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Nakamura Hikaru: more detail | |||||||
21. The Chess Games Of Hikaru Nakamura chess games of hikaru nakamura, career statistics, most famous victories, chessopening analysis, PGN download, discussion forums, and more. http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessplayer?pid=10084 |
22. 38th Biel Chess Festival Player profile hikaru nakamura. 38th Biel chess Festival C Bauer vs nakamura,10, 41, 2005, 38th Biel chess Festival, D47 Queen s Gambit Declined http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=47369&pid=10084 |
23. Pakistan Chess Player Very latest chess news from around the world, Online chess Shop offer lowest Round 4 hikaru nakamuraBoris Gelfand Picture Copyright Official website http://www.pakchess.com/ | |
24. ChessBase.com - Chess News - 16-year Hikaru Is US Champion Publisher of high quality chess programs and databases. Hotshot favoriteHikaru nakamura, the teenage ace from White Plains, NY, beat Alexander http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=2067 |
25. ChessBase.com - Chess News - Hikaru Nakamura Breaks Fischer's Record Publisher of high quality chess programs and databases. Offers a free access toa regulary updated online database. http://www.chessbase.com/newsdetail.asp?newsid=800 |
26. The Week In Chess nakamura, Bauer 4.5; 6. Carlsen, Magnus 4.0;. MORE. 2nd Amsterdam chess Tournament nakamura, hikaru Gelfand, Boris 0-1 39 B96 Sicilian Najdorf http://www.chess.co.uk/twic/twic.html | |
27. The Week In Chess 560 Join chess Express and receive all the latest chess news straight into your inbox . Qc2 Pelletier, Yannick nakamura, hikaru 1-0 31 E97 King s Indian http://www.chess.co.uk/twic/twic560.html | |
28. U.S. Chess Championship - San Diego hikaru nakamura was born on December 9, 1987, in Hirakata City, hikaru andhis father a professional chess trainer recently gave a very interesting http://www.uschesschampionship.com/2005/news/006nakamura.htm | |
29. U.S. Chess Championship - San Diego (CROSSVILLE, TN) hikaru nakamura, a seventeen year old grandmaster (AGM@) from chess FELLOW. Already ranked among the world s elite players, hikaru is http://www.uschesschampionship.com/2006/news/nakamurasamford.htm | |
30. MindZine Chess News New York Open 2000, chess Logo. 12 May 2000 Topseeded Vladimir Epishin drewwith another prodigy, hikaru nakamura. After a Gruenfeld Defense, http://www.msoworld.com/mindzine/news/chess/nyopen.html |
31. Mig Greengard's ChessNinja.com E-mail Newsletters And Online Chess Training Email chess newsletters, online play and training, message boards, and more fromMig Greengard, US Champion hikaru nakamura annotates for Black Belt! http://www.chessninja.com/ | |
32. The Daily Dirt Chess Blog: Nakamura Goes To Biel US Champion (and Black Belt contributor) hikaru nakamura isn t even the youngestplayer in the Insider news and views from chess writer Mig Greengard http://www.chessninja.com/dailydirt/archives/nakamura_goes_to_biel.htm | |
33. Chess City New book reviews; hikaru nakamura annotated games Profile of Asuka andhikaru nakamura chess City is supervised by FIDE Master Eric Schiller. http://www.chesscity.com/ |
34. Russian Chess Russian chess, the chess site devoted to the main chess events, Andrei VolokitinUKR 2679, hikaru nakamura USA 2657, Christian Bauer FRA 2640, http://www.ruschess.com/ |
35. PROFESSIONAL WORLD CHESS RANKING PROFESSIONAL WORLD chess RANKING 146, nakamura,hikaru, 09.12.1987, USA, 2529,192. 147, Shipov,Sergei, 17.04.1966, RUS, 2528, 166 http://www.ruschess.com/Ratings/WCC/11_04.php | |
36. International Chess Festival - Biel Bienne 38th From the left hikaru nakamura, Yannick Pelletier, Magnus Carlsen, Christian Bauer, More about hikaru nakamura. Christian Bauer. France Elo 2641 http://www.bielchessfestival.ch/grandmaster.htm | |
37. International Chess Festival - Biel Bienne 38th Translate this page From the left hikaru nakamura, Yannick Pelletier, Magnus Carlsen, Christian Bauer, Mehr über hikaru nakamura. Christian Bauer. Frankreich Elo 2641 http://www.bielchessfestival.ch/de/grandmaster_de.htm | |
38. New York Masters GM hikaru nakamura 2005 US chess Champion. hikaru broke all American records whenhe became the youngest player ever to reach master status at 10 years and http://www.newyorkmasters.com/players/HikaruNakamura.html | |
39. New York Masters New Season of the Generation chess New York Masters starts out with a Bang! We also had a future US Champion in GM hikaru nakamura, a former World http://www.newyorkmasters.com/xtables/playbyplay113.html | |
40. Chess Artist / Peter Sloan Aravena Left, Me, The chess artist himself , Peter Aravena,. Middle, some dude frombrighton beach GM nakamura, hikaru. game 1 game 2. NM nakamura, Askua http://www.chessartist.com/column.html | |
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