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         Leck Bart Van Der:     more detail
  1. Vriendschap Op Aftstand: De Correspondentie Tussen Bart Van Der Leck En H.P. Bremmer (RKD-bronnenreeks) (Italian Edition) by Cees Hilhorst, 2000-01
  2. BART VAN DER LECK, 1876-1958: a LA RECHERCHE DE L'IMAGE DES TEMPS MODERNES (Bart Van Der Leck, 1876-1958: in Search of the Image of Modern Time) by Bart Van Der; Et Al Leck, 1980
  3. Bart Van Der Leck by Bart Van Der Leck, 1959
  4. Bart Van Der Leck by Toos Van Kooten, 1994
  5. De Stijl: Gerrit Rietveld, Piet Mondrian, Theo Van Doesburg, Rietveld Schröder House, Jacobus Oud, Bart Van Der Leck, Red and Blue Chair
  6. Christie's Amsterdam 4 December 2001 An Important Collection of Works by Bart van der Leck from the Estate of the Artist by Christie's, 2001-01-01
  7. An Important Collection of Works By Bart Van Der leck. by Christie's, 2001-01-01
  8. Bart van der Leck, 1876-1958 by Bart van der Leck, 1976
  9. Bart van der Leck, 1876-1958 by R. W. D Oxenaar, 1976
  10. Bart Van Der Leck by n/a, 1959
  11. Bart van der Leck tot 1920 = Bart van der Leck untill [sic] 1920: Een primitief van de nieuwe tijd by R. W. D Oxenaar, 1976

1. Bart Van Der Leck - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Bart van der Leck (November 26, 1876, Utrecht November 13, 1958, Blaricum) was a Dutch painter, designer, and ceramacist. With Theo van Doesburg and Piet
Bart van der Leck
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Bart van der Leck November 26 Utrecht November 13 Blaricum ) was a Dutch painter, designer, and ceramacist. With Theo van Doesburg and Piet Mondriaan he founded the De Stijl art movement. Son of a house painter, he started his career learning how to make stained glass in a shop in Utrecht. An example of his later stained glass work is in the Kr¶ller-M¼ller Museum in Hoge Veluwe , Netherlands. After having met Mondriaan and van Doesburg and having founded the Stijl movement with them, his style went completely abstract, like Mondriaan's. But soon he started to disagree with Mondriaan and went back to almost abstract paintings, based on real images. His painting Tryptich is an example, in which he transformed sketches of a mine in Spain into seemingly abstract shapes. When he worked on the the St Hubertus Mansion , he painted De Ruiter (the Rider). In 1919-1920 he created the interior design for Jachtslot St Hubertus , also on the Hoge Veluwe estate.

2. Bart Van Der Leck
Bart van der Leck (18761958) by Cees Hilhorst When he died at his painter s easel two weeks before his 82nd birthday, after a career spanning over half a
This biography is taken from the Christies catalogue for a sale of van der Leck's work held in 2001. See Note 1 below for details of the source and alternative versions. Bart van der Leck (1876-1958)
by Cees Hilhorst
When he died at his painter's easel two weeks before his 82nd birthday, after a career spanning over half a century, Bart van der Leek left an oeuvre of no more than approximately 175 paintings. He may not have been a prolific artist, but he worked diligently all his life. However, he lacked confidence, and neither his self-doubt nor the integrity from which it stemmed were ever to leave him. He found it difficult to declare a painting finished and then to put it aside. As a result - particularly in his later life - many of his paintings remained in the studio for years, awaiting his seal of approval. Yet there are other reasons why he left a comparatively small oeuvre. For besides painting, Van der Leek was always interested in various types of applied art. He tried his hand at typography, stained-glass work, interior design and ceramics, but – contrary to what he himself aimed at - owes his reputation mainly to painting.
Bart van der Leek (1876-1958) was born in Utrecht, a medium-sized provincial capital, whose university tempered the stifling lethargy that took hold of the Netherlands in the 19th century.

