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Astronomers: more books (100) | ||||
141. New Scientist Breaking News - Astronomers Unravel Cosmic Explosion astronomers have taken a big leap towards solving a longstanding mystery the The breakthrough came when, for the first time, astronomers were able to http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7825&feedId=online-news_rss20 |
142. MuslimHeritage.com - Topics Articles on astronomers, observatories, work performed and its significance from the ninth to the fifteenth centuries. http://www.muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?TaxonomyTypeID=18&TaxonomyS |
143. Who Are The Black Astronomers And Astrophysicists? In these web pages we profile those modern astronomers of the african diaspora. astronomers, Astrophysicists, and Cosmologists (below). Physicists http://www.math.buffalo.edu/mad/physics/astronomy-peeps.html | |
144. History Of Astronomy: Persons Catalogue of biographical links covering hundreds prominent astronomers, past and present. Also in German http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/hist_astr/ha_pers.html | |
145. SideWalk Astronomers Official website of the SideWalk Astonomers organisation, California, USA. Bringing astronomy to the public. http://www.sidewalkastronomers.us/ | |
146. Sky And Telescope - The Essential Magazine Of Astronomy Various articles about light pollution including one on the history of the problem, one on rating the darkness of your sky, one on how astronomers can do more to help reduce light pollution and one on good lighting fixtures. http://skyandtelescope.com/resources/darksky/ | |
147. Quasar - SBVAA Web Site San Bernardino Valley Amateur astronomers web site containing the lastest club news, calendar, activities and information. http://www.sbvaa.org/ | |
148. Astronomy In Questions And Answers A comprehensive collection of simple facts about the planets, the solar system, meteors, stars, galaxies, and astronomers. http://www.astronomy.facts-on.com | |
149. Home Base You have found the home page of the Twin City Amateur astronomers, bringing astronomy to the masses in the twin cities of BloomingtonNormal, Illinois, http://twincityamateurastronomers.org/ | |
150. Lumicon - World's Best Filters Products include Easy Guiders, hypered film and hyper kits, diagonals, the Sky Vector NGC, richfield viewers and many other accessories for amateur astronomers. http://www.lumicon.com/ | |
151. C88 - An Informational Tool For Amateur Astronomers C88 provides detailed informations about the celestial sphere objects, visible with naked eyes and for the use of an eyepiece of a modest amateur telescope to observe deep sky objects. http://www.alcyone.de/c88/english/index.htm | |
152. HubbleSite - Astrofiles About "Hubble Provides Multiple Views Of How To Feed A B Later astronomers with more powerful telescopes identified many of these objects as 1949 astronomers had just developed another technique to study http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/newsdesk/archive/releases/1998/14/astrofile/ | |
153. Wwwgro.unh.edu8080/comptel/comptel_publications.html Introduction to IDLThe data reduction and display software that most astronomers are familiar with, Some astronomers object in principle to paying for software. http://wwwgro.unh.edu:8080/comptel/comptel_publications.html |
154. INAF-OAT Trieste Facilitates collaboration in solar phvsics among European solar astronomers. Contains details about JOSO's aims, structure, meetings and working groups. http://joso.oat.ts.astro.it/ | |
155. Vancouver, Washington USA The Vancouver Sidewalk Astronomers Are A The Vancouver Sidewalk astronomers are a loosely knit group of amateur astronomers from the Vancouver / Portland area dedicated to sharing a view of the http://vancouversidewalkastronomers.org/ | |
156. Record Breaker: A Planet From The Early Universe: Science News Online, July 12, astronomers have found the oldest and most distant planet known in the universe. http://www.sciencenews.org/articles/20030712/fob1.asp | |
157. Important Astronomers, Their Instruments And Discoveries 1 Alexandrian astronomers Aristillus and Timocharis charted the positions of the brighter stars (284 BC), producing the first star catalog using a Crossstaff http://obs.nineplanets.org/psc/hist1.html | |
158. Sky And Telescope - The Essential Magazine Of Astronomy Geared towards amateur astronomers. Astronomy news, sky charts, product reviews, indepth articles on the science of astronomy, and weekly sky observing guides. http://www.skyandtelescope.com/ | |
160. Newton Chilean private nonprofit organization for scientific research in astronomy, supporting over 300 staff astronomers in 15 european countries. Lists information about the organization and published research papers. http://www.ini.cl | |
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