Extractions: Jaime Florcruz BEIJING, China In Imperial China, a person with a grievance could get a hearing from the emperor or his staff if he could ring the "imperial gong" located near the Emperor's bedroom. But what is the modern-day gong? Where can desperate Chinese turn to for redress of their grievances? In a curious way, visits to Beijing by dignitaries work like the gong. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell's trip in September, for example, highlighted human rights cases and prompted releases and expulsions of detained scholars. For the same reason, last week's visit of U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson was worth watching. Chinese and human rights groups overseas hope she can press for substantive progress even while she engages with the Beijing government.
Extractions: HONG KONG, China Falun Gong followers at a two-day meeting in Hong Kong have called on Beijing to cease suppression of their outlawed spiritual movement. The defiant gesture came as hundreds of adherents attended a conference Sunday to conclude the gathering of followers from more than 20 countries. "Over 100 of our great Falun members have lost their lives to spread the truth," adherent John Hu told the group. "But this won't change our beliefs and determination to practice Falun Gong, and I want to advise those who have treated us wrongly not to do it any more for the sake of their own future," said Hu, a real estate agent from Singapore, inside a crowded concert auditorium in Hong Kong City Hall. Falun Gong is demanding the right to practice freely in communist mainland China and an end to the suppression that it claims has resulted in the torture-killings of 120 followers at the hands the mainland authorities.
Extractions: Senior China Analyst HONG KONG, China (CNN) Beijing has classified the campaign against the Falun Gong quasi-Buddhist sect as a "long-term struggle." Sources close to the security establishment said this was the party leadership's indirect admission that the Falun Gong movement could not be exterminated in the foreseeable future. In recent internal briefings to officials nationwide, senior law-enforcement cadres said significant headway had been made in combating the "cult." However, the cadres pointed out that while the Falun Gong had been prevented from holding high-profile demonstrations in Tiananmen Square, it had gone underground and remained a big threat to stability. It is estimated that more than 12,000 Falun Gong practitioners have since late 1999 been put behind bars. CNN.com Asia
NETZEITUNG AUSLAND: Falun Gong: Sekte Oder Lehre? Special der Netzeitung zum Thema. Kritische Betrachtung der Lehre, der Anh¤nger und Zitate von Sektenexperten. http://www.netzeitung.de/ausland/137114.html
Extractions: Languages Spanish Portuguese German Italian Korean Arabic Japanese Time, Inc. Time.com People Fortune EW InStyle Business 2.0 Swiss national Roland Isenschmid is taken away by police HONG KONG, China A group of followers of the Falun Gong religious sect has been put on trial in Hong Kong in connection with a sidewalk protest. Sixteen followers of the movement including four Swiss nationals are facing trial over a sidewalk protest that turned violent in March outside a government building in Hong Kong. During the first day of the high-profile trial, prosecutors accused six of the Falun Gong followers of obstructing police who tried to disperse them from the entrance of the Chinese government's liaison office on March 14. In his opening statement, prosecutor Robert Lee said the police repeatedly asked the demonstrators to move away from the entrance of the liaison office. But a scuffle broke out after the protesters allegedly wrestled with the police officers that tried to break up the demonstration.
Extractions: BEIJING, China Bold members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement hijacked state television for as long as 50 minutes in a northeastern Chinese city to show a film protesting a crackdown on their faith. News of the airwave takeover, one of the Falun Gong's most daring to date, emerged as China expelled seven Australian followers after they protested against Beijing's view of the group as an evil cult on Tiananmen Square. State television broadcasts in Changchun were interrupted on Tuesday evening by footage of Falun Gong's U.S.-based leader Li Hongzhi and a film accusing the government of staging the fiery deaths of alleged followers in Tiananmen Square last year, locals told Reuters news agency on Thursday. "There was a brief blackout and then there was Li Hongzhi speaking, banners saying Falun Dafa is good, and there was a news analysis about the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident which indicated that it was planted by the government," a television viewer in Changchun told Reuters.
