Tangentsoft: Document Not Found These RPMs are built against the official mysql 4.1.x binary RPMs, not against the mysql 3.23 RPMs that came with the operating system. http://tangentsoft.net/mysql /
Extractions: Quest Dialup.com Leesana Network - the fastest way to the web Check Webmail Here... Hosting Packages starting as low as - $5.50 Welcome to Leesana.net, the professional, affordable alternative where our customers are not treated like a number. We offer a wide range of hosting packages that are made to suit your particular needs based on Unix servers with a custom built interface for speed and reliability. Login Send and receive your email from anywhere in the world with Horde. Instructions/Features Leesana Network Hosting Solutions is dedicated to bringing reliable and stable hosting solutions to its customers. Our servers are located in a secure facility and connected to multiple high-speed internet connections to ensure our customers get the best quality service possible. We offer many solutions from web hosting to web and graphic design. Our prices are always matched with our top competitors so that you can be assured you are getting your money's worth.
Tangentsoft: Document Not Found mysql++ Documentation. The mysql++ documentation is split into two parts. User Manual (HTML, online), or in PDF form mysqlppuserman.pdf (149 KB, http://tangentsoft.net/mysql /doc/
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Extractions: About Comtrack At Comtrack, we offer a full range of internet-based services, including Unix and NT Web Hosting, Web Design and Translation. Our goal is to provide quality, performance, reliability, speed and flexibility. We have been serving small to medium-size companies since 1997 and are dedicated to help you build your company's strength on e-business. Unix Server $18/mo. 10 MB Disk Storage
Extractions: Former U.S. Marine uses his ability to "improvise, adapt, and overcome" to uncover the secrets, and win the search engine and site traffic battle - steamrolling past the competition, claiming the top search engine rankings, and enjoying the benefits of lots of free , targeted traffic. From: Kevin L. Ocasio Saturday, 2:43 p.m. Dear Fellow Entrepreneur, I was not accustomed to failure. After all, before starting my online business, I had made it through the grueling training at Parris Island, South Carolina. I had survive the rigors of boot camp, and become a United States Marine. Anyone who knows a Marine knows that he does not accept failure as an option. I mean, anyone who could run 10 miles with a fully loaded pack on their back ought to be able to figure out how to succeed with an online business, right?
Extractions: A propos Présentation News Infos techniques Hébergement Forfait ECO Forfait LITE Forfait FULL Forfait PRO ... Serveur virtuel Contact Infos contact Feedback Clients Maintenance Documentation Gestion compte Facturation ... Webmail Revendeurs Présentation OEM Referrer Bienvenue sur HebWeb.net Avec HebWeb.net, vous disposez d'un service d'hébergement de sites Web de haute qualité. Flexible : vous pouvez choisir parmi 4 forfaits d'hébergement celui qui vous convient le mieux. Rapide : nos serveurs sont hébergés en Suisse et disposent d'une connexion à très haut débit, et votre site est mis en service dans les 48 heures ouvrables suivant votre commande. Economique : vous pouvez héberger votre site chez nous à partir de seulement CHF par année ! Formules d'hébergement Choisissez parmi nos 4 forfaits d'hébergement celui qui convient le mieux à vos besoins. Toutes nos offres comprennent en standard l'hébergement de votre propre nom de domaine (www.votre-site.com) avec trafic illimité , des statistiques de fréquentation détaillées, la consultation et configuration de vos comptes e-mail par le Web, un accès FTP pour le transfert de vos pages, le
Extractions: General Information Contact Us New SQLyog v4.2 BETA with complete support for MySQL 5.x objects like Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Views etc. has been released. For more details, click here Webyog releases SQLyog Enterprise 4.1 with the highly anticipated "High Speed Scheduled ODBC Import with Notifications".
