THE FORESTRY MAJOR [Required Courses] [Course Descriptions] [UAM Schedule of Classes] [SFR Homepage] UAM holds the distinction of having the only school of forestry in the state; our program ranks among the nation's leaders. Our location in southern Arkansas, at the heart of the st ates forestry activity, allows students to rub elbows with professional foresters and land managers and learn first hand what you can't get in any classroom. We are accredited by the Society of American Foresters. Through our B.S. program we'll prepare you to assume positions in both public and private forestry, and to succeed in graduate school. The forestry major prepares you for a broad range of career opportunities involving the management, utilization or study of forest resources. Unlike coal, iron, oil and gas, forests hold a unique distinction as a renewable resource. Forests and the forest environment provide a diversity of valuable resources, including timber, water, wildlife, range, forage, recreation and wilderness. However, the management and protection of forests for a variety of products and services on a sustained basis require professional foresters who understand the complex ecological, economic and social issues facing natural resource management. Professional foresters are responsible for growing and harvesting trees while protecting forests against wildfires, insects, diseases, erosion and extremes of weather. Enhancement and protection of wildlife habitat and aesthetic values have become increasingly important in management strategies. Forest managers may be employed with private forestry consulting firms, state or federal agencies such as the Arkansas Forestry Commission and U.S. Forest Service, forest products companies, or other companies (such as oil, gas, and electric utilities) that own large tracts of forest land. Students receiving a degree in forestry also have the option of taking additional courses in biology and wildlife management to provide the expertise they would need for employment with wildlife management agencies. | |