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Extractions: CASTING IDEAS Deadly Relations Being excited after completing my first screenplay, I went crazy casting it. Actually I double, triple, and even quadruple dipped- casting the same actor in several parts that is. I also cast several people as the same character. They appear in order of preference (more or less), left to right. First, the only two characters you've met thus far: XAVIER- He is intelligent and dabbles in a little of everything. He is a dreamer. He really feels he loves LESLIE CHAPEL. He also has an attraction for NICHOLE SPINELLI and CRYSTAL CLEAR but nowhere near the extent of affection he feels for the taken Leslie. His roommate (for the past 4 years) and close friend is DREW HALLIWELL. He is also friends with MARIE CLEAR, and they all somewhat reluntantly hang around with DELILAH STONE. . Austin O'Brien Don Jeffcoat CASEY - Casting it over 2 years ago, I think Alyson Hannigan might look a little old to be playing a high school senior. The idea of Britney came to mind because this was back when she was expressing an interest to be in a movie but hadn't yet found one and didn't have the time. Since the character of Casey only appears in this one short opening scene, I thought it would be a good start for her acting career. Also picture, while listening to her walkman, that Hit Me Baby One More Time is playing. Talk about a sick sense of humor :-).
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P Paton, Sir Joseph Noel Patric, Jason Patrick, Robert Patrick, Vincent patterson, James patterson, marnette patterson, Melody Patton, Charley http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/dir/Reference/Biography/P/