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41. Astronomy For Kids Mercury Provides details related to location, visibility, size, origin of its name and surface. http://www.dustbunny.com/afk/planets/mercury/ | |
42. ALA | Great Web Sites: Astronomy & Space ASTRONOMY AND SPACE. Back to Great Web Sites for Kids main page astronomy for kids. Appropriate for Elementary School aged youth http://www.ala.org/ala/alsc/greatwebsites/greatwebsitesastronomy.htm | |
43. Kids.net.au Astronomy_and_Space astronomy for kids profile Basic introduction to astronomy for kids K-6 Astronomy and Space for Kids profile - Stars, planets, black holes, http://www.kids.net.au/kidscategories/Kids_and_Teens/School_Time/Science/Astrono | |
44. Astronomy For Kids Includes a picture and brief facts about this planet. http://www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/neptune.html | |
45. Kids.net.au - Site Profile For Astronomy For Kids Pluto , Provides a picture and brief facts about the planet. Url, http//www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/pluto.html......Title, astronomy for kids Pluto. http://www.kids.net.au/siteprofile/18221 | |
46. Astronomy For Kids Neptune Provides details about the location, the visibility and the moons of this planet. http://www.dustbunny.com/afk/planets/neptune/ | |
47. Astronomy For Kids, Children And Astronomy astronomy for kids. Useful Kids web sites, children s products shopping guide directory Category Kids astronomy, Children s astronomy resources http://www.indianchild.com/Kids/astronomy_for_kids.htm | |
48. Astronomy bullet, astronomy for kids Basic introduction to astronomy for kids K-6 grade. bullet, astronomy for kids - Site produced by three sixth graders has http://www.teaching-resource.co.uk/resources/astronomy.htm | |
49. Astronomy For Kids Includes a picture and brief facts about this planet. http://www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/mars.html | |
50. Astronomy For Kids Astronomy Projects And Activities For Kids astronomy for kids from Highlights includes a variety of astronomy projects for the family and kids astronomy activities. http://www.highlights.com/jump.jsp?itemID=111&itemType=CATEGORY&iMainCat=106&iSu |
51. Astronomy For Kids Mars Provides details about its location, its visibility, size and number of satellites. http://www.dustbunny.com/afk/planets/mars/ | |
52. Astronomy Websites By Kids For Kids; astronomy for kids (ThinkQuest Project) http//tqjunior.advanced.org/3645/ Learn about black holes, comets, stars and the Sun, http://42explore.com/astronomy.htm | |
53. Astronomy For Kids Educational Fun -- Toys, Games Etc. Fun, imaginative and educational Astronomy Space - Science toys, games, models, kits and puzzles for kids. http://cosmic-connection.com/toys.htm | |
54. Cosmic Connection -- Astronomy For Kids Educational Fun Links to fun space science activities, interactive, online games, everything Mars, books, magazines, glossaries and more. For all ages, onsite language http://cosmic-connection.com/kids.htm | |
55. Astronomy For Kids Includes information and two pictures related to this topic. http://www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/asteroid.html | |
56. Amateur Astronomy For Kids ,Kids, join me as we discover the world of astronomy and stargazing. Learn to identify what s up in the sky and when to look. Read about the people and http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/amateur_astronomy_for_kids | |
57. Astronomy For Kids - Learn About Asteroids Provides a definition, a history background and pictures related to these bodies. http://www.kidsastronomy.com/asteroid.htm | |
58. Amateur Astronomy For Kids Links ,Links at Suite101 relating to Kids, join me as we discover the world of astronomy and stargazing. Learn to identify what s up in the sky and when to look. http://www.suite101.com/links.cfm/amateur_astronomy_for_kids | |
59. Astronomy For Kids Contains an image and facts related to the planet. http://www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/jupiter.html | |
60. SCL Kids - Pathfinders - Astronomy & Constellations astronomy for kids http//www.frontiernet.net/~kidpower/astronomy.html Learn about all kids of spaceage things, including the sun, stars, planets, http://www.sclibrary.ab.ca/kids/pathfinders/astronomy.htm | |
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