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41. Summer Research Opportunities For Physics Students Summer internship at one of three IBM research centers (San Jose, CA; REU program in astronomy conducting research with astronomers from Northern http://www.phys-astro.sonoma.edu/advisor/SummerScienceAvailNow.html | |
42. About Cornell Astronomy astronomy and Space Sciences are associated with two research centers the research (CRSR) and the National astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC). http://www.astro.cornell.edu/about/index.php | |
43. Funding Smithsonian Scientific Research WASHINGTON Three research centers of the Smithsonian Institution should remainexempt National Radio astronomy Observatory, and research Professor http://www4.nationalacademies.org/news.nsf/isbn/0309086337?OpenDocument |
44. Resources In Astronomy The AstroWeb information is available at the consortium centers CDS, NRAO, of observatories and institutions concerned with research in astronomy http://www.sla.org/division/dpam/subjects/astro.html | |
45. VP For Research - Centers & Institutes The astrophysics group in the Department of Physics and astronomy has improved The Center is the nation s first universitybased research center devoted http://www.ohiou.edu/research/centersinst.html | |
46. Centers And Institutes : College Of Science : University Of Notre Dame of nuclear physics, astrophysics and astronomy. Keck Center for Transgene research The Walther Cancer research Center is a collaboration between the http://www.nd.edu/~science/centers/ | |
47. AMPATH Astronomy Working Group astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC), a national research center as oneof the most important national centers for research in radio astronomy, http://www.ampath.fiu.edu/wg/astronomy_wg.htm | |
48. Space Astronomy in 1997, to promote space astronomical research activities and to develop a payload research centers in Korea. GPS staffs are also participating in http://www.kao.re.kr/html/english/division/space.html | |
49. Advanced Global Communications Technologies For Astronomy II - Astronomical Tele connectivity between their respective universities and research centers, Collaborative Astronomical research. simultaneous remote observing from http://www.spie.org/Conferences/calls/02/as/confs/AS12.html | |
50. UW Astronomy DepartmentGeneral Information Page astronomy Dept. Faculty, Emeritus Faculty, and Postdocs in 2001 Potentialexamples of research centers are a Center for Theoretical Astrophysics, http://www.astro.washington.edu/balick/support/pages/faculty.html | |
51. UGA Physics And Astronomy | Research Groups And Centers research GROUPS AND research INTERESTS. astronomy and Astrophysics researchcarried out at the Center for Simulational Physics spans a vast range of http://www.physast.uga.edu/research.html | |
52. UD Catalog - General Information The University maintains a number of research centers and institutes that focus research, with a primary focus in physics, astronomy and space sciences. http://udcatalog.udel.edu/general/general/research.html | |
53. Astronomy & High-Energy Astrophysics Links High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive research Center General AstronomyInformation Infrared Processing and Analysis Center http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/HHP_links.html | |
54. Space Agencies Formerly known as the Lewis research Center. also in Norwegian; Peru astronomyresearch Centre and Space Agency ( CONIDA ) astronomy research Centre http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_agency.html | |
55. Space Astronomy Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial research Center/CRL ( Space Environment InformationService Contains links to Backgrounds Data Center, Xray astronomy Branch, http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_space.html | |
56. Center For Gravitational Wave Astronomy A New NASA University Research Center Center for Gravitational Wave astronomy a new NASA University research Center. http://www.phys.lsu.edu/mog/mog21/node9.html | |
57. Adler / Astronomy / Research At Adler astronomy research Public Understanding of research Using his expertise ofthe Center of the Galaxy, Dr. Roberts has worked as a science adviser for http://www.adlerplanetarium.org/astronomy/astronomers/index.shtml | |
58. The Federation Of Astronomical Societies Ames research Center, Moffett Field, CA http//www.arc.nasa.gov/ research,communications, astronomy, navigation, and spy satellites. http://www.fedastro.org.uk/xhbinfo.html | |
59. HubbleSite - NewsCenter Inbox astronomy delivers upto-the moment astronomy news and Hubble pictures by the Association of Universities for research in astronomy, Inc. (AURA), http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/ | |
60. Canonical Astronomy Abbrev/Acro List Canonical astronomy Abbreviation and Acronym List. Projects Directorate FPMFiber Pulling in Microgravity FRC Flight research Center FRED Space Station http://www.astro.umd.edu/~marshall/ast_acro.html | |
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