RedCangaroo · Das Office-Paket Für Ihren Internetauftritt Das auf PHP/mysql basierende System zur Pflege von Websites bietet eine dreistufige Nutzerverwaltung und ein Newslettermodul. Das System l¤uft sowohl als ASPL¶sung als auch unter Einzellizenz. Man findet neben der Produktbeschreibung aktuelle Nachrichten und Links zum Hersteller. http://www.redcangaroo.de/
MySQL Datenbankhandbuch Translate this page Das deutsche mysql Handbuch zu LINUX und mysql, ACCESS, PHP3 und Datenbanktheorie. http://www.little-idiot.de/mysql/
Extractions: Online Suche im Handbuch Version 0.99 beta, 15. September 1999 einer Minute eine komplette SQL Datenbank zu installieren und zu starten ! Das geht nicht ? Alles geht, nur der Frosch, der muß hüpfen ! Hier der Beweis: Live Demo ! . Dieses Handbuch enthält darüber hinaus das originale MySQL Handbuch in der aktuellsten Version 3.23. MySQL ist die schnellste SQL Datenbank überhaupt und eignet sich hervorragend für den Einsatz im Internet. Leider behaupten böse Zungen, daß MySQL einige Features ausgewachsener Datenbanken nicht hätte, daher sind im Kapitel Workarounds Lösungen angegeben, die in der Praxis völlig ausreichend sind. Desweiteren enthält dieses Handbuch ausführliche Anleitungen zur Installation von MySQL unter Windows 98/NT und LINUX, sowie Tutorials für MySQL Interfaces in PERL, JAVA und PHP3, und zur Strukturierung und Planung von Datenbanken. Augenmerk wurde auch auf die Möglichkeit gelegt, mit MySQL verteilte Datenbanken zu realisieren, da hier noch einiger Informationsbedarf besteht. Entsprechende PERL Skripte sind natürlich enthalten. Es gibt für MySQL hervorragende Frontends, mit welchen das Anlegen von Datenbanken, das Einrichten von Usern und der Import von Datensätzen aus anderen Datenbanken ein Kinderspiel ist. Diese werden hier ausführlich in Form von Tutorials vorgestellt. Für Microsoft Anwender, die MySQL als Datenbank im Internet und Intranet nutzen möchten, sind Tutorials zu Anbindung von ACCESS, EXCEL und Winword über die ODBC Schnittstelle enthalten.
Extractions: PHP Auto Dealer is a web application that will allow you to setup an automated online showroom of your vehicle inventory. Customers can browse your lot 24 hours a day 365 days a year from the comfort of home. Easily customized for automobiles, motorcycles, RVs, or anything with a make model and year! The purchase of a license for any version of our PHP Auto Dealer or PHP Realtor programs is a one time fee and never expires. You will be able to use the program indefinatley with no monthly or extra fees. Each license includes a full year of download access via the member area to all updates, upgrades, addons, etc. for the particular version you purchased. Access to downloads may then be optionally extended for a small fee. 30 Day Free Trial
Mozdev.org - Mysqlxpcom: Index An XPCOM/XPConnect implementation of mysqlclient API 3.x. The goal of the project is to provide solid and full mysqlclient interface for JavaScript http://mysqlxpcom.mozdev.org/
Extractions: Skip to Content Skip to Projects Search For resources: Home Feedback Installation Downloads ... Screenshots What's New Links The MySQL XPCOM project is XPCOM/XPConnect implementation of mysqlclient API 3.x. The goal of the project is to provide solid and full mysqlclient interface for JavaScript applications. Various admin/query/explore interfaces to MySQL databases could be created as pure XUL/JavaScript application with the help of this project. YASP Software has created some e-commerce online shops with MySQL backends. Our clients are using kind of traditional admin systems to view and amend information.
Eureca Web Hosting Com PHP, PERL/CGI, ASP, mysql, Access e SQL server. http://www.eureca.com.br/
Extractions: MySQL and PostgreSQL Compared Tim Perdue Which database do I use: Postgres or MySQL? This age-old question has plagued developers for, what, at least a couple years now. I've used both databases extensively (MySQL for about one year and Postgres for about 2 years) and was curious if the performance differences between the two were as stark as the MySQL website suggests. I had actually benchmarked the two databases back in September 1999 when we were starting to lay the groundwork for SourceForge. At the time, the performance difference was so stark that we had to go with MySQL even though I had always used Postgres for all my work. The rest of the developers were used to MySQL and that pretty much cinched the decision. This time around, rather than using some contrived benchmarking scheme, I wanted to grab a "real life" web page from a "real" web site and see how it performed on the two databases. The page in question was the discussion forum on SourceForge. It involves some relatively straightforward joins of three tables, each with 20-30,000 rows of data. It also involves some recursive queries to show nested messages, so the database is the true bottleneck on this page, not PHP.
