Connected Calculus This is an applied calculus tutorial. Some prior calculus knowledge might be helpful.
Mathematics Reference Math Tables, Facts And Formulas A mathematics reference collection of K through 14 math tables, facts, definitions, formulas and explanations from general math through college calculus.
Calculus And Pizza The basic philosophy of calculus and Pizza is learning by doing. Most importantly, no Intro calculus books have a pizza chef teaching you.
Extractions: If you obtain this book, you will hold a special book in your hands. Sure, there are plenty of other excellent Introductory calculus books for sale. But I have found that none of them have all the features of Calculus and Pizza. Let's consider a few trends: Many Intro calculus books are too big. Most people don't read big books.
Multivariable Calculus Lecture notes by Carlos C. Rodriguez, State University of New York at Albany.
Alan Bain These notes by Alan Bain provide a complete elementary introduction to stochastic integration with respect to continuous semimartingales.
Extractions: I now work as a Quantitative Analyst for an Investment Bank in London. I studied the application of probability theory techniques to problems arising from communications networks, in particular the Internet. My thesis work focussed on using fluid limits to model the behaviour of various congestion control schemes similar to TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). In the Internet, congestion control mechanisms such as TCP are required in order to provide useful services. Propagation delays in the network affect any congestion control scheme, by causing a delay between an action and the controller's reaction, which can lead to undesirable instabilities. This problem is fundamental since, despite the steady increase in speed of networking technologies, the delays imposed by the finite speed of light provide a lower bound on the delays. We should like to understand the dynamical behaviour of the congestion control, for example to determine whether it is stable or not. Working with a model of a network carrying packet traffic, we consider the limit of a sequence of such networks, suitably rescaled, as the bandwidth tends to infinity.
Personal Marco Pedicini Institute for Applied calculus, Rome Theoretical computer science, linear logic, geometry of interaction, optimal reductions.
Indexingles.html Summer School on the theory of Partial Differential Equations, calculus of Variations and applications to Engineering and Materials Sciences. Lisbon, Portugal; 1317 September 2004.
Extractions: 3 Aug 13:36 Jon Cohen BV on display 3 Aug 15:31 Alwen Tiu BV on display 3 Aug 16:20 Jon Cohen BV on display 4 Aug 08:19 Jon Cohen BV on display 4 Aug 18:45 Alessio Guglielmi BV on display 5 Aug 01:13 Rajeev.Gore BV on display 5 Aug 06:00 Jon Cohen BV on display 4 Aug 15:38 Alwen Tiu BV on display 26 Jul 15:08 Francois Lamarche SD05: it's over! 26 Jul 14:34 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 27 Jul 01:10 Rajeev.Gore Red and blue (again) 27 Jul 10:10 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 01:42 Rajeev.Gore Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 11:19 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 29 Jul 02:15 Rajeev.Gore Red and blue (again) 29 Jul 16:38 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 12:58 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 27 Jul 03:19 Jon Cohen Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 16:54 David J. Pym Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 18:12 David J. Pym Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 19:09 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 19:20 David J. Pym Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 20:16 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 20:28 David J. Pym Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 21:43 Alessio Guglielmi Red and blue (again) 28 Jul 22:06 David J. Pym
FREE Mathematics How-to Library - Math Homework Help Math Tutor Software Offers help with algebra, geometry, calculus, fractions, money, and trigonometry problems. Includes worked examples and files for download with more information and exercises.
Extractions: Teachers' Choice Software home page Stuck on your homework ? No problem! Get help FAST with your mathematics and physics questions. We provide personalized , professional tutoring in high school mathematics and physics. We can help you now ! Select a category from the table below, or scroll this page to view the topic headings.
Marta Sanz-Solé's Home Page Universitat de Barcelona. Random fields; Malliavin calculus; Anticipative calculus; Small perturbations of dynamical sytems; Stochastic partial differential equations. Publications, lecture notes.
Bob Knows His Calculus Contains pictures, fan fiction, biographies, a voting booth, and news.
Visual Calculus Short descriptions and examples for limits, derivatives, and integrals. Various plugins are needed to view some of the pages.
School Principals Guide To Student Math Improvement A free tutorial that explains difficult algebra, trigonometry and calculus concepts to beginning middle/high school students in a simplified way that they can understand and use.
