90. Chessvariants.org -- Comment Listing Timman and Sasikiran win Sigeman chess Tournament nakamura scored 6/9 and 16year hikaru is US Champion 06.12.2004 hikaru nakamura, a teenage ace from http://www.chessvariants.org/index/listcomments.php?subjectid=Nakamura |
91. FIDE Ratings List GM chess Grandmaster site of FIDE World Champion Alexander Khalifman and hisGM chess School. 46, nakamura, hikaru, g, USA, 2660, 9, 09.12.87 http://www.gmchess.com/ratings/ | |
92. ARNES News Arhiv / - Hikaru Nakamura, Age 13, Becomes Youngest International Che hikaru nakamura, age 13, becomes youngest International chess Master eve hikaru nakamura, age 13, has become the youngest International Master ever, http://www.arnes.si/news/archive/si.rec.games.chess/msg00197.html | |
93. ARNES News Arhiv / - Re: Hikaru Nakamura, Age 13, Becomes Youngest International Re hikaru nakamura, age 13, becomes youngest International chess Master hikaru nakamura, age 13, has become the youngest International Master ever, http://www.arnes.si/news/archive/si.rec.games.chess/msg00199.html | |
94. Chess | Robert Byrne Related Articles; chess Column Archive Forum; The chess Forum hikaru nakamura,13 years, 7 months old, of White Plains has blossomed at a remarkable http://www.nytimes.com/ref/crosswords/chess/010909chess.html |
95. Standings 8, nakamura, hikaru, NY, 2672, 7, W216, W50, W39, D38, D22, W48, W28, L5, W27.9, Kosteniuk, Alexandra, FL, 2573, 7, W229, W128, W122 http://suburban-chess.org/2004usopen/Sections/Traditional/standings.htm | |
96. AJEDREZ / HB GLOBAL CHESS CHALLENGE 2005 Translate this page HB GLOBAL chess CHALLENGE Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 18 al 22.05.2005 GM nakamura, hikaru GM USA 2657 6.5 $1.000 13. Epishin, Vladimir GM RUS 2605 6.5 http://www.jaque.tv/global05.htm | |
97. Hellas Chess Club - Chess Portal Once again, the Open tournaments during the chess Classic Mainz (914 August) nakamura, hikaru g USA 2660 4.5, 5. Bauer, Christian g FRA 2641 4.5, 6. http://www.chess.gr/main.html | |
98. Chessville News - Biel 2005 - Gelfand, Volokitin, Nakamura, Bauer, Pelletier & C hikaru nakamura, , Yannick Pelletier, 1 - 0 (52). 22.7.2005. Christian Bauer,-, Andrei Volokitin, ½ ½ (56) Back to Pablo s chess News http://www.chessville.com/News/Biel2005.htm | |
99. 2004 Foxwoods Open GM hikaru nakamura was the clear winner of the Open section, winning slightlyover $8000. Open, hikaru nakamura 7.5. 2200, Eugene Varshavsky 6.5 http://www.foxwoodsopen.com/ | |
100. Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 2005 Not since the days of Bobby Fischer has US chess seen a talent like 17year-oldHikaru nakamura. His coach and step-father Sunil Weeramantry has seen him http://www.ksu.dk/sigeman/deltagere.asp?id=2 |
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