BECOTECH - Home Web hosting, design, and promotion of web sites. Support Cold Fusion, PHP, CGI, ASP, and mysql. http://www.becotech.com/
Extractions: w w EasyPHP is a complete software package allowing to use all the power and the flexibility that offers the dynamic language PHP and the effecient use of databases under Windows. Package includes an Apache server, a MySQL database, a fully PHP execution, as well as easy development tools for your web site or your applications.
Extractions: Eventum is an issue-tracking system that can be used by support departments to track incoming technical support requests or by a software development team to organize tasks and bugs. According to MySQL AB's site, Eventum is used by the MySQL AB Technical Support team "to dramatically improve" its response times. One of the flaws, reported on Monday by security alerts aggregator Secunia Inc., has to do with the way input is passed to the "id" parameter in "view.php," the "release" parameter in "list.php" and the "F" parameter in "get_jsrs_data.php." According to Secunia's report, input is not properly sanitized before being returned to users. This can be used to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in the context of an affected site.
Extractions: Kontakt Partneøi Administrace ... Hlavní E-mail: Heslo: WebMail Administrace Pøihlásit Doména: Heslo: WebMail Administrace Pøihlásit Prvním krokem pro objednání hostingu je výbìr doménového jména. Pomocí tohoto formuláøe si mùete okamitì ovìøit, zdali je Vámi vybraná doména volná. .cz .com .net .org .info .biz .ws .name .sk Ovìøit Nová verze PHP 4.4.0, pøidána podpora dBase (.dbf databáze). Uveden do provozu zbrusu nový mailserver , který je umístìn v nejmodernìjím datacentru GTS Telehouse. Nasazeno MySQL verze 4.1 s podporou více kódování. Pokud máte problémy se správným zobrazením diakritiky na stránkách pøi výbìru z databáze, kliknìte sem Vichni noví klienti ji mohou vyuívat PHP5 a MySQL 4.1. V pøípadì potøeby lze pouít i PHP4. Stávající klienti budou migrováni bìhem kvìtna. Pøipravujeme nasazení PHP 5, MySQL 4.1 a PgSQL 8.0.
Mysql Data Manager - Web Based GUI Web based mysql management tool allows you to control and administer database structure and content online. http://www.cgiscriptshop.com/products/mdm/
Extractions: MySQL 4.xx compatible Mysql Data Manager (shortly MDM) is multifunctional and multiplatform web based mysql administration tool and data editor. This is a CGI script written in Perl. It uses web browser based GUI, which provides a complete set of high-level and low-level capabilities. High-level functions allow to accomplish a lot with a single mouse click while low-level functions let you do precisely what you want. Using this tool you get a wide range of solutions to support any Mysql web application. You log into Mysql server via transparent interface of MDM with no need to store your password into config file. You use all privileges granted to you on Mysql server to manage your databases and accounts. All your mouseclicks are being transmitted to mysql server transparently as a command or a chain of predefined commands. Almost all messages you may receive from MDM interface are generated natively by mysql server and transparently transferred by MDM to web browser for your convenience. Mysqk Data Manager is a transparent interface between you and Mysql that helps you to manage your data using pre-programmed operations.
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MySQL AB :: MySQL Partner Solutions mysql AB is committed to building a vast and strong ecosystem of partners With more than 6 million installations and growing, mysql offers tremendous http://solutions.mysql.com/
Extractions: :: PARTNER SOLUTIONS Login Register MySQL AB is committed to building a vast and strong ecosystem of partners complementing its offering and relying on MySQL Network to build their businesses. With more than 6 million installations and growing, MySQL offers tremendous opportunities to its partners. In turn, our continued success is built on the partnerships we establish with software, hardware and services providers. Interested in growing your business leveraging the world's most popular open source database? Join the MySQL Network Certified Partner Program! Looking for products and services from our partners? Browse the MySQL Partner Solutions Catalog! FEATURED PARTNER OFFERINGS: GoldenGate Software is the leader in Transactional Data Management (TDM) solutions which guarantee data transactions are captured, routed, transformed, delivered, and verified across heterogeneous business systems in real time.