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41. This Week In Bosnia-Hercegovina
Sinisa djordjevic, who advises RS prime minister Mladen Ivanic on relations withThe Hague, Former basketball star Mirza Delibasic died in
December 16, 2001 This Week in Bosnia-Hercegovina WARNING TO SRPSKA. The international community’s top diplomat in Bosnia threatened Serb nationalists with "eliminating" Republika Srpska if officials there don’t start complying with the Dayton peace accords. Srpska must create a multi-ethnic government, warned High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch, or "the international community will eliminate it." Advocates for a unified, multi-ethnic Bosnia complain that six years after the war’s end, Serb nationalists have yet to arrest indicted war criminals, allow non-Serb refugees to return in any meaningful numbers or create multi-ethnic institutions. "If the reforms are not implemented, there will be no Republika Srpska," Petritsch told independent television Studio 99 earlier this month, according to a press statement issued by his office. "Therefore, I will be watching very carefully the developments there during the next couple of weeks." Text of the full interview in Bosnian is posted at

42. EX-Jugoslawien Basketball
Translate this page basketball-Tradition und Trainer. In Jugoslawien wird basketball ja gefordert Einer der guter Trainer werden könnte ist alexandar Trifunovic der jetzige
Seiten: Werbung
EX-Jugoslawien Basketball
(Klick hier, um das Original-Diskussionsthema mit allen Farben und Bildern zu sehen!)
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Hallo Jungs, bin ziemlich neu auf denn Seiten hier.
Ich hab ein paar themen durch gelesen und sehe das hier Türken, Grichen, Serben, Kroaten usw. mitmachen...
Meine frage klingt vielleicht ein bischen eingebildet aber ich stell sie trotzdem.
Was denkt ihr warum wir in Jugoslawien viel bessere Basketballer haben als alle andere in Europa obwohl die Griechen, Türken, Spanier, Italiener usw. 100 mal mehr Geld investieren als die Clubs in Serbien. Die Treiningsbedienungen sind in diesen Ländern viel besser aber trotzdem haben Sie nicht die Talente die mann in Serbien hat. Momentan Spielen 10 Serben in der NBA, und in vielen Top Vereinen Europa's spielen unsere Spieler die führende rolle. Unsere Basketball liga ist auch ziemlich stark, im Sommer gehen wieder zwei Spieler in die NBA Milos Vujanic von Partizan Belgrad (22 jahre) und Darko Milicic Hemofarm Vrsac (18 jahre)...
Was meint ihr, woran es liegt ? Trainer ? Mäntalitet ?Basketball Tradition ?

43. CZECH-STREETBALL News 3, Sedlácek Petr, 130 ( 35 ).4, Nechanický David, 102 ( 25 ). 5, Stankovic alexandar, 102 ( 24 )

44. Dinamo Canjuga Dinamo Zagreb Drazen Petrovic Klub Loto Loto
352;IBENIK fibabasketball fibabasketball FIBA basketball veslanje Hrvatski Kup drazen Ritmicko sportska gimnastika alexandar petrovic veslanje veslanje

45. - Die Wechselbörse, Teil II | Fussball | Bundesliga
Translate this page Kristijan djordjevic (Karriere-Ende), Eduard Glieder (FC Superfund Pasching, Roberto Pinto (unbekannt), alexandar Mladenov (auf Leihbasis zum KSC)
if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('lf04361'); if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('lc03397'); if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('ld03398');
if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('le03399'); 30. August 2004 11:59 Uhr
HSV holt auch Holländer Boulahrouz
Auf der Suche nach Verpflichtungen: HSV-Sportchef Beiersdorfer
FC Schalke 04
Ailton (Werder Bremen), Alexander Baumjohann (eigene Jugend), Marcelo Bordon (VfB Stuttgart), Kai Heese, Tim Hoogland (beide eigene Jugend), Mladen Krstajic (Werder Bremen), Lincoln (1. FC Kaiserslautern), Christian Petereit (eigene Amateure), Simon Talarek (eigene Jugend)
Hamburger SV
Sonstiges: Hansa Rostock
Axel Keller (Eintracht Trier), Denis Lapaczinski (Hertha BSC Berlin), Kim Madsen (bisher vom VfL Wolfsburg ausgel.), David Rasmussen (FC Nordsjaelland), Tim Sebastian (eigene Amateure) Sonstiges: VfL Wolfsburg Sonstiges: Sonstiges: Hertha BSC Berlin Bart Goor (Feyenoord Rotterdam), Bartosz Karwan (unbekannt), Gabor Kiraly (Crystal Palace), Tomasz Kuszczak (West Bromwich Albion), Denis Lapaczinski (Hansa Rostock), Roberto Pinto (unbekannt), Alexandar Mladenov (auf Leihbasis zum KSC) Sonstiges: Jetzt Fanflug buchen und siegen!

