CodeGuru: Visual C++ / C++ A lot of visual C++ and MFC sources, tips and tricks. Big developers forum.
Visual C++ Learning Edition Start Page. Having stuggled for months to get the first successful compile, author dedicate this page to questions of the sort Hi, I am 12 years old, never before programmed anything .
Extractions: Beginner FAQ's Have you tried to begin using Visual C++ only to be confronted with a totally blank screen before typing your first line of code ? Having stuggled for months to get the first successful compile, I dedicate this page to questions of the sort: "Hi, I am 12 years old, never before programmed anything, just used the computer as any other kid. I would like to study how to program my own gams etc. What is the best way to do that? Is there a learning program for this (I thought using the visual C++)? Thank's Gonen ". This is a drug-free work Zone... there may be bad-words, but no dope here folks. Please note that this site has no business connection to Microsoft. They have neither passed upon the name nor has there been any sort of endorsement or disapproval of any color or nature. I note with interest, Linux has proven to provide enormous background information on the topics I originally set out to answer in this page. I have not been able to devote the time to this page I intended - but plan to link several books as my next action for this page. C++ FAQ C for C++ Programmers The Boiler Room
EJaz Tools for general usage developer. visual XCopy, IHA ClassInfo (extract classes information from in .cpp/.pas/.html/.java files), dbAdmin programs.
Free C / C++ Compilers And Interpreters ( Unbelievably, the Microsoft visual C/C++ command line compiler, along with C , VB . a href= http//
Extractions: Main Site Home Feedback Link To Us No Spam Policy ... Site Map Programming Free Compilers Source Code / Libraries Programming Tools Documentation ... Free Emulators For Webmasters Web Hosting Perl Scripts PHP Scripts Script Hosting ... Wizards Security Security Miscellaneous Free Utilities Logtime Tofrodos NetSyndic ... News
Windows-ohjelmointi Windowsohjelmoinnin perusteet, ty¶kaluina visual C++, Win32 API, MFC-luokkakirjasto ja Java. Teoriaa ja harjoitusteht¤vi¤.
Extractions: C/C++ teoria Ohjelmointitesti C-kielen alkeet C++-alkeet C++-taulukkoja ... Koodausohjeita C++ tehtävät C++ perusteet C++ vaikeat C++ syventävät Kertaustehtäviä Win32-teoria Ohjelmointitesti Ohjelmointimalli Ikkunaluokat Lyhyt pohja ... Laajennettu pohja Win32-tehtävät Win32 perusteet Win32 vaikeat Win32 syventävät MFC-teoria Kontrolliluokat MFC-luokat Lyhyt pohja Laajennettu pohja MFC-tehtävät MFC perusteet MFC vaikeat MFC syventävät Java-teoria Javan alkeet Java pohja Java-tehtävät Java konsoli Java perusteet Java vaikeat Java syventävät Windows-ohjelmointi Moro, Lienet jo selannut nettiä, mahdollisesti lukenut kirjoja mutta silti esimerkkikoodin puuttuminen on hidastanut. Tämä saitti on omistettu kaikille aloitteleville ohjelmoinnista kiinnostuneille suomenkieltä puhuville. Koodauksesta löytyy paljon tietoa mutta liian paljon se on englannin kielen taitoisille tarkoittettua. Myös pohjatietoa edellytetään aivan liikaa. Tarkoituksena on opastaa ensimmäisestä C-ohjelmasta käyttöjärjestelmäriippumattomaan graafiseen Java-ohjelmointiin. Oheinen materiaali on parhaimmillaan jonkin opuksen tai opettajan kanssa läpikäytynä. Ohjelmoinnista on kirjoitettu jo paljon, siksipä tältä saitilta löytyy enimmäkseen tehtäviä. Koodin lukemisen osaaminen on yhtä tärkeää kuin sen kirjoittamisen taito. Ohjelmoimaan ei opi kuin koodaamalla.