3. Bart Van Der Leck - Artist, Art - Bart Van Der Leck
Bart Van der Leck AskART art price guide for Bart Van der Leck and 54000+ American artists Bart Van der Leck art prices, value art, art appraisal,
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4. Bart Van Der Leck
Bart van der Leck was one of the founders of De Stijl ( The Style ), together with Piet Mondriaan and Theo van Doesburg. But contrary to those two,

5. Bart Van Der Leck - Wikipedia
Translate this page Bart van der Leck ontwikkelde zijn eigen kleurschema, bestaand uit grijs, wit en de kleuren rood, blauw en geel-groen. Deze kleur geel-groen is dominant
Bart van der Leck
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
Ga naar: navigatie zoeken Bart van der Leck Utrecht 26 november Blaricum 13 november ) was een Nederlands kunstschilder en vormgever. Van der Leck werkte in de jaren 1890 in enkele Utrechtse glasschilderateliers , waar hij tegelijkertijd zijn opleiding ontving. In Amsterdam begon hij met het bestuderen van schilderijen. Zijn vroege werk werd onder andere be¯nvloed door de Art nouveau en het Impressionisme . Vanaf begon hij echter een eigen stijl te ontwikkelen die bestond uit gestileerde en vereenvoudigde vormen. Hierin liet hij perspectief weg en zijn onderwerpen verwerden tot geometrische vormen in primaire kleuren . Ondanks deze abstrahering van de onderwerpen was het nog steeds mogelijk om bijvoorbeeld een vrouw die naar de markt gaat te herkennen. In Nederland was er in de jaren van de Eerste Wereldoorlog een groepje kunstenaars dat bezig was met (geometrische) abstracte, waaronder Piet Mondriaan en Theo van Doesburg . Deze waren daarom erg ge¯nteresseerd in het werk van Van der Leck. In ontmoette Van der Leck Mondriaan voor het eerst en in 1917 werd hij door Van Doesburg uitgenodigd om voor De Stijl te schrijven. Omdat Van der Leck in zijn schilderijen lijn en vlak nog duidelijker van elkaar scheidde, en de 'voorstelling', voor zover die nog aanwezig is, nog verder 'deconstrueerd', oefende hij zelfs invloed uit op de ontwikkeling van Mondriaan (zie

6. Tol AMol Ke Bol: Bart Van Der Leck
Bart Van Der Leck. And then I read more about him and the more I read the more I liked this guy. His form of art was called Minimalist.!AB01A40710EFECA2!195.entry
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        April 26
        Bart Van Der Leck
        If you have heard this name, you are in pretty special company. And since I heard about him a year back, I feel I should blog about him to increase awareness about this guy and increase that special company. My chance meeting with him happened at the Amsterdam airport. Nisha and I were coming back from our 2004 Europe trip to Denmark and we had a connection at Amsterdam. Since it was quite early in the morning and we didnt know exactly how to kill 3.5 hours that we had we decided to stroll around and do some window shopping. We went to this museum at the airport to see some of the well known artists' work. I was browsing through all this collection of art, some totally abstract where I had no idea what was going on and some pretty revolutionary. I remember learning about this artist who figured out how to paint with two imaginary light sources so that as you move along the painting, it changes your perspective view. I was super kicked. Then almost at the end of the gallery was a painting (attached to this blog).

7. Bart Van Der Leck - Wikipedia
Translate this page Overzicht van het Levenswerk van Bart van der Leck, Ausgabe des Stedelijk Museums, Amsterdam 1949 G. van Tuyl, E. van Straaten Bart van der Leck, Maler der
Bart van der Leck
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Bart Anthony van der Leck 26. November in Utrecht 14. November in Blaricum ) war ein niederl¤ndischer Maler der Moderne.
Bearbeiten Leben
Nach einer Ausbildung zum Glasmaler studierte er an der Rijksschool voor Kunstnijheid und 1900 bis 1904 an der Rijksacademie zu Amsterdam . Seine fr¼hen Zeichnungen sind impressionistisch beeinflusst, v.a. von George Breitner und Isma«l. In den 1910er Jahren gelangte er zu immer abstrakteren Formen, die sich aber doch nie ganz vom Realismus l¶sten. Ein drastischer Schritt war die Reduktion auf die Prim¤rfarben ab 1916. Seine wichtigste Sammlerin war (von 1916 bis 1918) Frau Kr¶ller-M¼ller. Zusammen mit Piet Mondrian u.a. war er 1917 Begr¼nder der Zeitschrift De Stijl . AuŸerhalb der Niederlande war er bis in die 1990er Jahre kaum bekannt, stand stets im Schatten Mondrians.
Bearbeiten Literatur
Overzicht van het Levenswerk van Bart van der Leck , Ausgabe des Stedelijk Museums, Amsterdam 1949 G. van Tuyl, E. van Straaten: Bart van der Leck, Maler der Moderne

