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161. Info For Beginners The first and best advice to beginning astronomers is to find anastronomy clubto join. Recommendations for Beginning astronomers by Jay Freeman http://www.sjaa.net/beginner.html | |
162. Welcome To The Roper Mountain Astronomers' Website In Greenville, South Carolina, provides calendar, star parties, news, astrophotography, outreach program, and newsletter. http://www.rmastro.com/ | |
163. History Of Astronomy Short biographies of several less well known British astronomers. http://www.mikeoates.org/astro-history/ | |
164. Famous Astronomers astronomers are listed chronologically. To find more information about these scientists, Many of the astronomers on this page were also physicists, http://physics.unr.edu/grad/welser/astro/astronomers.html | |
165. Back Bay Amateur Astronomers A page by a group of astronomers fighting the problem. http://groups.hamptonroads.com/pages1.cfm?page_id=3963 |
166. Rainwater Observatory & Planetarium Of French Camp, Mississippi. Primarily focused on education for amateur astronomers, school science classes, or local community groups. http://www.rainwaterobservatory.org/ | |
167. Sky Time Inc. Offers the unique Solunar Watch with numerous features for astronomers. http://www.skytimeonline.com/ | |
168. Cosmic Voyage-The Online Resource For Amateur Astronomers Cosmic Voyage is for amateur astronomers, offering advice for beginners, deepsky and planetary observing sections with sketches, a glossary of astronomical http://www.cosmic-voyage.net/ | |
169. Bruce Johnston Computing commercial DOS, Win3.1 CCD image processing software for amateur astronomers. Handles most file and camera formats. Allows tricolor imaging and 'track-and-stack as well'. http://members.aol.com/bjohns7764/ | |
170. Advice For New Astronomers Discusses telescopes, types, buying, and accessories. http://www.scopereviews.com/begin.html | |
171. ANDROMEDA OPTICS HOME PAGE Astronomical telescopes, binoculars and accessories for amateur astronomers. Located in Ireland. http://www.andromedaoptics.com/ | |
172. New Planet astronomers at Palomar Observatory Discover a 10th Planet Beyond Pluto Some astronomers have rather desperately attempted to concoct solutions which http://www.gps.caltech.edu/~mbrown/planetlila/ | |
173. Astronomy Great Western astronomers Reminder Perseid Meteor Shower Campout Fri Aug 12, The Great Western astronomers Observing Group And Telescope Club is the http://gwastro.blogspot.com/ | |
174. Important Astronomers, Their Instruments And Discoveries 1 From the merket to the reflecting telescope in three pages. http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/billa/psc/hist1.html | |
175. CBS News | Astronomers Discover 10th Planet | July 30, 2005 00:30:02 astronomers do not know the new planet s exact size, but its brightness shows that (CBS/AP) astronomers announced Friday that they have discovered a new http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/07/29/tech/main712859.shtml | |
176. Arty The Part-Time Astronaut An interactive adventure for young astronomers guiding Arty and his alien friend Greg through our solar system. http://www.artyastro.com/ | |
177. Toronto Sidewalk Astronomers Homepage Thanks for visiting the Toronto Sidewalk astronomers Homepage. Currently, we ve scattered to the four winds and so except for the occasional random outing http://hven.swarthmore.edu/~burns/TSA.html | |
178. 43 Degrees South Astro Produces solar filters and binocular mounts for amateur astronomers. Located in New Zealand. http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/43s_astro/ |
179. USATODAY.com - Astronomers Claim Discovery Of 10th Planet astronomers announced Friday that they have discovered a new planet larger than Pluto in orbit around the sun, likely renewing debate over what exactly is a http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/space/2005-07-29-planet_x.htm?csp=34 |
180. Chesapeake Optics Retail and online source of telescopes, binoculars, spotting scopes, and accessories. Catering to amateur astronomers, stargazers, bird watchers, boaters, or anyone who needs highquality optics. Located in Maryland. http://www.chesapeakeoptics.com/ | |
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