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Durand Asher: more books (29) | ||
41. Durand - Woodland Interior - C1854 asher Brown durand, a Hudson River School engraver and painter, was born in Springfield Township, New Jersey, in 1796. durand, initially known for the high http://www.smith.edu/artmuseum/exhibitions/spectrum/eddurandfull.htm | |
42. Asher Brown Durand: "An Old Man's Reminiscences." EJ375552 asher Brown durand An Old Man. Identifiers, durand (asher Brown); Nostalgia; Reminiscence. Record Type, Journal http://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=EJ375552 |
43. Asher B Durand Paintings | Oil Paintings | Oil Painting Reproductions asher B durand Oil Paintings and Oil Painting Reproductions. Every painting is hand painted to your exact specifications. Choose from more than 30000 http://www.oceansbridge.com/oil-paintings/section.php?xSec=3494 |
44. Auctions - News - Times Topics - The New York Times - Narrowed By 'DURAND, ASHER MORE ON AUCTIONS AND ART, LIBRARIES AND LIBRARIANS, NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, durand, asher B, BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN, COLE, THOMAS, STUART, http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/a/auctions/index.ht |
45. Alvy Durand Additions And Corrections The second child, asher, is an error, probably made because of the 1860 U.S. census which lists an A.B. durand, 13, between Fred F., 21, and Eugene H., 9. http://ftp.alvyray.com/Durand/DurandAdditionsAndCorrections.htm | |
46. Durand, Asher Brown - Definitions From Dictionary.com Definitions of durand, asher Brown at Dictionary.com. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Durand, Asher Brown?r=14 |
47. ASHER BROWN DURAND (17... - Online Information Article About ASHER BROWN DURAND asher BROWN durand (17 Online Information article about asher BROWN durand (17 http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/DRO_ECG/DURAND_ASHER_BROWN_1796_1886_.html |
48. JSTOR Asher B. Durand, American Engraver About 1824 asher durand went into bank note engraving in partnership with his brother Cyrus, the most ingenious of the mechanically minded durand brothers. http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0026-1521(194301)2:1:5<165:ABDAE>2.0.CO;2-O |
49. Asher B. Durand / The Beeches / 1845 Creator Name durand, asher Brown Creator Role Artist Creator Dates/Places 17961886 Creator Name-CRT asher B. durand Title The Beeches View Full View http://www.davidrumsey.com/amica/amico1356304-104087.html | |
50. Study Questions In what ways did Constable influence the younger Hudson River School painters, such as asher B. durand? What distinguishes Constable s romantic aesthetic http://rmc.library.cornell.edu/MESLatCU/AH360/review.html | |
51. Asher B. Durand Prints At AllPosters.co.uk asher B. durand Prints at AllPosters.co.uk. Choose from over 300000 posters and prints. Professional custom framing available. http://www.allposters.co.uk/-st/Asher-B-Durand-Posters_c24060_.htm | |
52. The Lay Of The Landscape - July 12, 2007 - The New York Sun It may seem lately every time you walk into a museum you see an asher durand exhibition. Thirty years ago, we had the Summer of Sam. http://www.nysun.com/article/58337 | |
53. Durand, Asher Brown - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Durand, Asher Brown Hutchinson encyclopedia article about durand, asher Brown. durand, asher Brown. Information about durand, asher Brown in the Hutchinson encyclopedia. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Durand, Asher Brown | |
54. Durand, Asher Brown - Digital-Picture-Printing-Frames durand, asher Brown. AddThis Social Bookmark Button. Full Category List Artists Painters durand, asher Brown. Categories on This Level http://www.digital-picture-printing-frames.com/store/PPF/Category_ID/899/product | |
55. Asher B Durand Artworks And Fine Art At Arthistorynet.com asher b durand art artwork and indepth artistic information such as paintings, sculpture, photography The Beeches, 1845 asher B. durand http://absolutearts.com/masters/d/durand-asher_b.html | |
56. MESL: Content Selection Working Group 1855 1978.6.3 PA durand, asher Brown (2717) A Pastoral Scene, 1858 1991.96.1 PA durand, asher Brown Pastoral Landscape, 1861 1980.62.6 PA durand, http://www3.iath.virginia.edu/uvamesl/content_selection/nga/ngalist.html | |
57. Am Lit Hist -- Sign In Page asher B. durand, who painted this picture, and Henry David Thoreau are the focus durand, asher B. durand Papers. Manuscripts and Archives Division, http://alh.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/17/4/687 | |
58. Durand Reproductions Paintings asher Brown durand Reproductions, Oil Paintings Reproductions of durand Paintings. Reproductions durand, asher Brown Dover Plain, Dutchess County http://www.allartclassic.com/pictures.php?p=1&p_number=840&forder=1&countsp=15 |
59. RH Love Galleries - Durand, Asher B.; R. H. Love Gallery: Specializing In Americ RH Love Gallery specializing in American art ranging in date from the Colonial period to the mid 20th century for over forty years. http://www.rhlovegalleries.com/site/epage/36031_472.htm | |
60. Durand, Asher B(rown) - Ninemsn Encarta durand, asher B(rown) (17961886), American engraver and painter, born in South Orange, New Jersey. Trained by an engraver and at the American http://au.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761571133/Durand_Asher_B(rown).html | |
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