8. Bart Van Der Leck - Wikipedia
Bart van der Leck (født 26. november 1876 i Utrecht, død 13. november 1958 i Blaricum) var en nederlandsk maler, designer og keramiker. Sammen med Theo van
Bart van der Leck
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
G¥ til: navigasjon s¸k Bart van der Leck (f¸dt 26. november i Utrecht , d¸d 13. november i Blaricum ) var en nederlandsk maler designer og keramiker . Sammen med Theo van Doesburg og Piet Mondrian grunnla han De Stijl -bevegelsen i europeisk og vestlig kunst. Han var s¸nn av en husmaler, og gikk f¸rst i l¦re for ¥ lage glassmalerier i en bedrift i Utrecht. Eksempel p¥ hans glasskunst finnes i Kr¶ller-M¼ller Museum i Hoge Veluwe , n¦r Otterlo i Nederland Han var allerede i 1910 kommet fram til ¥ lage billeder som var fullt abstrakte , og mer og mer med bare prim¦rfargene . Under deler av f¸rste verdenskrig bodde og arbeidet han i kunstnerkolonien i Laren, sammen med van Doesburg og en «strandet» Mondrian, som egentlig var flyttet til Paris, ogs¥ befant seg. En del av tiden dr¸ftet de seg fram til kunstprinsippene som ble lagt til grunn for De Stijl . Hans hovedkunde i denne periode var kunstsamleren fru Kr¶ller-M¼ller I De Stijl-perioden og en tid etterp¥, malte han helt abstrakte bilder, i likhet med Mondrian. Mens Mondrian hadde arbeidet seg fra det figurative, arbeidet van der Leck seg den andre veien, slik at man kunne se sammenheng fra motiv til bilde. «Rytteren», som befinner seg i jaktslottet St. Hubertus

9. Bart Van Der Leck - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page Bart van der Leck (26 de noviembre de 1876, Utrecht - 13 de noviembre de 1958, Blaricum) fue un pintor, diseñador y ceramista neerlandés, perteneciente al
Bart van der Leck
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Bart van der Leck 26 de noviembre de Utrecht 13 de noviembre de Blaricum ) fue un pintor, dise±ador y ceramista neerland©s , perteneciente al neoplasticismo . Con Theo van Doesburg y Piet Mondrian fund³ el movimiento art­stico De Stijl Hijo de un pintor de brocha gorda, comenz³ su carrera aprendiendo a hacer vidrieras de colores en un taller de Utrecht. Un ejemplo de su obra de vidrieras tard­a est¡ en el Museo Kr¶ller-M¼ller de Hoge Veluwe , Pa­ses Bajos. Despu©s de conocer a Mondrian y van Doesburg y haber fundado el movimiento Stijl con ellos, su estilo se volvi³ completamente abstracto, como el de Mondrian. Pero pronto empez³ a estar en desacuerdo con Mondrian y volvi³ a realizar cuadros casi abstractos, basados en im¡genes reales. Su pintura Tr­ptico es un ejemplo, en el que transform³ esbozos de una mina en Espa±a en formas que parec­an abstractas. Cuando trabajaba en la mansi³n St Hubertus , pint³ De Ruiter (el Jinete) En 1919-1920 cre³ el dise±o interior de Jachtslot St Hubertus , tambi©n en la finca Hoge Veluwe . Jachtslot St Hubertus fue dise±ado por Berlage . En 1930 recibi³ el encargo de Jo de Leeuw de dise±ar interiores, escaparates, imagen de marca y publicidad para sus grandes alamacenes. Para estos materiales a imprimir, van der Leck desarroll³ un alfabeto construido con formas geom©tricamente rectif­neas. En 1941, dise±³ un tipo de letra basado en este alfabeto para la revista de vanguardia

