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81. Fruit Gardening In The Landscape Appropriate varieties, climate, plant management, and problem control for Texas fruit crops. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/extension/fruitgarden/fruitgarden.html | |
82. CU Horticulture Homepage Welcome to the horticulture Department at Clemson University. horticulture Events. horticulture Seminar Schedule State Master Gardener Conference http://www.clemson.edu/hort/ | |
83. Red Wiggler Community Farm And Community Supported Agriculture Founded in 1996 as a nonprofit horticulture therapy and vocational training program for adults with developmental disabilities. http://www.redwiggler.org/ | |
84. JMGkids Online || Junior Master Gardener Program for American youth of all ages that uses fun activities to teach horticulture and environmental science concepts. http://jmgkids.us/ | |
85. Pennsylvania Small Scale Fruit Production A number of tree fruit and other resources from the Penn State University horticulture Department. Tree pruning illustrated, tree fruit fact sheets for the smallscale and backyard grower. http://ssfruit.cas.psu.edu/ |
86. KinderGARDEN Provides suggestions for helping young children interact with the outdoors. http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/kindergarden/kinder.htm | |
87. University Of Kentucky - Department Of Horticulture University of Kentucky Department of horticulture. http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Horticulture/ | |
88. Australian Institute Of Horticulture - Leadership In Horticulture Information for members, students, and everyone interested in horticulture. http://www.aih.org.au/ | |
89. Horticulture@UGA Departmental website that includes information on degree programs, faculty, commercial horticulture. http://www.uga.edu/~hort/ | |
90. Horticulture Solutions Series A collection of short notes on a number of horticultural topics. http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~robsond/solutions/hort.html |
91. We Have Moved http//www.horticulture.wisc.edu. Please wait a moment to be transferred to the new site If you have waited more than a few seconds and you are http://www.hort.wisc.edu/ | |
92. Hungarian Horticulture Detailed account of horticulture in the country, its prospects, statistics, methods. http://www.kertnet.hu/HungarianHorticulture/gb/index.htm | |
93. Association Of Zoological Horticulture Inc. Dedicated to the advancement of zoo horticulture in zoological parks, gardens and aquariums. Includes membership and board information and helpful links. http://www.azh.org/ | |
94. Michigan Master Gardener Volunteer Program Homepage As a horticulture education and volunteer leader training program offered by Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) in over 20 counties throughout the state of Michigan, the website offers information on horticultural programs and class schedules around the state, and links to other gardening resources and groups around the country. http://www.msue.msu.edu/mastergardener/ | |
95. Pacific Horticulture Magazine A quarterly publication produced by the Pacific horticulture Foundation, with articles written by Western gardeners on topics relating to horticulture in http://www.pacifichorticulture.org/ | |
96. Index.html Suppliers of a wide range of horticultural products. http://www.lbs-group.co.uk |
97. Horticulture At Auburn University Programs, faculty, research, affiliations, and newsletter. http://www.ag.auburn.edu/dept/hf/ | |
98. Index Page Redo home horticulture greenhouse research AU hort dept industry links calendar keyword index ideas archived newsletters plant database http://www.ag.auburn.edu/landscape/ | |
99. Virginia Tech Horticulture Garden University garden in Blacksburg. Photographic tour, visitor information, quarterly newsletters, listing of events, and information about volunteering. http://www.hort.vt.edu/VTHG/ | |
100. Horticultural Development Council New and information on the HDC, which works to strengthen the competitive position of British horticulture through effective research and technology interaction. http://www.hdc.org.uk/ |
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