Christoph Martin Wieland Christoph Martin Wieland. Life 17331813. Titles. Geschichte des Agathon, Teil 1 Geschichte des Agathon, Teil 2 Oberon. More Information - Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813) De Duitse dichter Christoph Martin Wieland (17331813) werd geboren in Oberholzheim.Hij groeide op in een christelijk milieu, want vader Wieland was
Extractions: Christoph Wieland was een korte tijd leraar in Zwitserland (1759) en werkte vanaf 1760 als ambtenaar in Biberach. Vanaf 1769 was Christoph Wieland hoogleraar filosofie in Erfurt. Vanaf 1772 was Wieland opvoeder aan het hof te Weimar. In Weimar was Wieland verantwoordelijk voor de opvoeding van de prinsen Karl August en Bernhard. Na 1775 hield Christoph Wieland zich alleen nog met zijn literaire werk bezig. De eerste gedichten van Christoph Wieland ontstonden onder invloed van F.G. Klopstocks. Zijn latere werk laat een Franse invloed zien. Zijn werk krijgt een ironische ondertoon en geeft een vrolijk en kritisch beeld van de verlichting. Vaak gebruikte hij hiervoor een sprookjesachtige of klassieke zetting. Belangrijke werken van Christoph Wieland zijn onder meer: "Geschichte des Agathon" (1767), "Musarion oder die Philosophie der Grazien" (1768), "Der neue Amadis" (1771), "Der goldene Spiegel" (1772), "Die Abderiten, eine sehr wahrscheinliche Geschichte" (1776), "Oberon" (1780), "Die geheime Geschichte des Philosophen Peregrinus Proteus" (1791), "Agathodämon" (1799) en "Aristipp und einige seiner Zeitgenossen" (1801).
Christoph Martin Wieland Gedicht Das Gärtlein Translate this page Christoph Martin Wieland - Das Gaertlein. Feder - Symbol für Gedichte, Zitate,Maerchen Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813
Christoph Martin Wieland Christoph Martin Wieland (17331813), like the German poet and writer Gellert,exerted a deep influence on the Classical period of German literature of
Extractions: Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813), like the German poet and writer Gellert, exerted a deep influence on the Classical period of German literature of Goethe and Schiller . Wieland, who spent part of his later life at the Court of Weimar, based much of his writing on Greek mythology and philosophy. Maintained by:
Christoph Martin Wieland Translate this page Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813) übte ebenso wie der deutsche Dichter undSchriftsteller Gellert einen tiefen Einfluß aus auf die klassische Periode der
Wieland, Christoph Martin Veilchenzitat Unwiderstehlich Schön Translate this page Christoph Martin Wieland Veilchenzitat Unwiderstehlich schoen. feder Wieland,Christoph Martin (1733-1813). Unwiderstehlich schön stand sie in - Wieland, Christoph Martin poeta e prosatore tedesco (1733-1813). Da un iniziale misticismo,
Christoph Martin Wieland Translate this page Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813), romancista e poeta alemão, nasceu emOberhol, próximo a Biberach, Wurtemberg, em 1733. Um intelectual de destaque na
Extractions: navegador Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813), romancista e poeta alemão, nasceu em Oberhol, próximo a Biberach, Wurtemberg, em 1733. Um intelectual de destaque na mesma época em que seus contemporâneos Herder Schiller e Goethe dominaram a literatura alemã a partir de Weimar, centro cultural da Alemanha de sua época, Wieland, baseou seus escritos principalmente na mitologia e filosofia grega. De religiosidade pietista, criticou em seus poemas os materialistas ateus. Posteriormente aderiu ao Iluminismo francês. . Criou, em 1773, o periódico Teutscher Merkur (" Mercurio Alemão), revista que publicou trabalhos de Goethe e Schiller, e deu grande impulso às letras na Alemanha. Tendo por filosofia buscar unir a sabedoria e a felicidade, seu bem humorado ceticismo lembrava a ironia de Voltaire, ao qual foi comparado, mas sua liberdade de expressão escandalizou os pietistas. Suas principais obras foram Agathon , de 1767, o poema Musarion , de 1768, e o romance Die Abderiten de 1774, no qual critica a estreiteza de visão da pequena burguesia. Faleceu em Weimar em 1813.
Anton H. Konrad Verlag - Christoph Martin Wieland 1733-1813 Translate this page Ihr Verlag und Buchhandlung für Süddeutsche Kunstgeschichte, Alte Graphik undVeduten, Klostermonographien, Kirchengeschichte, Kirchenmonographien,
Literary Encyclopedia: List People (W) Wieland, Christoph Martin (Wieland, Christoph Martin ). 17331813. We hope tocomplete this entry soon. Wieners, John (Wieners, John ). 1934-Present
The Abderites The author was CM Wieland (17331813). The book was described as a pages laterin the Companion there was a lengthy entry on Wieland, Christoph Martin,
Sophie: Resources *Wielands Christoph Martin Wieland (17331813), an author often considered tobe the best representative of the German literary Rococo.
Extractions: Verdienste was written in 1765. Ambrosius : Saint Ambrosius 340-397, an important figure in early Christianity. In 374 he became the Bishop of Mailand. Throughout his life he wrote many theological treatises, fought against heretics, and composed numerous hymns. Ariost : Ludovico Ariosto, 1474-1533, an Italian poet. Aspasia : One of the most famous women in Greek history, Aspasia came to Athens soon after 450 B.C. She was well educated, and played an important role in Athenian intellectual life. Augustinus : Saint Augustine 354-430, one of the greatest theological writers of the early Christian church. A deep thinker, he is best known for his Confessions, a record of his spiritual development and inner conversion. Mark Aurel : Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 121-180 Emperor of Rome from 161-180
Friderika Baldinger: Lebensbeschreibung Wieland Christoph Martin Wieland 17331813. A poet often considered to be thebest representative of the literary Rococo in Germany.
Extractions: Sammelliste Index Editor's Introduction The original for this work i s located in the Staatsbibliothek zu BerlinPreussischer Kulturbesitz . All spelling in this electronic version reproduces that of the original text. A number of divergencies from modern German conventions occur in this work. For example, many words which generally would include a ck, in this manuscript are spelled with a , etc. Likewise, words which usually appear with a tz , in this text utilize only a z: nuzbar, Wiz, lezten, jezt , etc. Other conventions, which occur in most early texts, include the h in verlohr, gebohrne ; the th in words such as Thau [Tau] and That[Tat] ; and the y in seyn . Many words which now would rely on a z or k are spelled with a c: ; and at times the spelling of an individual word will vary within the work, as in . Titles of periodicals have been italicized for clarity. For convenience in quoting from this text, each page number from the original is given on the left margin at the beginning of the page, and the page breaks are indicated by a colored line. Where the page number does not actually appear on the page, as in the introduction, the number is shown in brackets. Words which were hyphenated at the end of a page in the original are not broken in this version; instead, the entire word is included on the page on which its initial syllables were printed in the original. Obvious typographical errors have been silently corrected; in questionable cases, the corrections are indicated in brackets.
Das Goethezeitportal: Wieland, Christoph Martin Translate this page Primärwerke der Goethezeit Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813).Werke Ausgaben Recherchierbare Datenbanken CD-ROMs Online Bibliographien
Extractions: WIDUKINDWIELAND monastic life gives due prominence to secular affairs. He writes as a Saxon, proud of the history of his race and an admirer of Henry the Fowler and Otto the Great. Three manuscripts exist of the Res gestae, one of which is in the British Museum, and the book was first published at Basel in 1532. The best edition is that edited by G. Waitz in the Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores, Band iii. (Hanover and Berlin, 1826). A good edition published at Hanover and Leipzig in 1904 contains an introduction by K. A. Kehr. See R. Kopke, Widukind van Coney (Berlin, 1867); J. Raase, Widukind van Korvei (Rostock, 1880); and B. Simson, " Zur Kritik des Widukind " in the Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft fur dltere deutsche Geschichte, Band xii. (Hanover, 1876). (A. W. H.*) See W. Diekamp, Widukind der Sachsenfuhrer nock Geschichte und Sage (Miinster, 1877); J. Dettmer, Der Sachsenfuhrer Widukind nach Geschichte und Sage (Wiirzburg, 1879). Wieland's conversion was completed at Biberach, whither he had returned in 1760, as director of the chancery. The dullness and monotony of his life here was relieved by the friendship of a Count Stadion, whose library in the castle of Warthausen, not far from Biberach, was well stocked with French and English literature. Here, too, Wieland met again his early love Sophie Gutermann, who had meanwhile become the wife of Hofrat La Roche, then manager of Count Stadion's estates. The former poet of an austere pietism now became the advocate of a light-hearted philosophy, from which frivolity and sensuality were not excluded. In Don Sylvia von Rosalva (1764), a romance in imitation of Don Quixote, he held up to ridicule his earlier faith and in the Komische Erzahlungen (1765) he gave his extravagant imagination only too free a rein. More important is the novel Geschichte des Agathon (1766-1767), in which, under the guise of
CHRISTOPH MARTIN WIELAND [VILÁGIRODALMI ARCKÉPCSARNOK] Christoph Martin Wieland (17331813). Irodalomtörténeti helyét úgy is jellemezhetjük,hogy a kecses rokokó stílus világdivatja idején o volt a legkitunobb
Extractions: Irodalomtörténeti helyét úgy is jellemezhetjük, hogy a kecses rokokó stílus világdivatja idején õ volt a legkitûnõbb német rokokó költõ. De az is érvényes meghatározás, ha azt mondjuk, hogy vele kezdõdik a német felvilágosodás irodalma. A németek úgy tartják nyilván, hogy Lessinggel és vele kezdõdik a német klasszicizmus. Mindezek mellett besorolták a legkitûnõbb humoristák k özé, és az is igaz, hogy õ írt elõször német drámát shakespeare-i jambusokban. Goethe és Schiller is tudatosan õt követte. Igen széles körû nyelvtudása révén a latin, görög, francia forrásmûveket eredetiben olvasta és Shakespeare drámáinak nagy részét angolból németre fordította. (Érdekes módon a francia gyakorlat szerint prózában fordította a jambikus dialógusokat, holott õ maga volt az elsõ, aki elõször írt német drámákat jambikusan.) Életmûve igen változatos. Rengeteget írt, minden mûfajt kipróbált, a világnézetét is váltogatta. Ezért, bár szinte minden olvasója és értékelõje el volt ragadtatva tõle, különféleképpen vélekedtek róla. Sokan a vallásos, sõt szenteskedõ költõt dicsérték. Mások úgy vélték, hogy a vallásos hitet is gúnyolja. Egyesek szentimen tális költõnek tartották, de sokan úgy vélekedtek, hogy kineveti az érzelmeskedõket. És valójában minden ellentétes vélemény érvényes is rá, mivel évtizedenként váltogatta világnézetét, stílusát, költõi nyelvezetét. Emellett legérzelmesebb verseibõl is k
Suhrkamp Hauptprogramm Herbst 2005 Translate this page Christoph Martin Wieland (1733-1813) hat in seinem langen Leben die deutscheLiteraturlandschaft stärker geprägt, als dies heute allgemein im Bewußtsein ist