10. Bart Van Der Leck Online
bart van der leck Dutch Painter, 18761958 Guide to pictures of works by bart van der leck in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.
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last verified November 16, 2007 Link to this page
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Bart van der Leck
[Dutch Painter, 1876-1958]
Dutch artists

Paintings in Museums and Public Art Galleries: Minneapolis Institute of Arts , Minnesota
Shopping bag , ca.1935
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
, Minnesota
Museum of Modern Art
, New York City
Batavier-Line, Rotterdam-London , ca.1916 Centraal Museum , Utrecht, Netherlands At the Platform Centraal Museum Database , Utrecht, Netherlands (in Dutch) , Otterlo, Netherlands MacKenzie Art Gallery , Saskatchewan Museum of Modern Art , New York City - Provenance Research Project Abstract Composition Stedelijk Museum of Modern Art , Amsterdam Composition Tate Gallery , London, UK Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum , Madrid Professional Tools: Artprice Pictures from Image Archives: Bart van der Leck at Insecula Ciudad de la Pintura (in Spanish) Articles: Union List of Artist Names (Getty Museum) Reference sheet with basic information about the artist and pointers to other references. AllPosters The World's Largest Print + Poster Store Many images now zoom Own this art print Horseman More prints...

11. Tate Collection | Bart Van Der Leck
2 Works. bart van der leck Study for Compositions No. 3 and No. 4 (Leaving bart van der leck bart van der leck Composition 1918 bart van der leck

12. Bart Van Der Leck (1876 - 1958) Artwork Images, Exhibitions, Reviews
bartvan-der leck artist portrait, brief biography and art bart van der leck. Search the Art History Database for artists, titles, media, year,
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: Bart Van Der Leck
Nationality: Dutch
Media: Painting
Artworks in Museum Collections: (40)
Click the artwork titles below to see actual examples of artwork or works of art relevant to works by Bart van der Leck.
Jan van Meyer - The daughters of Sir Matthew Decker, Bart 1718 oil on canvas The Fitzwilliam Museum Dutch

Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco -
David Lance Goines, BART, 1974
Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - John Smith, Sir John Percival Bart, 1704 Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema - Sir Henry Tompson, Bart (1878) 1878 oil on panel The Fitzwilliam Museum British Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema - Sir Herbert Thompson, Bart (1877) 1877 oil on panel The Fitzwilliam Museum British Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - Jacobus Houbraken, (Sr. William Wyndham Bart.), 1741 Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - Sir Henry Raeburn, Sir William Napier, Bart., circa 1810 Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - George Vertue, Sr. Harry Slingsby Bart., 17th - 18th century Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - Ward, Leslie Matthew (Spy), Sir James Paget, Bart, 19th - 20th century

13. Bart Van Der Leck Artist And
bart van der leck artist and art biography portrait and gallery ( Painting Printmakers de Stijl ) on, resource modern and contemporary art,
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Bart van der Leck
Born Nov 26 1876, Utrecht, Netherlands. Died 1958, Blaricum.
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2 Works in the Tate collection Bart van der Leck on eBay

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Art prints and posters, photography, vintage and limited editions. The Triumph of Painting Saatchi catalogue with the greatest modern European painters: Peter Doig, Marlene Dumas, Luc Tuymans, the late Martin Kippenberger and others.

14. Bart Van Der Leck Prints And Posters At
bart van der leck Prints and Posters. Find bart van der leck Prints and Posters at
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Bart van der Leck

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15. Horseman Limited Edition By Bart Van Der Leck At
Horseman Limited Edition by bart van der leck at Choose from over 300000 posters and prints. Professional custom framing available.
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Pulled one color at a time from separate plates, this lithograph has been sequentially numbered in pencil in the lower left border by the publishers curator.
Composition with Red Blue Yellow
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24 x 30 in
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Broadway Boogie Woogie
Item #: 1813723
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28 x 31 in Our Price: Composition No. 2 Item #: 290967 Art Print 22 x 28 in Our Price: Tableau I Item #: 1370599 Giclee Print 11 x 17 in Our Price: Title:
Artist: Bart Van Der Leck Type: Limited Edition Size: 22 x 46 in Item #: Usually ships in: 5-10 Days Our Price: Recommend item to friend Send image as an E-card Exhibition Posters (Fine Art) (507 items) Limited Editions (Fine Art) (144 items) Neo-Plasticism (36 items) Artists by Art Movement (33,640 items)