Extractions: HONG KONG, China Fifteen members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement have gone on trial for hijacking a television broadcast in March to air a protest film. State television broadcasts in the northeastern city of Changchun were interrupted on March 5 by footage of Falun Gong's U.S.-based leader Li Hongzhi and a film accusing the government of staging the fiery deaths of alleged followers in Tiananmen Square last year, Reuters news agency reported. The trial began Wednesday at the Changchun Intermediary People's Court in the Jilin province in northeastern China. The defendants, mostly unemployed, were charged with violating anti-cult laws and broadcast regulations, a court spokesman told The Associated Press news agency. The verdict is expected next week, however the court spokesman did not know what type of penalty might be handed down, AP reported.
United States - San Francisco The Chinese Consulate in San Francisco, with jurisdiction in Northern California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington and Alaska. Includes statements of Chinese Government policy on Taiwan, Tibet, Falun gong, Western China, and the WTO. http://www.chinaconsulatesf.org/
Planet Gong - Cyber-home Of Gong, GAS And Gliss. Official band website includes latest news, band background, gigs, an online shop, forum, chat room and information about GAS and Gliss. http://www.planetgong.co.uk/
Gong The Song Collection An online jukebox of new and old Malay (Melayu), Englishlanguage and Hindi songs. RealPlayer required for listening. http://media.unitele.edu.my/
Extractions: @import "/css/mainGongStyles.css"; Founded in 1979, the glass art studio of Gong Glass Works is directed by artist Nancy Gong. Gong Glass Works specializes in the design and fabrication of glass art work including leaded, etched, carved, chipped and painted glass. The primary focus of Gong Glass Works is on site-specific installations, embracing fine art, decorative art, signage and graphics, as well as, architectural ornamentation. Gong Glass Works designs for residential, commercial and institutional applications with emphasis on customer satisfaction; sensitive, responsive and enduring designs with a focus on quality craftsmanship. site credits
Extractions: Èo je to Falun Gong? Emblém Falun Otázky Literatúra ... Linky Pozývame Vás Pravidelné cvièenia Nae akcie Do pozornosti obetí teroru v Èíne Pravda o prenasledovaní Muèenia pouívané pri prenasledovaní Podporte internetovú petíciu ... Èlánky o prenasledovaní Rubriky Vetky oblasti Svedectvá ¾udí, ktorým Falun Gong pomohol Reportáe z aktuálneho diania Podpora od osobností ... Názory iakov na kultiváciu Obrazové materiály Obrázky s komentármi Fotoarchív Falun Gongu (v angliètine) Nové reportáe z naich akcií Jiní Èechy: Jindøichùv Hradec, Èeské Budìjovice, Èeský Krumlov (11.-13.8. 2005), Tøemi mìsty zaznìla poklidná meditaèní hudba Falun Dafa. Ve ètvrtek 11. srpna 2005 pìtièlenná skupina praktikujících Falun Dafa zaplnila èást pìí zóny na Panské ulici v Jindøichovì Hradci. Nìkolik hodin zdejí obyvatelé i zahranièní turisté zejména ze sousedního Rakouska mìli monost podepsat se pod petici na záchranu praktikujících Falun Gongu v Èínì. Mnozí z nich neváhali a petici podepisovali s hlubokým zaujetim. Dátum 19-08-2005 Úplné znenie èlánku Séria zhromadení Falun Gong na strednom a východnom Slovensku Nedávno sa aj v médiách na Slovensku zaèali objavova správy o prenasledovaní hnutia Falun Gong v Èíne. Len málo ¾udí si vak zatia¾ uvedomuje, aké je toto prenasledovanie ne¾udské a kruté. Práve preto nasledovníci Falun Gongu na Slovensku kadý rok navtívia nieko¾ko slovenských miest, kde sa pokúajú verejnos na tieto skutoènosti upozorni a pomôc tak prispie k rýchlejiemu ukonèeniu tohto prenasledovania.