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Khan Mir Sultan: more detail | ||||
41. List Of Notable Chess Players -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (United States chess master; world champion from 1972 to 1975 (born in 1943)) (Click link for more info and facts about mir sultan khan) mir sultan khan http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_notable_chess_players | |
42. List Of Chess Topics -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Any of 16 white and 16 black pieces used in playing the game of chess) (Click link for more info and facts about mir sultan khan) mir sultan khan http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_chess_topics.htm | |
43. Chess Mail 2004 Site: Quiz 2003-4 Result chess Mail, the best online magazine for email, postal and Internet chess. mir sultan khan. c) FrançoisAndré Danican? Philidor http://www.chessmail.com/quizzes/Quiz2003_result.html | |
44. Chess History This is the site of the chess Poster, chess problems, Grandmasters, old Indianversion occured between 1929 and 1933 when mir sultan khan became British http://www.chess-poster.com/english/history.htm | |
45. Brief Notes On The History Of Chess 1900 2 chess Poster, chess problems, Grandmasters, chess history, Rules, and much more 1926, khan; Sir Umer Hayat khan discovers mir sultan khan in India. http://www.chess-poster.com/english/chesmayne/brief_notes_on_the_history_of_ches | |
46. Feature mir sultan khan of Punjab, however, was the first one to leave the lasting imprint of sultan khan not only won the British chess championship in 1929, http://pib.nic.in/feature/feyr2003/fmay2003/f130520031.html | |
47. Theageofchessmasters mir sultan khan didn t learn the international game of chess (he knew Indianchess) until age 21. Two years later he was the AllIndia champion. http://www.academicchess.com/ratings/ageandmaster.shtml | |
48. PRACTICAL CHESS ENDING + COMPUTER ANALSIS sultan khan, mir (190566) A natural chess genius who overcame all obstacles tobecome a world class player. After winning the All-Indian championship in http://members.aol.com/brigosling/psitn098.htm | |
49. Lavinya.Net Web Directory » Games » Board Games » Abstract chess People. Below are some useful links about People on chess. Lavinya. khan, mir sultan@ (2); Koltanowski, George (2); Kosteniuk, Alexandra (2) http://www.lavinya.net/ara/Games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Games/Chess/People/ |
50. Games Archive sultan khan, mir, 110, 09.04.99, PGNzip. Tal, Mikhail, 2554, 04.10.99, PGN-zip Rapid chess cup St-Petersburg - 1999, 12, 04.10.99, PGN-zip http://www.chessexpress.com/games.html |
51. Fazowo khan, mir sultan@ (2); Koltanowski, George (2); Kosteniuk, Alexandra (2) Games Board Games Abstract Battle Games chess Clubs and Associations http://www.programosy.pl/pol/index.php/Games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Games/C | |
52. Gigablast Search Results Keres, Paul (1); khan, mir sultan@ (2); Koltanowski, George (2); Kosteniuk, Games Board Games Abstract Battle Games chess Clubs and Associations http://dir.gigablast.com/Games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Games/Chess/People/ | |
53. Chess Trivia Loser of more games of chess on time than any other master. the Rose on theSuperiority of chess over Nard (backgammon). sultan khan, mir (19051966) http://www.logicalchess.com/info/trivia/s.html | |
54. Chess Trivia chessplayer who composed chess problems when he was blind. Other membersincluded Max Euwe, Sammy Reshevsky, mir sultan khan, Sir George Thomas, http://www.logicalchess.com/info/trivia/m.html | |
55. People khan, mir sultan Koltanowski, George Kosteniuk, Alexandra Kramnik, Vladimir chess biographies, dictionary, links, world champions, and games. http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/dir/Games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Games/Chess/P | |
56. Train Like A Chess Champion By Ray Gordon At one time, my library had well over a hundred chess books, but the ones listedbelow were the ones I The Best Games Of mir sultan khan, by RN Coles http://www.cybersheet.com/chess/reading.html | |
57. Balochistan Online Directory » Games » Board Games » Abstract » Battle Games khan, mir sultan@ (2); Koltanowski, George (2); Kosteniuk, Alexandra (2);Kramnik, Daniel King A chess grandmaster and professional chess-player. http://www.balochistan.org/dir/Games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Games/Chess/Peo | |
58. The Chess Mind This Monday's ChessBase Show In the mid1920s, mir sultan khan (1905-1966) started to play chess as we know it.In 1929 his patron and master (these were the days of British colonial http://chessmind.powerblogs.com/posts/1114416950.shtml | |
59. The Scotsman - Chess News - World Chess Network In the early 1930s, mir sultan khan, one of the greatest natural talents the gamehas seen, World chess Network, Banter chess, PredictA-Move http://www.worldchessnetwork.com/English/chessNews/scotsman/030724.php | |
60. Games > Board Games > Abstract > Battle Games > Chess > People Kasparov, Garry khan, mir sultan Kramnik, Vladimir Lasker, Emanuel The site of one of the highest rated British chess players in the Under20 age http://www.xasa.com/directorio/mozilla/Top/Games/Board_Games/Abstract/Battle_Gam | |
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