16. Rt Van Der Bart Van Der Leck Bart Van Domburg Bart Van Es Bart Van
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17. CODART List - Museums With Dutch Art & Flemish Art
bart van der leck was born on 26 November 1876, the son of a house painter. In 1914 bart van der leck joined the ‘Estates Department’ of the Wm H.
@import url("/css/CodartAdvanced.css"); CODART - Dutch and Flemish art in museums worldwide
Bart van der Leck
Kr¶ller-M¼ller Museum
P.O. Box 1
NL-6730 AA Otterlo
The Netherlands T +31 318 591 241
F +31 318 591 515
From a museum press release
CODART is an international network of curators of art from the Low Countries. This site is the best guide to Dutch and Flemish art on the internet.

18. Bart Van Der Leck 1876 - 1958.. - LECK, BART VAN DER. - HEFTING, P., WOUD, A. VA
bart van der leck 1876 1958..; leck, bart van der. - HEFTING, P., WOUD, A. van der. (ORGANISATIE TENTOONSTELLING EN CATALOGUS.). Offered by Gysbers van
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Hilversum., 1976. or. omslag. Met afb., meest zwart wit. - Tentoonstelling Rijksmuseum Kröller - Müller en Stedelijk Museum.
EUR 80.00 = appr. US$ 117.2 Offered by: - Book number: L9732-2649
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19. Van Der Leck Bart Anthonij
bart Anthonij van der leck (26 November 1876 13 November 1958), Dutch painter and designer. He began his aprenticeship in Utrecht , working in several
van der Leck Bart Anthonij Partener Search: Home Set homepage Login Artists Site Contact ... Photographic Art
van der Leck Bart Anthonij - January 1st 1970
Bart Anthonij van der Leck (26 November 1876 - 13 November 1958), Dutch painter and designer. He began his aprenticeship in Utrecht , working in several stained-glass studios, then gained a scolarship which allowed him to study at the Nationaal school voor Kunstnijverheid, Amsterdam , between 1900 - 1904. At the same time he attended night classes at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam , where one of his teachers was August Allebe. His first works had various influences, both Sybolist and Impressionist. In 1905 he designed a new and special edition of the Song of Solomon, together with his friend, the architect and furniture maker Piet Klaarhamer. He travelled to Paris in 1907, then returned to the Netherlands , and for the next decade he moved around a lot, living in Amsterdam Utrecht and The Hague
The History Museum in Sibiu

Part of the Brukenthal Museum, the History Museum in Sibiu is hosted - how appropriate - inside the Old City Hall, a magnificent building, which has proven to be the best choice for the prestigious... Details
1000 de locuri ce trebuie vazute.

20. Mediateca Fundació "La Caixa": Leck, Bart Van Der
Fitxa de matèria del Portal de la Mediateca Online de la Fundació la Caixa (leck, bart van der). Centre de documentació a CaixaForum (Barcelona)
urlPath=''; iniciarIdioma('ca'); DynAPI.setLibraryPath(''); DynAPI.include('dynapi.api.*'); DynAPI.include('dynapi.event.*'); DynAPI.include('dynapi.ext.inline.js'); Matèria
Títols Entrades (7)
Catàleg Activitats Audicions Fòrums ... Hosting Ordenat per Títol Format Autors Any Format Títol Autor Any LL Càlida geometria: Col.lecció Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam LL Cálida geometría: Col.lección Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam LL De Stijl: 1917-1931 : Visions of Utopia / Essays by Manfred Bock...[]; Mildred Friedman, editor ; Introduction by Hans L. C. Jaffé cop 1982 LL FIAC'84: Nouvelles Acquisitions 1984 FIAC. Foire International d'Art Contemporain LL Moments d'Abstracció: Països Baixos: 17 pintors /Annemieke van de Pas, Gijs van Tuyl, Piet Mondrian (texts) LL Ooghoogte = Eye level: Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum 1936-1986: Deel/Part II Van Abbemuseum LL Van Gogh to Mondrian: Dutch Works on Paper 1 - 7 de 7

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