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61. IALC: Soils Of Arid Regions Of The U.S. And Israel: Databases Of Soil Publicatio This database covers soils, agriculture, mycology, entomology, veterinary science,developing countries, public health, and related topics. http://cals.arizona.edu/OALS/soils/databases.html | |
62. Sustainable Agriculture-Key Text Around the world the concept of sustainable agriculture has been Australia hasmore than 7 million hectares of acid soils, which cost the nation around http://www.science.org.au/nova/071/071key.htm | |
63. Department Of Crop And Soil Sciences In response to these problems, crop and soil scientists are turning their attentionto pesticide accumulation in soils, agriculture waste disposal, http://www.css.msu.edu/AboutCSS.cfm | |
64. EPA - Savannah River Basin The suite of indicators included landcover types, uindex, agriculture on agriculture on highly erodible soils, agriculture on moderately erodible http://www.epa.gov/nerlesd1/land-sci/area.htm | |
65. Soils And Agriculture Resources To permanet@sunsite.unc.edu; Subject soils and agriculture Resources;From Lawrence F. London, soils 5104. Sites Relating to soils and agriculture http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech/permaculture/mailarchives/permaculture-links/ | |
66. Soils And Agriculture Resources To sustaglinks@sunsite.unc.edu; Subject soils and agriculture Resources;From Lawrence F. soils 5104. Sites Relating to soils and agriculture http://www.ibiblio.org/ecolandtech/agriculture/feedback/new-links/msg00336.html | |
67. AllSearchEngines.co.uk !! Web Directories Categories related to Science agriculture soils Research on physicochemistryand biology of agricultural soils, metabolism and nutrition of crops, http://www.allsearchengines.co.uk/cgi-bin/mozzy/dir.cgi?/Science/Agriculture/Soi |
68. Organic Soils And Peat Materials For Sustainable Agriculture Organic soils and Peat Materials for Sustainable agriculture provides detailedinformation from a worldwide perspective on the degradation process of http://www.chipsbooks.com/orgsoils.htm | |
69. Science: Agriculture And Soils The CHRIS imaging spectrometer is the principal payload of ESA s PROBA platform. http://www.rsacl.co.uk/chris/science/agric.htm | |
70. Manitoba Soil Science Society - Soils Agronomy Database -- 1957 To 2003 - Manito Manitoba agriculture and Food. soils hdr. June 2005. Manitoba Soil ScienceSociety soils Agronomy Database 1957 to 2005 http://www.gov.mb.ca/agriculture/news/msss/ | |
71. Vegetative Filter Strips For Agriculture, NF97-352 Therefore, a larger strip width is needed for removing finer soils. runoff ofsome agricultural nonpoint source contaminants, such as soil nutrients, http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/water/nf352.htm | |
72. PSB - Plants, Soils Biometeorology Dept, College Of Agriculture Utah State University Plants, soils Biometeorology, College of agriculture. http://www.psb.usu.edu/ |
73. PSB - Plants, Soils Biometeorology Dept, College Of Agriculture Utah State University Plants, soils Biometeorology, College of agriculture. http://www.psb.usu.edu/people/faculty/?iddg=40 |
74. UACES: AR Agriculture: Crops, Soils, And Water Management University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service AR agriculture Crops,soils and Water Management. http://www.aragriculture.org/cropsoilwtr/default.asp | |
75. Food, Agriculture, Gardening & Soils Supply Natural Waters Energy Transportation Recycling ToxicsP2 GreenBuilding agriculture soils Forestry Trees Landscaping Parks http://www.ecoiq.com/onlineresources/calendar/agriculture.html | |
76. Agricultural And Resource Economics Review: Some Hard Truths About Agriculture A Full text of the article, Some Hard Truths About agriculture and the and aslong as crops are planted in natural soils, agriculture will be subject to http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4046/is_200404/ai_n9396968 | |
77. Homepage - Sustainable Agriculture (Soils 345), Washington State University Sustainable agriculture (soils 345) Gain a holistic perspective of agricultureand food while exploring your own values with respect to sustainability. http://classes.css.wsu.edu/soils345/ | |
78. Soils soils, agriculture and Landuse Canada Soil capability for agriculture,Maps National Atlas of Canada, G1115 C3 1985 (shelved with G3401) http://www.geog.mcgill.ca/heeslib/Soils.html | |
79. Journey To Planet Earth . Educational Resources | PBS The idea for Sustainable agriculture It All Starts with the Soil grew out What similarities/differences are there in the soils where agriculture is http://www.pbs.org/journeytoplanetearth/education/agriculture.html | |
80. Soils And Environment: Index 93106 Hawaii History Spelled Out in Islands soilsAnother article, soils, agriculture, and Society in Precontact Hawaii, publishedin Science, analyzes the dryland field system of Kohala, located on the http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/soils/soilform/ | |
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