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41. Agriculture & Environment Division of division and its research projects.......IACRRothamsted,UK. Aims to optimise crop yield and quality while protecting soils, water, the food chain and the global environment through an understanding of nutrient acquisition, nutrient transformations, soil ecology and remediation. http://www.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk/aen/aenindex.htm | |
42. Soil Related Website 2) Health of Our soils from agriculture and AgriFood Canadahttp//sis.agr.gc.ca/cansis/publications/health/intro.html Twelve Soil http://42explore.com/dirt.htm | |
43. Canadian Soil Classification A taxonomy of soils. http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/soils/soilclass/soilclass_can.html | |
44. Cal Poly College Of Agriculture : Faculty Directory : Earth & Soil Sciences Dr. Dingus teaches Introductory Soil Science, Undergraduate soils Seminar, Ethics in agriculture Plant Nutrient Interaction in soils and Fertigation. http://cagr.calpoly.edu/facultyAndStaff/soilSciences.asp | |
45. Soil Resource Database For Saskatchewan This database provides information on physical and chemical attributes of the soil, landscape characteristics, and interpretive data. http://interactive.usask.ca/ski/agriculture/soils/soilmap/index.html | |
46. Sustainable Agriculture Research And Education - Publications - Building Soils F Sustainable agriculture Research and Education Building soils for BetterCrops unlocks the secret of maintaining a diverse ecosystem below ground to http://www.sare.org/publications/soils.htm | |
47. NSERL: WEPP Home Page This U.S. Department of agriculture area is the focal point for the national research program in soil erosion by water. http://soils.ecn.purdue.edu/~wepp/lab.html | |
48. Sustainable Agriculture Research And Education - Publications SARE s Sustainable agriculture Network publishes books, bulletins and onlineresources highlighting Building soils for Better Crops, 2nd Edition http://www.sare.org/publications/ | |
49. Rural Land-use, Soils And Agriculture Any development of greenfield land affects natural soil resources. It is vitalto protect agricultural land and soil resources, as well as to consider any http://www.cpm-uk.co.uk/agri.html | |
50. Nova Scotia Department Of Agriculture And Fisheries - Nova Scotia Soils Institut The Department of agriculture and Fisheries strives to ensure prosperous and Nova Scotia soils Institute. The NSSI is currently inactive due to http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsaf/nssi/ | |
51. Soils And Agriculture Of South Dakota - Natural Resources Of South Dakota Crop agriculture and soils. South Dakota. You are here Home soils andagriculture (Click Home to return to previous directory) http://plantsci.sdstate.edu/woodardh/Soils_and_Ag/index_soils.htm | |
52. Soils And Agriculture Of Central-Western South Dakota - Natural Resources Of Sou Crop agriculture and soils of CentralWestern South Dakota. You are here Home soils and agriculture Central-Western http://plantsci.sdstate.edu/woodardh/Soils_and_Ag/Central_Western/index_soils_ce | |
53. Tropical Sandy Soils International Union of Soil Science (IUSS) Tentative program Abstracts accepted Food and agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | |
54. Rio Grande Bibliography: Soils, Forestry, And Agriculture (US Department of agriculture. Bureau of Chemistry and soils. Soil survey report,series Soil Conservation Service, United States. Dept. of agriculture. http://www.cerc.cr.usgs.gov/pubs/riogrande/soils.HTM | |
55. ORGANIC AGRICULTURE AND SOIL BIODIVERSITY LIVING soils FOR agriculture. soils contain enormous numbers of diverse living Capturing the benefits of soil biological activity for agricultural http://www.fao.org/organicag/doc/soil_biodiversity.htm | |
56. AusStats : Feature Article - Agriculture And Soils In Tasmania Many soils in Tasmanias agricultural areas are low in potassium, so potashfertilisers are commonly used, particularly where rainfall is high or production http://www.abs.gov.au/Ausstats/abs@.nsf/0/1cdd1718c0ba635dca256c320024784a?OpenD |
57. Information On Soils And Agriculture Free environmental health safety software and online resources of informationrelated to soils and agriculture. http://www.ehsfreeware.com/soilinfo.htm | |
58. Agriculture And Water Resources Information The Iowa State University Hydric soils of the United States; Not Just CowsGuide to Internet/Bitnet Resources in agriculture and Related Sciences. http://www.soils.agri.umn.edu/research/mn-river/doc/links.html | |
59. Untitled Document Studies of soil and the history of agriculture in Hawaii tell the story of a Another article, soils, agriculture, and Society in Precontact Hawaii, http://newswire.ascribe.org/cgi-bin/behold.pl?ascribeid=20050418.111841&time=11 |
60. Isle Of Man Department Of Agriculture Fisheries And Forestry Website - Crops, Ma Official Website of the Isle of Man Department of agriculture Fisheries and The soils in the Isle of Man vary from loamy sands to peaty loams with many http://www.gov.im/daff/crops/plants/soils.xml | |
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