GoBase.org - Park JiEun - Biography Park Shiun park siun, Progression. nationality, KR Korea (South). born, 1983-11-04.rank, 6. pro status, Professional. affiliation, Korean Go Association, http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Park JiEun
GoBase.org - Female Myungin Title 3rd, 2002, Rui NaiWei, Hyeon MiJin 20. 2nd, 2001, Rui NaiWei, park si-un 2-1. 1st, 2000, park si-un, Lee Youngshin 2-1 http://gobase.org/games/kr/femmyungin/
Extractions: home prev index next Go, an addictive game tournaments female myungin title Introduction The Female Myungin (Meijin) title is decided in a best of three match with 6.5 komi and 3 hours thinking time each. The challenger comes from a double knockout preliminary tournament. Edition Final Details Rui NaiWei Cho HyeYeon Cho HyeYeon Rui NaiWei Rui NaiWei Cho HyeYeon Rui NaiWei Hyeon MiJin Rui NaiWei Park Si-un Park Si-un Lee Youngshin Note In the overview players link to their biographies while results link to a detailed description of the edition. Transcriptions To find the name of a player in other languages such as Chinese or Korean please refer either to the dictionary pages Internet Go Dictionary or their biography pages Feedback If you have additional information to the supplied info or if you can supply us with the results of other tournaments please send an E-mail about it and it will be included on these pages. home prev index next ... korean go scene female myungin title Feedback: editor@gobase.org
Sensei's Library: Korean Names Pak Chieun = Park Jiun, Park Jieun, *Park Shiun, park si-un SAS I added ParkSi-un as an alternative spelling for Pak Chi-eun, since I ve seen this http://senseis.xmp.net/?KoreanNames
Search For "Park, Si-Un" On All The Web - Altavista - Deja Search for "Park, SiUn" on All the Web - Altavista - Deja - Google - HotBot - InfoSeek - Lycos - Northern Light - Yahoo http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
TOYOTA DENSO CUP game12 (JAPAN) Yoda Norimoto B resign + W Park Si Un (KOREA) http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
TOYOTA DENSO CUP Game8 (CHINA) Yu Bin W + resign B Park Si Un (KOREA) Download the viewer and the game file http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Fernando En Go Weekly Pasadas las cuatro de la tarde, la jugadora surcoreana Park Si Un 3 dan, que hab a derrotado a Yoda Norimoto meijin en la primera http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Sensei's Library Korean Names Pak Chieun = Park Jiun, Park Jieun, *Park Shiun, park si-un Pak Chi-hun = Park Jihoon, Park Jihun, Park Jehun http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
De Hasegawa Sunao Sab A Poco, Salvo Que Es 9-dan De La Kansai En el conteo estuvo un tanto desprolijo el arreglo de los territorios y qued un punto que no estaba claro si era territorio m o o no. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
Directory Vaionline Siti_Mondiali/Arts/Celebrities/P/Park _ Korean Star park siun - photos, realplay, profile, latest news. Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
1st Female Meijin Title 2000 Title Match. The first Female Myungin tournament featured park siun (17 years old) and Lee Youngshin (23 years old). 1 2 3. T. park si-un http://tmsyn.wc.ask.com/r?t=an&s=hb&uid=24312681243126812&sid=343126
NEWSMEAT - SIUN PARK's Federal Campaign Contributions ·? ? park siun ·? 1983?11?4? - Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?st=&zip=90036&last=PARK&first=SIU
Competitors Yoo Chang Hyuk, park Si Un. Lee Se Dol. North America 1player, photo. Huiren Yang.South Central America 1player. Fernand Aguilar. Europe 1player http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/event/toyota/toyota001/compe.htm
