Hinterkattentuffel: Ruby Ein Tutorial ist aufgef¼hrt, Beispielanwendungen mit FXRuby werden beschrieben. http://hinterkattentuffel.de/ruby.htm
Extractions: Startseite Aktuell Sitemap Ruby ... Impressum Ruby ist eine objektorientierte Programmiersprache, die einige Vorteile anderer Programmiersprachen in sich vereint. Vor allem aus Perl und Smalltalk wurden mächtige Konzepte übernommen. Ich habe eine Liste wichtiger Rubylinks zusammengestellt: Ruby ist eine schöne Sprache, aber auch schöne Sprachen haben Stolpersteine. Ich möchte hier meinen Beitrag leisten, damit der "ruby way" auch barfüßig angetreten werden kann. Letzte Änderung:
Programming Language Comparison Table compares popular objectoriented languages Eiffel, Smalltalk, ruby, Java, C++, Python, Perl, Visual Basic. http://www.jvoegele.com/software/langcomp.html
Extractions: jvoegele.com Programmer's Corner > Programming Language Comparison by Jason Voegele What follows is my personal evaluation and comparison of many popular programming languages. It is intended to provide very high-level information about the respective languages to anyone who is trying to decide which language(s) to learn or to use for a particular project. You can find a similar comparisons from Google Note: N/A indicates that a topic or feature is not applicable to the language. Eiffel Smalltalk Ruby Java C# C++ Python Perl Visual Basic Object-Orientation Pure Pure Pure Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid / Multi-Paradigm Hybrid Add-On / Hybrid Partial Support Static / Dynamic Typing Static Dynamic Dynamic Static Static Static Dynamic Dynamic Static Generic Classes Yes N/A N/A No No Yes N/A N/A No Inheritance Multiple Single Single class, multiple "mixins" Single class, multiple interfaces Single class, multiple interfaces Multiple Multiple Multiple None Feature Renaming Yes No Yes No No No No No No Method Overloading No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Operator Overloading Yes Yes?
Extractions: by Josh Alan Friedman Illustrations by Eileen Fitzgerald-Smith Dallas, Texas - Jack Ruby would have turned 80 on March 25, 1991. I tried to gather a round table of former Ruby strippers for this occasion. After much detective legwork, I could not turn up one aging broad - all of Ruby's girls had vanished into the smoke of assassination lore. What follows instead are reminiscences of friends, foes and acquaintances who were still at large. He is frozen in our consciousness as the charging, black-suited patriot who gunned down Oswald on national TV two days after Kennedy's death. Ruby believed he avenged his President's murder, saved Dallas' reputation in the eyes of the world, made the Jews look good and spared fair Jacqueline the horror of a murder trial. Jack Ruby has figured in countless conspiracy theories, works of fiction and history books. He remains a star player in the American mythology of the JFK Assassination. A librarian at the Dallas Public Library refers tiredly to the huge assassination file log as "the Kennedy junk." In 1990, Ruby's executor-attorney was asking $130,000 for the .38 Colt Cobra that killed Oswald, along with some mundane possessions, like an undershirt Jack bought at Sears. (Who the hell would desire Jack Ruby's undershirt?) An international glare came upon Jack Ruby's dark little corner of Dallas night life on November 25, 1963. His second-rate strip joint, the Carousel, became the world's most famous burlesque. Yet few customers ventured in after Ruby hit the front pages.
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Ruby-Programmierung - Wikibooks Die Installation und erste Schritte mit ruby sind erkl¤rt. http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programmierkurs:_Ruby
Extractions: Wikimedia braucht Ihre Hilfe Helfen Sie uns, in diesem Quartal 200.000 US-$ (ca. 163.000 â¬) zu sammeln, damit wir Wikibooks und unsere anderen Projekte auch weiterhin kostenlos und werbefrei der Allgemeinheit zur Verf¼gung stellen k¶nnen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Spenden-Seite (Weitergeleitet von Programmierkurs: Ruby Programmiersprachen Ruby Dieses Buch steht im Regal EDV bearbeiten bearbeiten Ruby ist eine interpretierte Programmiersprache, die vor allem in ihrem Ursprungsland Japan verbreitet ist, in welchem sie bereits beliebter als Python ist. Seit dem Jahr 2000 verbreitet sich die Sprache auch zusehends in der westlichen Welt. Ruby besticht durch seine Einfachkeit und die klare Syntax, was vor allem der Tatsache zu verdanken ist, dass es eine komplett objektorientierte Sprache ist. Trotz allem ist Ruby sehr m¤chtig und vielseitig einsetzbar. Von der Konsolenanwendung ¼ber graphische Anwendungen mit einer Vielzahl von Toolkits bis hin zu Netzwerk- und Webapplikationen l¤sst sich vieles sehr einfach realisieren. bearbeiten Warum Ruby?
ONLamp.com: What I Hate About Your Programming Language Text treats general aspects of language choices, then compares hatred of Perl, Python, ruby, PHP, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, XSLT, SQL. With many forum comments. ONLamp.com http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2003/05/12/languagephilosophy.html
Pokemon Ruby :: Game Boy Advance :: Review :: DreamStation.cc Review by C. Paladino Pokemon ruby is a long game. I've played 22 hours so far, and I'm about halfway through. with screenshots. 9.5 http://www.dreamstation.cc/reviews/game_boy_advance/pokemon_ruby/
Extractions: Reviews Pokemon Ruby Reviewed by CPaladino on April 23, 2003 Pokemon is a household word nowadays. Everyone's heard of Pokemon, and probably all of you know that Pokemon are "pocket monsters" in a role-playing-type game where you are a trainer who runs around capturing these monsters doing battle with other monsters in an attempt to get all the gym badges. Sounds hokey, but actually the latest Pokemon game is also the greatest.
Jack Ruby Page from JFK Lancer site provides photos of Jack ruby. http://www.jfklancer.com/jackruby.html
Extractions: The Dallas Club Owner Who Shot Lee Oswald Award-winning investigative journalist Jack Anderson wrote: The man who eliminated Oswald, sleazy Dallas nightclub owner named Jack Ruby, claimed he was overcome by grief for Jackie Kennedy and her children. He shot Oswald as the accused assassin was being transferred from a city jail to a county jail on November 24. IT COULD HARDLY HAVE BEEN AN IMPULSIVE ACT. He infiltrated the jail with a loaded pistol in his pocket at the exact time of the transfer. Then he confronted Oswald, whose front was strangely unprotected in a phalanx of seventy armed lawmen. Ruby hardly fit the model of a patriot-turned-vigilante. By his own admission, he hadn't voted for Kennedy, nor had he bothered to watch the president's motorcade in Dallas. Witnesses had overheard him making derogatory remarks about Kennedy that indicated he shared the mob's animosity for the first family. By all accounts except his own, Ruby was a two-bit nightclub operator who had never shown passion for anything except money. . . . Washington cop Joe Shimon told me it was Trafficante who called in the mob's chits with Ruby and ordered him to kill Oswald. (PEACE, WAR, AND POLITICS, p. 117, emphasis added)