46. - Die Wechselbörse, Teil II | Fussball | Bundesliga
Translate this page Twente Enschede, wird weiter ausgel.), Kristijan djordjevic (Karriere-Ende DenisLapaczinski (Hansa Rostock), Roberto Pinto (unbekannt), alexandar Mladenov (auf
if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('lf04361'); if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('lc03397'); if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('ld03398');
if(typeof(addLName)!='undefined')addLName('le03399'); 30. August 2004 11:59 Uhr
HSV holt auch Holländer Boulahrouz
Auf der Suche nach Verpflichtungen: HSV-Sportchef Beiersdorfer
FC Schalke 04
Ailton (Werder Bremen), Alexander Baumjohann (eigene Jugend), Marcelo Bordon (VfB Stuttgart), Kai Heese, Tim Hoogland (beide eigene Jugend), Mladen Krstajic (Werder Bremen), Lincoln (1. FC Kaiserslautern), Christian Petereit (eigene Amateure), Simon Talarek (eigene Jugend)
Hamburger SV
Sonstiges: Hansa Rostock
Axel Keller (Eintracht Trier), Denis Lapaczinski (Hertha BSC Berlin), Kim Madsen (bisher vom VfL Wolfsburg ausgel.), David Rasmussen (FC Nordsjaelland), Tim Sebastian (eigene Amateure) Sonstiges: VfL Wolfsburg Sonstiges: Sonstiges: Hertha BSC Berlin Bart Goor (Feyenoord Rotterdam), Bartosz Karwan (unbekannt), Gabor Kiraly (Crystal Palace), Tomasz Kuszczak (West Bromwich Albion), Denis Lapaczinski (Hansa Rostock), Roberto Pinto (unbekannt), Alexandar Mladenov (auf Leihbasis zum KSC) Sonstiges: Jetzt Fanflug buchen und siegen!

Associated Press Croat Candidates Banned From Vote (alexandar S. Milan Vujosevic, 12, says he plays soccer and basketball with Albanian and Serb
BALKANS CHRONOLOGY A chronology of events in the countries and regions of the Balkans: 31 August - 6 September 1998 Prepared by Naval Reserve Naval War College Support Unit (VTU 0119) CAPT R. K. Frink, USNR, Commanding Officer Volume I, Number 16 Naval War College, Newport RI – 7 September 1998 Edited by CAPT R.C. Rigazio, USNR, Research Department
Editor’s Notes: The Balkans Chronology, Issue 16, provides an overview of current events in the countries and regions of the former Yugoslavia and the Balkan Peninsula. Due to the intensity of events unfolding in the Balkans, this issue reports on the first week of September only. Primary source materials include the Washington Post, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times,Boston Globe, the Times of London, and the International Herald Tribune. Articles posted by both the Associated Press and Reuters are also reviewed and quoted. Other news sources and all web sites are included for your use at the end of this report. The Balkans Chronology is divided into four sections - The Executive Summary is a brief overview of the news events of the week.

48. CEEOL - Central And Eastern European Online Library - An Online Library Where CE
Alexander Neklessa, alexandar Karakachanov, Hristo Sotirov, Todor Koev, On the phenomenon of yugoslav basketball school, Frankfurt in October
C entral and E astern E uropean O nline L ibrary Search for articles Keyword Autor Welcome
to the Central
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C.E.E.O.L. is an online archive which provides access to full text PDF articles from humanities and social science journals, electronic books and re-digitized documents pertaining to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics. To find the documents or authors of your interest, please use the navigation menu on the left (Please click HERE to see all periodicals listed by subjects) We will be glad to welcome you as a new user of C.E.E.O.L. For Publishers For Authors My contributions About CEEOL ... Impressum The views expressed in documents distributed by C.E.E.O.L. are strictly those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the C.E.E.O.L. or its staff.

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50. Basketball 365: Chat Central
basketball 365 is proud to welcome Billy Mims, head coach of the AlexandarDjordjevic of Real Madrid makes more money than the entire BBL roster of any
Head Coach Billy Mims, Leicester Riders
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