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81. Astronomy Free Software astronomy freeware planetarium, moonset-moonrise and much more. Free software is arranged in over fifty categories. http://freeware.intrastar.net/astronmy.htm | |
82. ITE Telescopes Retailer of telescopes, telescope mounts, binoculars, CCD cameras, accessories, books and software. Located in Florida. http://www.itetelescopes.com/ | |
83. David Chandler Company Home Page Quality software and publications for astronomy and astronomy education. http://www.davidchandler.com | |
84. EOS Technologies Offers turnkey observatory systems for astronomy and satellite laser ranging. Systems include telescopes and instruments, enclosures, integrated control systems and software for remote and autonomous operation. http://www.eostech.com/ | |
85. Planetarium Software Other software. source code for many astronomical algorithms; astronomy Freeware Astronomical Computer software, a list at AstroNet; Dan Bruton s astro http://astro.nineplanets.org/astrosoftware.html | |
86. Lackawanna Astro. Society Lackawanna Astronomical Society's club calendar, activities, catalogs and software for the observer, sky links, and sky events. http://members.aol.com/SabiaJohn/LAS.html | |
87. Ash's Astro Pages Instruments and equipment information, homemade focusing aid, gallery and journal, processing software, and links. http://astro.ai-software.com/ |
88. Astronomy Pinboard Accessories, software, observatories, binoculars, telescopes, components, photo equipment, and miscellaneous items. http://pinboard.astroinfo.org/ | |
89. Optical Design Software: DbOptic - The Optical Design Database Program Offers optical design software for engineering professionals, students and educators. Products for astronomy and astrophotography. http://www.skyscientific.com/ | |
90. GM4JJJ Page Has Moved GM4JJJ, David with EME on 144 MHz and astronomy. MoonSked software for Moontracking for Macintosh, Windows and Palm Pilot. http://www.qsl.net/gm4jjj/ | |
91. National Optical Astronomy Observatory Information, news, resources, outreach programs, gallery, observing information, software, and newsletter and reports. http://www.noao.edu/ | |
92. Stellar Evolution On PC Starclock is a program for DOS that animates the evolution of stars on the HR diagram. http://leo.astronomy.cz/sclock/sclock.html | |
93. Avanquest UK Online Store Company markets software in the UK and Western Europe. Feature software for home and business, including clipart, DTP, music, astronomy, office productivity, cashbook manager, ISO9000, quality management, and Web software. http://www.guildsoft.co.uk/ | |
94. Resources For Undergrad/Graduate Astronomy Students Helpful links for graduate and undergraduate astronomy students. Includes software information, literature topics, statistical data analysis, and presentation tips. http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~matzner/svc/resources.html | |
95. Dark Sky Czech Republic Gives information, letters and press releases about the Czech light pollution law, parts of the law, images of various lighting fixtures, lightpollution software and contact details for members. http://www.astro.cz/darksky/ | |
96. University Of Washington N-Body Shop Home Page Part of the Department of astronomy at the University of Washington. Designs and runs software that enables highperformance computing on a variety of astronomy-related problems, including large-scale structure formation and planet formation. http://www-hpcc.astro.washington.edu/ | |
97. Deepsky Astronomy Observational Software shareware Win95/98/NT Deepsky 99 solves an important need for amateur and professional observers. The software allows the user to plan a productive http://www.deepsky2000.com/ | |
98. Astrogirl.org Information on the sky, clubs, reading, astronomy basics, tips, software, astrophotography, and links. http://www.astrogirl.org/ |
99. Sky And Telescope - The Essential Magazine Of Astronomy Publisher of Sky Telescope magazine and a variety of astronomy books, software, star atlases, observing guides and related products. http://SkyandTelescope.com/Default.asp | |
100. Home Publishes original research papers in all areas of astronomy covering all wavelengths and distance scales as well as papers on the latest innovations in astronomical instrumentation, data analysis, and software. http://pasp.phys.uvic.ca/ | |
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