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81. Penn State Astronomy Astrophysics - Graduate Student Handbook The Penn State Astrobiology research Center was established in 1998 as part of The Statistical Consulting Center for astronomy (SCCA) is a team of Penn http://www.astro.psu.edu/deptinfo/graduate/handbook/facil.html |
82. World Wide Web Resources In Physics & Astronomy Martindale s Virtual astronomy, Astrophysics Space Science Center High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive research Center (NASA) Space research http://library.hiram.edu/sub_physics.htm | |
83. ASP: Spanish Language Astronomy Resources Inspire Innovation Around The Planet The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an international nonprofit scientificand educational AMES research Center (Moffett Field, California) http://www.astrosociety.org/education/publications/tnl/60/spanish.html | |
84. SOFIA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared astronomy (SOFIA). EE Becklin Contract management will be performed by NASA Ames research Center. http://www.sofia.usra.edu/Science/publications/becklin/paper.html | |
85. Research Reports No. 102 Autumn 2000 of a couple of Smithsonian research centers to find out if elevated levels of Astronomical research priorities. The National research Council of the http://www.si.edu/opa/insideresearch/00102/hili.htm | |
86. @LA Astronomy/Astronomical Sciences In Southern California: Los Angeles County, CUREA (Consortium for Undergraduate research and Education in astronomy) at Luz Observatory at the Lewis Center for Educational research, Apple Valey http://www.at-la.com/@la-astro.htm | |
87. @LA Physical/Natural Sciences In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Orange Molecular Materials research Center, Pasadena Caltech Los Angeles MissionCollege Physics and astronomy Dept., Sylmar http://www.at-la.com/@la-phys.htm | |
88. ALA Tele-Collaboration The Center for Nuclear Imaging research (CNIR) at UAB is home to one of only The University of Alabama astronomy group has been involved in testing the http://www.uab.edu/internet2/ala_tele-collaboration.html | |
89. UCSC - Department Of Astronomy & Astrophysics Department of astronomy and Astrophysics at UCSC. Site includes descriptions offaculty and student research, information for current and prospective http://www.astro.ucsc.edu/ | |
90. ISPRS WG IV/9: Links John H. Glenn research Center at Lewis Field, Cleveland, OH. James Oberg sPioneering Space Jim Bell s astronomy Magazine Image Page http://astrogeology.usgs.gov/Projects/ISPRS/LINKS/index_links.html | |
91. Frequently Seen Space/Astronomy Acronyms AURA, Association of Universities for research in astronomy CARA, Center forAstrophysical research in Antarctica. C T, Communications Tracking http://www.maa.mhn.de/FAQ/acronyms.html | |
92. Tibetan Studies Centers And Tibetan Studies Workers Of these, 72 are specialized in Tibetan studies; they include 7 research fellows, and the Astronomical and Calendaring research Institute of the Tibet http://en.tibet.cn/en_index/raf/t20050227_42480.htm |
93. Honolulu Star-Bulletin Hawaii News the Institute for astronomy and the Pacific Biomedical research Center were He said the biomedical research center is in a different situation http://starbulletin.com/2002/04/02/news/story8.html | |
94. Astro/Space Frequently Seen Acronyms A A astronomy and Astrophysics AAO AngloAustralian Observatory AAS American Space Centre BTW By The Way CARA Center for Astrophysical research in http://www.faqs.org/faqs/space/acronyms/ | |
95. The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical Research Center The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical research Center is an Internetobservatory that allows users to access a researchgrade telescope, http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue8_5/hall/ | |
96. HEASARC Education & Outreach The Rossi Xray Timing Explorer Learning Center - Ages Upper High School to This list of astronomical resource sites is intended for users who may have http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/outreach.html | |
97. IMLS: Publications & Resources: Web Wise Conference Papers The Lowell Observatory Public Astronomical research Center The LowellObservatory Public Astronomical research Center by Jeffrey C. Hall http://www.imls.gov/pubs/WebWise2003/wbws03cp4.htm | |
98. Aerospace cooperative project of NASA Ames research Center and the Center for RadarAstronomy at The NASA Ames research Center, at Moffett Field, California, http://ostc.thaiembdc.org/uswww/aeros.html | |
99. Search India - Indian Science And Technology Overview, Planetariums And Research Agriculture Gateway Online source on agricultural research related issues CIAA - Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers. Center for http://www.searchindia.com/search/Science/ | |
100. Nat' Academies Press, Federal Funding Of Astronomical Research (2000) Federal Funding of Astronomical research (2000) Commission on Physical Sciences, The NRAO is a federally funded research and development center of NSF. http://www.nap.edu/openbook/0309071399/html/70.html | |
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