Visual C++ Tutorial Creating a New visual C++ 6.0 Project Think of this as building a new desk. Compiling and Running your visual C++ 6.0 Project This is the final step
Extractions: Dr. Jennifer Kay (with handouts by Rose Boiano and Jennifer Kay) You will be writing programs, and then compiling and running them. To compile a program (think of compilation as turning C++ code into a different language that your PC can run), it must be a part of a Visual C++ "project". Think of it this way. A program is a lot like a piece of paper with words on it, and a project is a lot like a big wooden desk. When you create a new Visual C++ Project, you are building a new desk to work on. This desk has a special area where it holds the papers that are most important to you, but there is also lots of space to hold other papers. Every time you write a new program, you get out a blank piece of paper and write on it. You can also, of course, take an old program (a piece of paper you've already written on) and run it, or modify it and then run it. When you want to compile and run your program, you have to tell the computer to remove any other papers from the special space on the desk, and put your program in the special space. Then you have to tell it to put your new program in the special space. Finally, you tell it to compile and run what's in the special space. This document gives you an outline of how to do different common tasks, and has links to the following files:
C++ Source Code For Tetris (Visual C++) Provides Tetris download and source code in visual C++. Modules.cpp, Modules.h,Implementation of the CModule VC class and its children
Extractions: Visual C++ source code show you the method of making VC project. Source Code Name Head File Description GTetris.cpp GTetris.h Defines the entry point for the application. App.cpp App.h Implementation of the CApp VC class. Game.cpp Game.h Implementation of the CGame VC class. (Define game rule) MainWnd.cpp MainWnd.h Implementation of the CMainWnd VC class. ModBox.cpp ModBox.h Implementation of the CModBox VC class. Modules.cpp Modules.h Implementation of the CModule VC class and its children Graphics.cpp Graphics.h Implementation of the CGraphics VC class. Timer.cpp
Re: [nant-dev] UPDATE: BUG: Visual-Cpp Tasks Fail When Path For Response When I found the error in the visualcpp tasks, I first checked to see if it wasalready fixed BTW, thanks for adding the fix for the visual-cpp tasks.
Extractions: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 15:59:01 -0800 ... [nant-dev] BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. James C. Papp [nant-dev] UPDATE: BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. James C. Papp Re: [nant-dev] UPDATE: BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. Gert Driesen Re: [nant-dev] UPDATE: BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. James C. Papp Reply via email to
Extractions: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 15:54:03 -0800 [nant-dev] BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. James C. Papp [nant-dev] UPDATE: BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. James C. Papp Re: [nant-dev] UPDATE: BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. Gert Driesen Re: [nant-dev] UPDATE: BUG: Visual-Cpp tasks fail when path for response file contains a space. James C. Papp Reply via email to
CodeGuru: Visual Studio.NET Style Tear Off Panes - Part II Framework to build and use visual Studio .NETstyle Tear Off Panes By kirants . Include the files XTearOffPaneManager.cpp/.h, XTearOffSplitterWnd.cpp/.h
Extractions: Editorial Review: For the majority of C++ programmers, the pace and style of David Chapman's Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days will make a good deal of sense. The author covers all the essentials of basic Windows and Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) development, and then addresses several new features in Visual C++ 6, all while moving quickly enough for the busy, working programmer. Chapman's first section introduces the basic Visual C++ 6 tools, like the AppWizard and ClassWizard, and discusses the essentials of building dialog-based applications using basic Windows controls such as static text, edit, button, and list box controls. Further chapters cover mouse and keyboard basics, timers, menus, and fonts. In short, the first week provides a traditional introduction to Windows and MFC programming without the frills. The second set of tutorials delves into Graphical Device Interface (GDI) graphics programming, always a challenging topic for new MFC programmers. Then the author moves to using ActiveX controls inside your applications (a real strength of Visual C++, enhanced in the new release). The basics of toolbars, saving and restoring files to MFC applications, and an introduction to Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) programming round out this set of chapters.
Sams.Microsoft.Visual.CPP.Dot.NET.2003.Kick.Start Translate this page Sams.Microsoft.visual.cpp.Dot.NET.2003.Kick.Start. . , , Title Microsoft visual C++ .NET 2003 Kick Start
E- Ebooks - ? Translate this page visual.cpp.Dot.NET.2003.Kick.Start. C/C++ (ebook pdf) C++ Unleashed. C/C++IBM.Redbooks.Developing.And.Porting.C.And.C.Plus.Plus.Applications.On.AIX
Teach.Yourself.Visual.CPP.In21Days Teach.Yourself.visual.cpp.In21Days; publisher Sams; category C/C++; formatpdf; available on ebookstore.
