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61. BestPriceArt Search Lyonel Feininger Search lyonel feininger, Page 1. Previous 1 Next Barfüsserkirche II The River Barfüsserkirche II lyonel feininger The River lyonel feininger http://bestpriceart.com/search/?cri=artists&ust=Lyonel Feininger |
62. Feininger, Lyonel, 1871-1956. Papers: Guide. Abstract Correspondence between American born German artist lyonel feininger and his family and other correspondents, as well as musical compositions by http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~hou00818 | |
63. Fantagraphics Books - The Comic Strip Art Of Lyonel Feininger Fantagraphics Books Publisher of Comic Books and Graphic Novels by the World s Greatest Cartoonists, lyonel feininger Known worldwide as a painter, http://www.fantagraphics.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=406 |
64. Printfinders.com - 150,000 Art Prints And Posters. One Store. There were 11 matches for all of the words lyonel feininger . Sort results by Title Artist Newest Price Size Popularity reverse sort http://www.printfinders.com/cgi-bin/search.exe?searchstring=Lyonel Feininger |
65. The Old Print Shop lyonel feininger City at the Edge of the World. by lyonel feininger. lyonel feininger lyonel feininger - Drawings and Watercolors. by lyonel feininger http://www.oldprintshop.com/cgi-bin/gallery.pl?action=browse&creator_id=238 |
66. Blackwell Synergy - J Popular Culture, Volume X Issue 3 Page 667-678, Winter 197 Your browser may not have a PDF reader available. Google recommends visiting our text version of this document. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.0022-3840.1976.1003_667.x | |
67. North Carolina Museum Of Art lyonel feininger (American, 18711956, active in Germany 18871937) The Green Bridge II, 1916 Oil on canvas, 49 3/8 x 39 1/2 in. (125.4 x 100.3 cm) http://www.ncartmuseum.org/collections/highlights/20thcentury/20th/1910-1950.sht | |
68. Artsmia.org : Viewer Born in New York City, lyonel feininger lived in Germany, his parent s homeland, for most of his life. After a brief stay in Paris in 1911, feininger http://www.artsmia.org/viewer/detail.php?v=12&id=1425 |
69. Lyonel Feininger Translate this page Eine unabhängige Biografie zeigt den Karikaturist und Maler und Werke. Mit einer Linksammlung zu weiteren Websites, die sich mit dem amerikanischen Künstler http://www.feininger-biografie.de/ | |
70. Lyonel Feininger - Biography And Offers lyonel feininger was born on 17 July 1871 as the son of a concert violinist of German origin and a singer and pianist. He followed his parents to Europe in http://www.kettererkunst.com/bio/LyonelFeininger-1871-1956.shtml | |
71. The Hyde Collection Collections/Family History - Art, Museum lyonel feininger , American (18711956), Lighthouse I, 1947, Watercolor, 9 1/2 x 10 3/4 in., lyonel feininger. Anonymous Gift to The Murray Collection http://www.hydecollection.org/collections/details-image.cfm?ID=45 |
72. Index To Comic Art Collection: "Feiffer" To "Feivel" feininger, lyonel, 18711956. The Comic Strip Art of lyonel feininger / edited lyonel feininger A Kinder, Gentler Comic Strip / by Alan Fried. p. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/frri/fei.htm | |
73. JSTOR Lyonel Feininger Caricature And Fantasy Allen S. Weller/Editor book reviews Ernst Scheyer lyonel feininger Caricature and Fantasy, 196 pp., 50 ill. Detroit Wayne State University Press, 1964. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0004-3249(196624/196724)26:2<210:LFCAF>2.0.CO;2 |
74. Stuart Ng Books - Foreign Imports - French Albums & Imported Art Books German edition of The Comic Strip Art of lyonel feininger. The exhibition featured 49 early paintings by lyonel feininger beautifully reproduced in this http://www.stuartngbooks.com/importsfff.html | |
75. Lyonel Charles Adrian Feininger [1871-1956] - Find, Price & Research On Artfact. lyonel Charles Adrian feininger biography, auction, prices, literature and links. Find feininger at global auctions. http://www.artfact.com/features/viewArtist.cfm?aID=6657 |
76. Demuth Foundation In the Demuth Foundations most ambitious exhibition to date, the museum gallery will showcase the work of lyonel feininger, an early modernist artist whose http://www.demuth.org/mar2002-00.htm | |
77. LYONEL FEININGER New York 1871 - 1956 New York - Wienerroither & Kohlbacher GmbH Translate this page 1939/40 schuf lyonel feininger eine Reihe von Aquarellen mit beflaggten Schiffen. Meist sind es offensichtlich Phantasiefahnen (vgl. http://www.beyars.com/partner-objekt_105931_lyonel-feininger-new-york-1871-1956- | |
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