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81. Venus Transit 2004 - Welcome Describes the VT2004 project that is related to this celestial event and which aims at transforming curiosity into knowledge and interest in science through a broad set of actions. It has been launched by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the European Association for astronomy education (EAAE), together with the Institut de M©canique C©leste et de Calcul des ph©m©rides (IMCCE) and the Observatoire de Paris in France, as well as the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. http://www.vt-2004.org/ | |
82. European Association For Astronomy Education - Luxembourg the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the European Association for astronomy education (EAAE) organize Catch a Star! again in 2004. http://w3.restena.lu/eaae/ | |
83. Astronomy Education Research Listserv - What Does Astronomy Education Research L What does astronomy education Research Listserv stand for? Definition of astronomy education Research Listserv in the list of acronyms provided by the Free http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Astronomy Education Research Listserv | |
84. Lake Afton Observatory Home Page: Astronomy Education Resources And Astronomical s and schedules for programs,......A part of The Fairmount Center for Science and Mathematics Education at Wichita State University. http://webs.wichita.edu/lapo/ | |
85. Stanford SOLAR Center -- Other Resources About the Sun astronomy education Science Information Infrastructure Hands On Universe Educational Resources in Astronomy and Planetary Sciences. http://solar-center.stanford.edu/resources.html | |
86. Educational Resources Astronomical Society of the Pacific astronomy education Astronomical This web site is offered to the net as a resource in astronomy education. http://www.cv.nrao.edu/fits/www/yp_education.html | |
87. Status Reports For Astronomy Education Review | SpaceRef - Space News As It Happ astronomy education Review. New Journal on Astronomy/Space Science Education Publishes Its First Volume (Sunday, March 23, 2003) http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsrtype.html?id=411&sdb=groups&name=Astronomy Ed |
88. Panel On Astronomy Education And Policy; (COMPLETED) Project Title Panel on astronomy education and Policy; (COMPLETED) Date Posted Posted 12/03/98 Project Identification Number BPAX-L-97-02-I http://www4.nas.edu/cp.nsf/0/5eb70cfc932fdb79852566d000108b88?OpenDocument |
89. Science: Astronomy: Education - Open Site Science astronomy education Open Site. the entire directory, only in Astronomy/Education. Top Science astronomy education (1). Overview http://open-site.org/Science/Astronomy/Education/ | |
90. Australian Astronomy - Astronomical Society Of Australia - ASA Education Reports on astronomy education activities around Australia from committee members Looking for other organsiations with interests in astronomy education? http://www.astronomy.org.au/ngn/engine.php?SID=1000012 |
91. The EnviroLink Network - AstroEd: Astronomy Education Resources AstroEd astronomy education Resources. Curriculum materials and background info. for teaching astronomy to K12 and adult education resources. http://www.envirolink.org/resource.html?itemid=100&catid=1 |
92. Astronomy Education Discussion Group Schedule astronomy education Discussion Group. For further information, contact Dr. John Percy percy@astro.utoronto.ca. The EDG meets every second Wednesday at 1210 http://www.astro.utoronto.ca/edugroup.html | |
93. NASA - MSU/Bozeman CERES Project of online and interactive K-12 science education materials for teaching astronomy. Closely aligned with the NRC National Science education Standards, http://btc.montana.edu/ceres/ | |
94. Physics And Astronomy - PhysLink.com Physics, astronomy and science news, community, education and reference. Job board, directories, forums, chat, education reference, fun and more. http://www.physlink.com/ | |
95. ASP: Astronomical Pseudo-science: A Skeptic's Resource List List of links for those, who want to examine theories that are on the fringe of accepted scientific thought that are related connected to astronomy. A few examples are astrology, UFO's, the Face on Mars, and ancient astronaut theory. http://www.astrosociety.org/education/resources/pseudobib.html | |
96. Education Links - Top Rated Educational Sites. Collection of educational resources separated into categories such as astronomy, lesson plans, math, and webquests. http://education.bjbarton.com/links/ | |
97. Spanish Language Astronomy Materials Education Center Recommended materials sorted by type and by grade level (including college and instructor level). http://www.astronomyinspanish.org/ | |
98. SEAC - SOCIÉTÉ EUROPÉENE POUR L’ASTRONOMIE DANS LA CULTURE - SEAC An interdisciplinary website dedicated to research, education and care of heritage in astronomy in Culture. http://www.archeoastronomy.org | |
99. Welcome To Cool Cosmos! NASA's onestop page for students, teachers, and anyone else who wants to learn more about infrared astronomy, the electromagnetic spectrum, or simply enjoy various games and activities. http://www.spitzer.caltech.edu/EPO/ | |
100. Chronicle Careers: Jobs In Higher Education Search a database kept by the Chronicle of Higher education. http://chronicle.com/jobs/10/700/6500/ | |
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