Extractions: Editorial Review: For the majority of C++ programmers, the pace and style of David Chapman's Teach Yourself Visual C++ 6 in 21 Days will make a good deal of sense. The author covers all the essentials of basic Windows and Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) development, and then addresses several new features in Visual C++ 6, all while moving quickly enough for the busy, working programmer. Chapman's first section introduces the basic Visual C++ 6 tools, like the AppWizard and ClassWizard, and discusses the essentials of building dialog-based applications using basic Windows controls such as static text, edit, button, and list box controls. Further chapters cover mouse and keyboard basics, timers, menus, and fonts. In short, the first week provides a traditional introduction to Windows and MFC programming without the frills. The second set of tutorials delves into Graphical Device Interface (GDI) graphics programming, always a challenging topic for new MFC programmers. Then the author moves to using ActiveX controls inside your applications (a real strength of Visual C++, enhanced in the new release). The basics of toolbars, saving and restoring files to MFC applications, and an introduction to Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) programming round out this set of chapters.
C++ Tutorial - FunctionX This site offers C++ programming tutorials and links.
Extractions: FunctionX FunctionX Press C++ Builder Visual C++ ... Polymorphism and Abstraction C++ is a language used to communicate with the computer. It works by writing a series of instructions that another program, called a compiler, can analyze and "transmit" to the machine. This site provides lessons, topics, and links that teach how to use this computer language. An electronic book (ebook) version of this site with updated material is available for purchase Web Topics Reference Methods When creating a C++ class, you can add a member function that returns a reference. This is a review of how to proceed. This also includes a comparison of reference methods with set and get accessories. File Processing (FILE) This is a review of how to save values to a medium using the FILE structure of the C language. File Processing (fstream) The C++ language provides the fstream and its inherited classes used to perform file processing as we review them here Array-Based Lists Use a class to create a list that uses an array as the main object of the list.
Calling Convetions In Microsoft Visual C++ The calling conventions used in visual C++ are documented. If they occur inthe same compilation unit (.cpp file) then itsa simple bug for the compiler
Extractions: Hack Craft The calling conventions used in Visual C++ are documented. The main reason for having this document here is so that I can reference it from elsewhere for the benefit of those who do not have access to the documentation while they are an article which requires knowledge of the conventions. While Iâm here though I might as well try to do as good a job as I can at explaining the different conventions. C++ provides a way of defining a function and a way of calling that function with arguments that soon become second nature to use. When the function and calls to it are compiled there are quite a few different ways in which the process of getting those arguments to where the functionâs code can âseeâ them before executing the code can be performed. There are pros and cons to each, and some compilers have extensions which allow you do choose which is used. Most of the time there is no need to do anything other than use the defaults or, in a few cases where you are required to match a binary specification, do what you are told. But you might want to make use of this in some cases, or simply understand what it is going on with calling conventions used by code you interface with.
Visual C++ FAQ visual C++ will then compile and link basics.cpp and produce the executable filebasics.exe. Compilation and linking errors are listed in the message window
Extractions: Visual Studio questions How do I build (compile and link) and execute a single-file program in Visual C++? Answer How do I build (compile and link) and execute a multi-file program in Visual C++? Answer QUESTION: How do I build (compile and link) and execute a single-file program in Visual C++? ANSWER: We will use the program basics.cpp (one of the stream I/O sample programs ) as our example. Note that we are using Visual C++ version 6. However, the steps in Visual C++ version 5 are very similar. You begin by opening the file basics.cpp Select Open the file basics.cpp
Visual C++ Debug Tutorial You begin by opening the file guessage.cpp as shown in the visual C++ BuildTutorial.visual C++ will then display the file guessage.cpp in the code window
Extractions: Questions How do I set breakpoints, set watches, and set through an executing program line-by-line? Answer QUESTION: How do I set breakpoints, set watches, and set through an executing program line-by-line? ANSWER: We will use the program guessage.cpp as our example. Note that we are using Visual C++ version 6. However, the steps in Visual C++ version 5 are very similar. Open Visual C++. 1. You begin by opening the file guessage.cpp as shown in the Visual C++ Build Tutorial.Visual C++ will then display the file guessage.cpp in the code window 2. Once the file guessage.cpp is open, you build an executable version of the program, as shown in the Visual C++ Build Tutorial: Select . Visual C++ will ask if you want to create a default project workspace. Select Yes 3. Set a breakpoint at the following line by clicking the cursor on this line, and then clicking on the "hand" (Insert/Remove Breakpoint). A red breakpoint "stopsign" appears to the left of the line of code. 4. Run