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PHP Québec - PHP Québec phpQuébec est une association à but non lucratif pour les utilisateurs de php. http://www.phpquebec.com/
Extractions: Dans cette optique PHP Québec organise depuis deux ans des rencontres mensuelles autour de PHP, à Montréal et à Québec. Elle facilite les échanges ainsi que le partage des connaissances et expériences des utilisateurs. De plus, le groupe effectue un travail de sensibilisation constante au niveau des entreprises, des écoles et des gouvernements, afin d'informer du potentiel économique de cette technologie. En bref Sujets récents Forum Sujet Lectures Dernier envoi Général Bouton browse/parcourir 16/9/2005 12:19 huberdeau Général Je dois me brancher un jour...
Battleships - Online Game Version of the classic game played against the computer. Includes highscore list. http://www.welt-zeit-uhr.de/schiffeversenken/battleships.php
Official XOOPS Website - Powered By You! easy to use dynamic web content management system written in php. XOOPS general usage questions Can t write to mainfile.php, 2, 18, 2005/8/11 238 http://www.xoops.org/
Extractions: gestroud terrion tripnosis plsim ... more... Welcome to the Official XOOPS website! XOOPS is an extensible, OO (Object Oriented), easy to use dynamic web content management system written in PHP. XOOPS is the ideal tool for developing small to large dynamic community websites, intra company portals, corporate portals, weblogs and much more. Read the All about XOOPS page for more details. If you are looking for XOOPS support in your own language, check out the list of International XOOPS Support websites Latest XOOPS news xoops-announcement mailinglist Posted By: Herko The XOOPS Development Team is pleased to announce the creation of the xoops-announcement mailing-list, available on our Sourceforge space.
Extractions: Potrai seguire 8 lezioni video e in formato pdf che ti spiegheranno, con un linguaggio molto semplice ( guarda i commenti ), queste nozioni fondamentali di PHP per creare siti web dinamici come installare le tue prime applicazioni in PHP su un server web gratuito come creare le tue prime pagine web dinamiche con la potenza del linguaggio PHP come creare un modulo web dinamico per raccogliere i dati dei tuoi visitatori: email, nome.. come recuperare i dati inseriti all'interno dei moduli del tuo sito web ... e molto altro ancora con in nostri aggiornamenti !!!
About Perl And PHP Articles and classes about Perl and php, php arrays, Email, beginning scripts, and more. Get recommendations on web servers, Perl and php editors and books. http://perl.about.com/
Extractions: Although you can't completely validate a credit card number without running it through a server set up to handle credit card transactions, you can perform a check to make sure the number is well formed before you try and process it. The formula for verifying well formed credit card numbers is called the Luhn formula (or Luhn algorithm, or mod 10 algorithm). It's pretty easy to understand and implement, and this tutorial will show you how.
PHP Developer Center Downloads, install guides, documentation, and technical information for using php in conjunction with enterpriseclass Oracle technology. http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/php/
Extractions: In this new Technical Article series, get advice from PHP experts about best practices for the entire Oracle + PHP application deployment process, from initial configuration to code distribution. (Just added: " Using the PEAR::MDB2 Database Abstraction Layer with Oracle Download Zend Core for Oracle (Beta) Zend Core for Oracle, developed in partnership with Zend Technologies, delivers a stable, high performance, easy-to-install and supported PHP development and production environment fully integrated with the Oracle Database. Download the Beta release today, and read the FAQ New Installfest Guide: PHP, Apache, and Oracle 10 g 10.2 Instant Client for Linux
Extractions: Andreas :: 26.11.2004 Elf Jahre lang konnte die Bibliothek problemlos unter dem Namen wxWindows entwickelt werden. Sie besteht aus C++-Definitionen und Klassen, die sowohl GUI-Elemente als auch andere Komponenten enthalten. Von Umfang und Portabilität ist sie durchaus mit Qt zu vergleichen, nur daß sie unter einer Lizenz (modifizierte LGPL) steht, die auch die Entwicklung kommerzieller Software ohne Lizenzgebühren zuläßt, und eine andere Klassenhierarchie aufweist, die an die MFC von Microsoft angelehnt ist. http://www.wxwidgets.org/ Andreas :: 24.02.2002 "SUSE LINUX READY" heißt das neue Programm, welches SUSE speziell für unabhängige Softwareanbieter (ISVs) entwickelt hat. Damit erleichtert SUSE entscheidend die Entwicklung und Portierung von Unternehmensanwendungen für die SUSE LINUX Enterprise-Plattform. ISVs, die am SUSE LINUX READY-Programm teilnehmen, haben zu Test- und Entwicklungszwecken kostenlosen Zugriff auf SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server- oder SUSE LINUX Desktop-Software. Anwendungen, die das Label "SUSE LINUX READY" tragen, werden auf den SUSE-Webseiten gelistet. Kunden erhalten so umfassende Informationen über die Bandbreite getesteter Anwendungen, die für die SUSE LINUX Enterprise-Plattform - Server und Desktop - verfügbar sind.
