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Nakamura Hikaru: more detail | |||||||
41. Chess-Theory , Chess, FIDE Rating Top 10 News, Young Prodigy Chess Players, Gran No45 nakamura hikaru (UKR) ELO 2660 (?) (July 2005, 9 games) break thegender barrier in chess Susan with hikaru nakamura (Susan Polgar web site) http://www.chess-theory.com/encpbo023_chess_practice_game_on_board_top_ten.htm | |
42. Chess-Theory , Echecs, ELO, TOP 10 Mondial FIDE, Photos De Grand Maîtres No45 nakamura hikaru (UKR) ELO 2660 (?) (Juillet 2005, 9 parties) the gender barrier in chess Susan with hikaru nakamura (Susan Polgar web site) http://www.chess-theory.com/ctcpbo023_pratique_echecs_jeu_pendule_top_dix.htm | |
43. Millennium Chess Festival 6 new US Champion hikaru nakamura and GM Susan Polgar! and a lecture by SusanPolgar on FischerRandom chess. Come Play chess on the Beach!! http://www.geocities.com/millenniumchessfestival/ | |
44. May-June 2002 Issue Of Scholastic Chess Update Cindy Tsai hikaru nakamura Finish First. A Parent s Guide to chess By Jack C.Mallory. Dan Heisman, National Master and noted chess coach, and author of http://www.geocities.com/chess_camp/may_jun_02.html | |
45. Corus Chess Tournament 2006 - Article - Hikaru hikaru started playing competitive chess at the age of 7.5 but by age 10 Next month GM nakamura will make his debut in Corus in the very strong B group. http://www.coruschess.com/article.php?s=a9 |
46. British Chess Magazine The Chess Shop And The Bridge Shop Clocks, demo boards, stationery everything for chess nakamura wins the USChampionship 08/12/04. 16-year-old hikaru nakamura won a play-off with http://www.bcmchess.co.uk/ |
47. US Chess Federation: Official website and online store for the US chess Federation. Only 16 yearsold, American Grandmaster hikaru nakamura is already ranked among the http://www.uschess.org/news/bio/nakamura.php | |
48. US Chess Federation: GM hikaru nakamura Named 2005 Samford chess Fellow. (CROSSVILLE, TN) hikarunakamura, a seventeen year old grandmaster (AGM@) from White Plains, New York, http://www.uschess.org/news/press/uspr0522.php | |
49. USA Vs China 2002 - Chess News - World Chess Network China chess Summit in Shanghai, China by defeating the United States by 1 point for White was not enough to prove a full point for IM hikaru nakamura, http://www.worldchessnetwork.com/English/chessNews/USChina2002/USChina2002.php | |
50. Actuarial Outpost - Chess: Libya "World Championship" I, and most people who follow the chess scene, refuse to acknowledge the winnerof this Black nakamura, hikaru Result 1/21/2 WhiteElo 2622 http://www.actuarialoutpost.com/actuarial_discussion_forum/archive/index.php/t-3 | |
51. New In Chess - Magazine After he became the second youngest US champion ever, hikaru nakamura spoke About his passion for speed chess, his ambitions and his wish to follow in http://www.newinchess.com/Magazine/MagazineDetails.aspx?MagazineID=170 |
52. The Chess House: Largest "Open" Chess Tournament hikaru nakamura, new American champion, will be in forefront at the HB Global the pack will be the latest chess sensation, Grandmaster hikaru nakamura, http://blog.chesshouse.com/the_chess_house/2005/01/largest_open_ch.html | |
53. Elsewhere On The Web : Chess Players In The News Who s been making the chess news lately? hikaru nakamura, Susan Polgar, ArthurBisguier, and Joop van Oosterom have been getting their share of attention http://chess.about.com/b/a/160718.htm | |
54. NTC Foundation: NTC Promenade - Art, Culture And Science 17Year-Old US chess Champion hikaru nakamura Defends Title in San Diego. 64 ofthe Nations Best chess Players Compete for $250000 in Cash Prizes http://www.ntcfoundation.org/news-pr-2005-05-24.php | |
55. Hikaru-nakamura 2005 US chess Championship / hikarunakamura NTC Foundation contact Toni Robin,trobin@ntcfoundation.org. Previous Home Next. hikaru-nakamura. http://www.ntcfoundation.org/images/chess1/pages/hikaru-nakamura.htm | |
56. BCF News - HB Global Chess Challenge 2005 hikaru nakamura, new American champion, will be in forefront at the HB Global Grandmaster hikaru nakamura, who has the chess world buzzing after his http://www.bcf.org.uk/national/hb-global-cc_jan05.htm | |
57. The Chess Mind Nakamura-Sasikiran And Junk Openings The chess world was abuzz today due to hikaru nakamura s unusual opening choiceagainst Indian GM Krishnan Sasikiran 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5! http://chessmind.powerblogs.com/posts/1114231633.shtml | |
58. Here Are Some Chess Puzzles From The Games Of Hikaru Nakamura Here are some chess puzzles from the games of hikaru nakamura. White to move andwin except where noted. Solutions are between the brackets under each http://www.wtharvey.com/naka.html | |
59. The Kids Hall Of Fame hikaru nakamura became the youngest chess Master in US history, having learned the Youngest US. chess Master. hikaru nakamura. White Plains, New York http://thekidshalloffame.com/CustomPage17.html | |
60. Millennium Chess Festival 17 yearold US chess Champion hikaru nakamura and world womens top-ranked GM hikaru nakamura won the US chess Championship last month at age 16. http://www.beacheventsfun.com/beachstreetusa_web_site_024.htm | |
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