Extractions: As a School Principal you are looked upon for leadership to show and direct teachers how to be accountable for high academic standards. Today, any School Principal attempting to meet this difficult goal faces new questions and challenges. To help answer those questions the Educational Research Institute is pleased to bring you a breakthrough Professional Development Mathematics and Science Support Training Program part of the Math 2002' teacher training program, that, for the first time, gives teachers and administrators, an understandable, bare facts, overview of the math knowledge necessary to determine where to take your students to raise the schools academic levels. The use of this breakthrough program is intended to save your school considerable time and money.
Extractions: Viewing sketches on this page requires The Geometer's Sketchpad. For information about purchasing the software, downloading demo versions, and setting up Sketchpad as a helper application for your Web browser, see the Forum's Dynamic Geometry Software page. Given a function f and a point P on f, find an equation of the tangent to the graph at P. Why would you want to do this, and how would you go about solving this problem? These five sketches take you step-by-step through the solution of the tangent line problem: Sketch 4 ... Help
Extractions: Differential Calculus The following items are a collection of mathematical explorations developed for Georgia Tech's Math 1507. They are all formatted with Maple V. Release 4. These worksheets are ready to use, without much prior knowledge of Maple. As you read through them, you simply have to press ENTER to perform the calculations, and if you don't know Maple already you will easily begin learning how it works. After reading through a given worksheet, you can generate your own models and alternative scenarios by cutting and pasting Maple code. In each worksheet a model is introduced with a description of the content and of the level of presentation. These may be down-loaded onto your computer as text files, opened with Maple, and saved as active worksheets. Alternately, you may configure your Web browser to launch Maple as you choose a file. An Introduction to Maple : A modest worksheet to get started, by showing how to define and plot functions. Drawing Graphs : One of the primary uses of the computer will be to give visualization. This worksheet gives syntax for drawing graphs. The
Présentation De Laurent Regnier University of Marseilles Linear logic, lambda calculus and abstract machine interpretations.
[math/9906155] Lectures On Pseudo-differential Operators These lecture notes cover a first year graduate course that was given on pseudodifferential operators. The calculus on manifolds is developed and applied to prove propagation of singularities and the Hodge decomposition theorem.
Extractions: This lecture notes cover a Part III (first year graduate) course that was given at Cambridge University over several years on pseudo-differential operators. The calculus on manifolds is developed and applied to prove propagation of singularities and the Hodge decomposition theorem. Problems are included. References and citations for this submission:
Webmath Offers interactive homework help in prealgebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, and real world math. From
Extractions: Welcome to Webmath! Are you stuck on a math problem? We'd like to help you solve it. Here are three options we can offer you: Click on one of the tabs above. You'll find over 100 instant-answer, self-help, math solvers, ready to provide you with instant help on your math problem. Find a problem that's similar to yours by browsing through more than 1,300 completely solved math problems. Ask a math expert about your math problem. Quick jump to math help: Click to select Ask a Math Expert Calculus, Derivatives Calculus, Integration Calculus, Quotient Rule Calculus, Solved Integrals Coins, Counting Combinations, Finding all Complex Numbers, Adding of Complex Numbers, Calculating with Complex Numbers, Multiplying Complex Numbers, Powers of Complex Numbers, Subtracting Conversion, Area Conversion, Lengths Conversion, Mass Conversion, Power Conversion, Speed Conversion, Temperatures Conversion, Volume Data Analysis, Finding the Average
Peter Sewell University of Cambridge Secure encapsulation, pi-calculus, mobile agents, operational semantics, locality typing.
Extractions: Royal Society University Research Fellow and University Lecturer, Computer Laboratory University of Cambridge Here are my contact details , and a picture I am a Fellow and Director of Studies at Wolfson college . The current supervision arrangements for 2004/2005 are summarised here Notes and example code for the 2004-05 1B Semantics of Programming Languages course are here Undergraduate and Diploma Project suggestions for 2004-2005. Concurrency, Pi, and Semantics for Distributed Systems (a PhD minicourse , October 2001). My research is mainly on the foundations of distributed computation, including the design, semantics and implementation of distributed programming languages, behavioural modelling for network protocols, and security issues. Much of my work involves applied semantics, working with operational semantics, type systems, and concurrency theory. Work on distributed programming languages is described in more detail on the Acute and Nomadic Pict pages; work on network semantics is described on the Netsem page. An informal description of my research area, written for the non-technical reader in April 2001, is