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41. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Research in cancer biology, plant genetics, genomics and bioinformatics, and neurobiology. http://www.cshl.org/ | |
42. Arabidopsis - The Model Weed For Plant Genetics rline.gif (865 bytes). fch75s.gif (3125 bytes), Biotech Bytes Box Arabidopsis the model weed for plant genetics. rline.gif (865 bytes) http://www.jic.bbsrc.ac.uk/exhibitions/bio-future/arabid.htm | |
43. USNews.com: America's Best Colleges 2006: Majors: Plant Genetics Prepare yourself for college with a wide selection of tools and articles, includingUS News World Report s America s Best Colleges interactive guide, http://www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/college/majors/brief/major_26-0805_brief.php | |
44. : : Centre For Plant Conservation Genetics plant genetics probably represents the only option to achieve the necessaryproductivity The Centre for Plant Conservation Genetics is a core partner in http://www.scu.edu.au/research/cpcg/sxn2/cpcg_about.php | |
45. Plant Genetics And Breeding Database The plant genetics and Breeding Database (formerly PLANTGENECD) provides accessto international scientific literature relating to genetic resources, http://www.cabi-publishing.org/AbstractDatabases.asp?SubjectArea=&PID=112 |
46. Area Of Plant Genetics And Biotechnology Agricultural and plant genetics, 17 credits. Genetical biotechnologies, 12 credits.Plant and crop breeding, 10 credits. Genetic resources, 5 credits http://www.dista.agrsci.unibo.it/english/genetics/index.php |
47. Plant Genetics Nijmegen Welcome at the Homepage of the Section plant genetics, Radboud University Nijmegen,The Netherlands. http://www.pg.science.ru.nl/ | |
48. Welcome To Genetics.com Genetics.com, Genetics Portal Sponsored Results plant genetics mitosis;yeast, insect, plant geneticseverything needed for the classroom. http://www.genetics.com/?show=Plant Genetics |
49. The Plant Genetics Group - Oulu Plant Genetics Group We have also worked with applying plant population genetics to issues of conservationgenetics (Savolainen and Kuittinen 2000) and to plant breeding http://cc.oulu.fi/~genetwww/plants/ | |
50. Contents Latest Issue 2005 Volume 46 2004 Volume 45 2003 Volume 44 Founded in 1960 at the Institute of plant genetics, Polish Academy of SciencesGenetica Polonica Journal of Applied Genetics (JAG) publishes original papers http://jag.igr.poznan.pl/ | |
51. The NTNU Plant Genetics Group The NTNU plant genetics Group is headed by professor Atle M. Bones. Our mainresearch areas are cell and molecular biology. We study the immune system of http://boneslab.bio.ntnu.no/ | |
52. Max Planck Institute For Plant Breeding Research, Cologne - Molecular Plant Gene Molecular plant genetics, Heinz Saedler In addition, a system of ReverseGenetics has been established in Arabidopsis thaliana (GABI) using the En/Spm http://www.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/english/research/saedlerGroup/ | |
53. Plant Genetics & Genomics, Plant Genetics & Genomics plant genetics Genomics. Research director Prof. German Spangenberg.plant genetics and Genomics focuses on the development of new plant products, http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/dpi/nrensr.nsf/childdocs/-BA211CA6E23454E6CA256ECC0022 |
54. Faculty By Discipline: Plant Genetics Research Area Quantitative genetics; Plant breeding and genetics GeneticsSubject Heading Bioinformatics and Genomics; plant genetics http://gene.tamu.edu/faculty_discipline_plant.htm | |
55. Faculty Research Interest Plant Genetics Penn State Institutes Plant Diseases or Pathology, Plant Ecology, plant genetics, Plant Nutrition,Plant or Soil Nutrient Bioavailability 12 result(s) for plant genetics http://www.environment.psu.edu/faculty/faculty_results_keyword.asp?varKeyword_ID |
56. Employment Biotechnology Plant Genetics Jobs Careers Employment Biotechnology plant genetics Jobs Careers, . All products, auctions,jobs, careers, Employment Biotechnology plant genetics Jobs Careers, http://www.agriseek.com/work/e/Employment/Biotechnology/Plant-Genetics/ | |
57. Careers Biotechnology Plant Genetics Jobs Employment Careers Biotechnology plant genetics Jobs Employment, . All products, auctions,jobs, careers, Careers Biotechnology plant genetics Jobs Employment, http://www.agriseek.com/jobs/e/Employment/Biotechnology/Plant-Genetics/ | |
58. MBG*3100 Plant Genetics, University Of Guelph Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph. http://www.plant.uoguelph.ca/courses/mbg-3100/ | |
59. FindArticles Search For "Plant Genetics / Research" Geneticists redefine meaning of perennial plant genetics - includes Somaclonal variation; harvest of an agronomic anomaly - plant genetics - part 2 http://www.findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qt=Plant genetics / Research |
60. International Plant Genetics Treaty Goes Into Effect (News) Staff The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture,which took effect on Tuesday, June 29, validates farmers right to plan ahead, http://www.utne.com/webwatch/2004_155/news/11289-1.html | |
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