Extractions: Japan 13players photo Wang Lih Chen Komatsu Hideki Yoda Norimoto Yuki Satoshi Wang Ming Wain Tang Chia Yuan Cho Chihun Ryu Si Hoon Kobayashi Koichi Yamashita Keigo Hasegawa Sunao Chang Hsu Goto Syungo China 7players photo Chen Zude Wang Lei Chang Hao Shao Weigang Yu Bin Zhang Xuan Ma Xiaochun Korea 7players photo Cho Hoon Hyun Park Young Hoon Lee Chang Ho Kim Soo Jang Yoo Chang Hyuk Park Si Un Lee Se Dol North America 1player photo Huiren Yang Fernand Aguilar Europe 1player Alexandr Dinerchtein Asia,Oseania,Africa 2players Yang Shi Hai Lin Yu Hsiang
TOYOTA & DENSO CUP game12, (JAPAN) Yoda Norimoto, B, , resign, +, W, park Si Un (KOREA). game13,(JAPAN) Wang Ming Wain, W, +, resign, -, B, Zhang Xuan (CHINA) http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/event/toyota/toyota001/live01-e.htm
Extractions: Live Game #1~8 GAME# PLAYER Result PLAYER game 1 (JAPAN) Kobayashi Koichi W resign B Cho Hoon Hyun (KOREA) game 2 (JAPAN) Cho Chihun B W Shao Weigang (CHINA) game 3 (JAPAN) Wang Lih Chen B resign W Huiren Yang (USA) game 4 (CHINA) Ma Xiaochun B resign W Yoo Chang Hyuk (KOREA) game 5 (JAPAN) Komatsu Hideki W resign B Chang Hao (CHINA) game 6 (JAPAN) Yuki Satoshi W resign B Lee Se Dol (KOREA) game 7 (KOREA) Lee Chang Ho B resign W Ryu Si Hoon (JAPAN) game 8 (JAPAN) Yamashita Keigo W resign B Park Young Hoon (KOREA) game 9 (CHINA) Chen Zude W B Goto Syungo (JAPAN) (KOREA) Kim Soo Jang W resign B Tang Chia Yuan (JAPAN) (JAPAN) Hasegawa Sunao B W Fernand Aguilar (ARGENTINE) (JAPAN) Yoda Norimoto B resign W Park Si Un (KOREA) (JAPAN) Wang Ming Wain W resign B Zhang Xuan (CHINA) (CHINA) Yu Bin W resign B Alexandr Dinerchtein (RUSSIA) (CHINA) Wang Lei W B Lin Yu Hsiang (CETAIPEI) (JAPAN) Chang Hsu W resign B Yang Shi Hai (C.HONG KONG)
DND/CF : Defence Community : Maple Leaf : HTML We may be closing the doors on Shannon park, but we cant close the spirit of Même si un salaire meilleur permet aux membres des FC de sacheter leur http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/community/MapleLeaf/html_files/html_view_e.asp?page
Bokeem Woodbine si mai tarziu in New York Undercover si The Sopranos, precum si un rol saptamanalin serialul live Battery park si un rol repetat in City of Angels. http://filme.acasa.ro/Bokeem_Woodbine.html
Extractions: n elev constiincios, Woodbine a urmat prestigioasa scoala Dalton din New York inainte da a se transfera la scoala de muzica si arta LaGuardia din oras. La sugestia mamei sale, Woodbine isi ia o slujba ca figurant intr-un film ce se turna langa cartierul sau; a fost ales ca si inlocuitor al unui actor, atragand atentia unui agent de casting care i-a dat un rol ca informator la politiei si dealer de droguri in drama Strapped . Performanta sa extraordinara din film, avea sa-i aduca alte cateva roluri secundare, inclusiv Crooklyn, Jason's Lyric si Dead Presidents
Gosford Park / Gosford Park Pe VHS Gosford park este minunatul conac de la tara unde Sir William McCordle si sotia sa, park prezinta o societate si un stil de viata pe cale de disparitie. http://filme.acasa.ro/vhs_Gosford_Park.html
Extractions: Este noiembrie 1932. Gosford Park este minunatul conac de la tara unde Sir William McCordle si sotia sa, Lady Sylvia, isi invita rudele si prietenii intr-in week-end, la o partida de vanatoare. Printre invitati se afla o contesa, un erou din Primul Razboi Mondial idolul britanic al matineului, Ivor Novello, si un producator american care realizeaza filme cu Charlie Chan. In timp ce oaspetii se aduna in luxoasele saloane de sus, menajerele si valetii misuna prin bucatariile si coridoarele de jos, de sub scari. Insa nimic nu este ceea ce pare a fi: nici in randul invitatilor plini de bijuterii, care iau pranzul si cina dupa bunul lor plac, nici in dormitoarele de la mansarda sau la locul de munca unde trudesc pentru confortul stapanilor.