Tincan Ltd : Phplist : What Is PHPlist It is written in php and uses an SQL database for storing the information. phplist is designed to assist you to stay in touch with your audience, http://tincan.co.uk/phplist
Extractions: @import url("styles/tincan.css"); var menuinsidetop =90 var menuourworktop = 90 var menueutop = 90 var menuphptop = 90 var menuservicestop = 90 var menuinsideleft =30 var menuourworkleft = 160 var menueuleft = 300 var menuphpleft = 500 var menuservicesleft = 550 our company our vision people latest news ... search phplist : What is PHPlist Read More PHPlist is a web application that implements a personalised mailing list manager or customer relationship management (CRM) system. It is written in PHP and uses an SQL database for storing the information. PHPlist is designed to assist you to stay in touch with your audience , without flooding them with information they don't want. PHPlist is an essential tool for anyone who is serious about creating, capturing and maintaining an offline audience, and will help you increase traffic to your website. And the most amazing thing of all: IT'S FREE.
Extractions: Rating : So there you are, fresh faced, writing your first script to insert some text into a MySQL database and wham You have an error in your SQL syntax near 's first post' This article is intended to solve this problem once and for all, so all code you write will work on any web server, no matter how PHP is configured. So what was the problem here? Apostrophes - the are used to denote a string value in MySQL query syntax. So when your user typed in; This is Bob's first post! ...MySQL read This is Bob , got to the ' character and regarded it as the end of the string, then wondered what to do with the rest. Lets say the syntax of the MySQL query in the PHP script was: $sql = "INSERT INTO posts SET post = '" . $_POST['user_message'] . "'"; Well when is handed Bob's text, this is what happens;
Area PHP - RedAngel.it Portale per chi vuole imparare a programmare o approfondire le proprie conoscenze. Disponibili sorgenti, tutorial e articoli. http://www.redangel.it/php/
Extractions: News dal mondo PHP Primo responsabile ufficiale per l'area PHP 21/06/2003 ore 15.33. Inserita da Fabio Angela (Red Angel) Diamo il benvenuto ...continua... Leggi la news... [Commenti: Apertura ufficiale dell'area 21/06/2003 ore 13.08. Inserita da Fabio Angela (Red Angel) ...continua... Leggi la news... [Commenti: Segnala una News!
PhpWiki WikiWikiWeb HomePage WikiWikiWeb clone written in the serverside scripting language php. http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/
Extractions: Home Site Docs Site Status Contact Us A WikiWikiWeb is a web site where anyone can edit the pages through an HTML form. Linking is done automatically on the server side; all pages are stored in a database. This may sound rather simplistic, but a Wiki is a very unique way to collaborate on the Web. I set up a few while working at the New York Times on the Web , and the technical staff really took to them in a big way. They wrote 500 pages in just a few months (all to document the internal systems). The addictive quality of a Wiki is that making pages is as simple as making a link to them. If they don't yet exist, the page link will be followed by a hyperlinked question mark; follow that link and you can define the new page. With this setup, you can update and create pages from anywhere there is a web browser handy. Visit the PhpWiki here at Sourceforge . You can try it out yourself! Installation of PhpWiki is as simple as untarring the source distribution. PhpWiki works right out of the box. You will want to make configuration changes later for better performance and permanence, or to run PhpWiki off a relational database like MySQL, mSQL or Postgresql.
PHP En Castellano Web sobre php en castellano. Tutoriales, articulos, noticias, foros acerca de php. http://www.programacion.com/php
Extractions: Noticias DOMIT! 1.0 [+] Leer noticia Introducción a los Service Data Objects para PHP [+] Leer noticia ... eZ publish Open Source Enterprise CMS 3.6 Skien, Noruega Junio, 2005 eZ systems, de Noruega, ha hecho pública la versión 3.6 del manejador de contenido eZ publish. [+] Leer noticia El futuro de eZ publish [+] Leer noticia PHP-México.com lanza convocatoria para desarrollo PHP El sitio PHP-México.com acaba de lanzar una convocatoria para que cualquier persona mande su propuesta sobre un sitio o aplicación PHP a desarrollar. [+] Leer noticia MySQL ofrece Apoyo y Servicios para profesionales [+] Leer noticia Nueva versión de phpBB 2.0.12 El equipo de desarrollo de phpBB ha lanzado la versión 2.0.12 que viene a solucionar los graves problemas de seguridad recientes, que han posibilitado hackear sistemas con versiones anteriores. [+] Leer noticia Nuevo número de PHP Solutions [+] Leer noticia Tienda Más productos: