Master Magic JOURNAL :: Http:// 1964. Paperbound. 330 pages. 50 Illustrations. Jean Eugene RobertHoudin (1805-1871).The French performer widely considered the father of modern magic.
Giochi Di Prestigio Translate this page I Grandi Prestigiatori Jean Eugene Robert in arte Robert Houdin inequivocabileJean-Eugene Robert-Houdin - 1805-1871 - prestidigitateur, horologer,
Extractions: document.onmousedown=destro; I Grandi Prestigiatori: Jean Eugene Robert in arte Robert Houdin Jean Eugene Robert in arte Robert Houdin. E' nato a Blois (Francia) il 6 dicembre 1805, Jean Eugene Robert rimase fin da piccolo affascinato dai meccanismi complessi degli orologi che il padre, per mestiere, riparava e costruiva. La prestidigitazione lo colse per puro caso sottoforma di due grossi volumi di magia bianca e fisica dilettevole che Jean Eugene ricevette al posto di due libri sull'orologeria. Il colpo di fulmine fu immediato e nel giro di qualche anno Robert-Houdin (la seconda parte del cognome venne presa dal cognome della moglie) divenne uno tra i più importanti e riconosciuti prestigiatori del suo tempo. Robert-Houdin aprì un proprio teatro che tuttavia cedette dopo pochi anni ma che mantenne il suo nome anche dopo la sua morte quando ne divenne direttore il famoso illusionista George Meliès (1861-1938), noto come pioniere della cinematografia mondiale, che purtroppo non in grado di sfruttare questa sua invenzione morirà in miseria. Robert-Houdin morì il 13 giugno 1871, dopo aver contribuito con la sua persona, non solo al rinnovamento dell'arte magica, sostituendo gli abiti scuri e le luci cupe con vestiti da sera ed esibizioni in piena luce, ma avendo scritto il proprio nome nella Storia, con la S maiuscola, sia nel campo della Magia che in quello dell'orologeria.
- ? Jean Eugene RobertHoudin (1805-1871), ? Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin (1805-1871) Jean
History Of Card Tricks lived the Frenchman Robert-Houdin (1805-1871) and the AustrianHofzinser (1806-1875). Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin was born into a clock-making family.
Extractions: Card_Trick Home Free Card Tricks Card Tricks For Sale Card Links Card Trick History T he precise origins of card magic are subject to debate though it's generally believed that card tricks were first developed by gamblers who wanted to improve their chances of winning when playing card games. Playing cards themselves originated in the Orient with China and India amongst the main contenders for the claim of country of origin and it's thought that cards may have been introduced to Europe in the 14th century by Arabs who had travelled from the Orient. Italy, Spain and France feature in the first literary mentions of playing cards and card magic. One of the earliest, general references to card tricks is an article from 1408 which tells of a card cheat in Paris who sought to gain advantage by manipulating the cards he was playing. The first, written mentions of actual performers of card tricks are:
Extractions: 1831 - (SIR) DAVID BREWSTER (1781-1868) Brewster wrote his Treatise On Optics suggesting the ground glass plate could be replaced by a plate that had a thin film of dried skim milk when he said . . . . .I have found that a peculiarly effect is given to the images formed in the camera obscura, when they are received upon the silvered back of a looking glass, smoothed by grinding it with a flat soft bone. In the portable camera obscura, I find that a film of skimmed milk, dried upon a plate of glass, is superior to ground glass for the reception of images. He said the portable camera obscura was a useful invention which delights every person 1831 - PETER MARK ROGET - (1779-1869) Some reports claim the Phenakistiscope to be the invention of Roget. We believe this to be eroneous in that no facts or proof have been offered in any documentation we have seen to substantiate this. Multiple spellings of the word also appear from commentary to commentary; Phenakistoscope, Phenakistascope and Phenakistiscope which we believe is the correct spelling. An excellent compilation of these instruments and other inventors, inventions and subjects relating to cinematography can be seen at Russell Naughton's website Adventures In Cybersound 1832 - (SIR) CHARLES WHEATSTONE (1802-1875) Wheatstone had been working on his idea of a projector-type system that would present photographs stereoscopically but without any form of movement. This year he commissions an optical maker in London to construct two of these devices. One will use reflecting mirrors and the other refracting prisms. He will announce them in 1838.
Authors List - Alphabetical Rinehart, Mary Roberts (18761958) - 2 item(s); Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugene (1805 -1871) - 1 item(s); Roe, Edward Payson (1838 - 1888) - 1 item(s); Roe,
Extractions: Browse categories... * Book Specials * Bestsellers List * Newest Titles * View all Authors Anthologies Biology Comedy Criticism Drama Economics Fiction - General Historical Horror Law Military Mythology Non-Fiction Occult Philosophy Poetry Politics Romance Science Fiction Travel Yoga Keywords: View all Titles View all Authors Authors list - Alphabetical A Adams, Henry (1838 - 1918) - 1 item(s) Adams, Henry (1838-1918) - 1 item(s) Adams, Samuel (1722-1803) - 3 item(s) Addison, Joseph (1672 - 1719) - 1 item(s) Addison, Joseph (1672-1719) - 1 item(s) Aesop (620-563 B.C.) - 1 item(s) Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882) - 1 item(s) Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888) - 5 item(s) Alcott, Luisa May (1832-1888) - 2 item(s) Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321) - 5 item(s) Allen, Emory Adams, 1853- - 1 item(s) Allen, James Lane (1849 - 1925) - 1 item(s) Amundsen, Roald (1872-1928) - 2 item(s) Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875) - 17 item(s) Anonymous - 17 item(s) Appleton, Victor - 2 item(s) Arbuthnot, John - 1 item(s) Aristophanes (446-ca. - 385 B.C.) - 3 item(s) Aristophanes (ca. 446-ca. 385 B.C.)
Search Books by RobertHoudin, Jean-Eugene (1805 - 1871), Go back. Conjurer s Confessions,A, Conjurer s Confessions, A by Robert-Houdin, Jean-Eugene (1805 - 1871)., Jean-
Barkerburgh then good comedy, good jokes, depend as much on misdirection as anything fancyby David Copperfield or Jean Eugene RobertHoudin (1805-1871).
Extractions: Posted in TV-TMSL Pox Populi Can't Make This Stuff Up True Stories ... A Modern Poemetheus August 19th, 2005 (Of course, that means her two boys are half all that too, plus half of whatever their fathers have going.) This is a bit about Macchiagodena , the burg her parents come from, actually a village outside Macchiagodena with the mysteriously delightful name (for an Italian mountain village), Incoronata. This Have a safe trip, dear friend. Bring me back a rock (even a pebble) of geographical and historical significance.
Europe - August 2000 Album 82 Of 190 JeanEugene Robert Houdin 1805-1871 Magician, clock maker, mechanic, inventor,knowledge, ambassador, and man of honor/awards. 82 of 190.
Timeline France 1796-1869 He sent JeanEugene Robert Houdin (1805-1871). The 1998 novel The MagiciansWife by Brian Moore is based on the historic events.
Decades History Search He sent JeanEugene Robert Houdin (1805-1871). The 1998 novel The MagiciansWife by Brian Moore is based on the historic events.
Conjuror - Magic Presented originally in 1849 by Jean Eugene RobertHoudin (1805-1871) and featuredin his performances at St. James Hall, London in 1853, the conjuror
Extractions: Presented originally in 1849 by Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin (1805-1871) and featured in his performances at St. James Hall, London in 1853, the conjuror places his son in a trance and then sets him horizontally seven feet in the air, balanced precariously on the tip of a cane. Houdini meets Japan. The conjuror, his hands bound together by a member of the audience, thrusts his hands magically back and forth through the edge of a Samurai sword. Performed originally in the United States in 1901 and then in London, 1909 by Ten-Ichi (1852-1912), the Thumb Tie combines danger and mystery in a most refined and sophisticated manner. An image selected by a member of the audience from a sketch book materializes visibly as an oil painting on a large canvas examined previously by the audience. This mystery, originally a closely guarded secret of early twentieth century spirit mediums was uncovered by an American named David P. Abbott (1863-1934) and presented in theatres around the world by the great English inventor and performer P.T. Selbit (1881-1938). More Magic Inspired by the original illusion created by P. T. Selbit in 1921, members of the audience assist the magician in cutting a person in two. The Conjuror presents its own twist on this cornerstone illusion, a presentation which owes as much to Ernst Lubistch and screwball comedy as it does to its magical inventor.
Loire Valley And Its Chateaux Also the illusionist LouisEugene Robert Houdin was born here and lived here (thecity financed a from Jean-Eugene Houdin (1805-1871), born in Hungary,
Extractions: The architecture of the chateau de Blois covers 4 centuries of tormented history of the town. A journey that starts in the 13th century, after the counts of Blois had given their freehold to the king of France, continuing with the royal grandeur of Renaissance art and the murderous hours of religion wars to end with much quieter times but much richer in conspiracies, of Gaston dOrleans in the 17th century. The chateau is built on a slope in full centre town, and takes the form of a quadrilateral surrounding an honour courtyard. The exterior façade shows a medieval part, recognisable because of its pointed roof, it houses the salle des Etats Generaux (13th century) with 2 woodwork-covered naves. A more modern one, nicely build in stone and bricks built under Louis XII (1498) which equestrian statue stands in the main porch. Crossing the interior courtyard, go
Flux RSS - Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin (1805-1871). Expositionunique au Musee de la magie jusqu au 20 Janvier 2006 de la collection de,
Extractions: Flux RSS - membres, urls, Fils RSS : Votre compte MyLaMoooche Accueil Annuaire Tout sur le RSS MyLaMoooche ! ... Proposer un fil RSS MAGIES.COM - Actualité de la magie. - Actualites - Actualite de la magie. Revue Magicus (Toulouse) Edite depuis 1979, Magicus est le magazine des presti-agitateurs. Diffuse dans toute la France et plusieurs pays, il est devenu une reference pour des centaines de passionnes de magie. Il s'adresse a des debutants motives, des amateurs et des professionnels. Son contenu : Des reportages, des infos locales et internationales, des dossiers, des forums, des interviews, des tours, etc. Plusieurs grandes signatures : Jacques Delord, Dominique Duvivier, Fanch Guillemin, Maurice Saltano, Otto Wessely, etc. publient leurs chroniques dans le magazine.... Source : Conference de Devil a Menton Le MENTON MAGIC CLUB organise le 2 Novembre 2005 a 20h30 la nouvelle conference Devil.La conference de Devil nous rappelle fort opportunement que l'effet compte plus que le procede. Il nous offre des tours realisables par tous, mais pourtant tres efficaces. Tarifs : 10 (Gratuite pour les membres du MENTON MAGIC CLUB et du MONACO MAGIC CLUB)Inscrivez vous vite car les places sont limitees !04 90 47 91 44 (de 9h a 21 h).Lieu : ADOSOM (face gare des autobus). 25 route de Sospel. 06500 MENTON.Reservations :Tel : jean-pierre.guebet@wanadoo.frDecouvrez sur notre site toutes les creations de Devil.
Magic Trick. - Topic One of the big names in early magic was the Frenchman Jean Eugene RobertHoudin(1805-1871), whose name later inspired Erich Weiss s famous stage name Harry
The City Of Blois Also the illusionist LouisEugene Robert Houdin was born here and lived here (thecity Part of the collection comes from Jean-Eugene Houdin (1805-1871),
Extractions: Blois, actual capital of the Loir-et-Cher was, after all, the centre of French Renaissance. Look at the prestigious chateau, where most important events of French history were plotted. Louis XII, king of France in 1498, was born here in1462. The architecture of the chateau de Blois covers 4 centuries of tormented history of the town. A journey that starts in the 13th century, after the counts of Blois had given their freehold to the king of France, continuing with the royal grandeur of Renaissance art and the murderous hours of religion wars to end with much quieter times but much richer in conspiracies, of Gaston d'Orleans in the 17th century. The chateau is built on a slope in full centre town, and takes the form of a quadrilateral surrounding an honour courtyard. The exterior façade shows a medieval part, recognisable because of its pointed roof, it houses the salle des Etats Generaux (13th century) with 2 woodwork-covered naves. A more modern one, nicely build in stone and bricks built under Louis XII (1498) which equestrian statue stands in the main porch. Crossing the interior courtyard, go to the terrace overlooking the Loire and the last vestige of the medieval remnants: le Tour de Foix. Come back in the courtyard and admire the gothic choir of the chapelle Saint-Calais, private chapel of Louis XII. Certain sculpted personages (1st and 4th windows, left of the entry) remind us of the - Fiche Détaillée De L'annuaire Web Rank Info Robert-Houdin, pere de la Magie Moderne au musee de la MagieAl occasion du bicentenaire de Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin (1805-1871).
Extractions: Annuaire Loisirs Hobbies Le site de magie ouvert a tous les passionnés de magie offrant ses actualites magiques, les plus grands catalogues d'articles magiques, des forums publics ou réserves aux magiciens, des occasions, des adresses utiles. Dernières nouveautés du site : Revue Magicus (Toulouse) Conference de Devil a Menton 10° Magic Broc Troc a Menton le 5 Octobre 2005 Soiree de Gala des Mandrakes 'Or 2005 ... Diner Spectacle au Musee du Cirque et de L'Illusion itsme est ouvert aux échanges de liens sur son site Le site ne contient pas d'annuaire. Le site
Encyclopedia Article On Magic (illusion) [EncycloZine] Modern entertainment magic owes much of its origins to Jean Eugene RobertHoudin(1805-1871), originally a clockmaker, who opened a magic theatre in Paris in
Extractions: A - Z Site Map About Us Link to Us ... 24-year-old Lance Maxwell performs a flourish with a deck of playing cards Magic or conjuring is the art of entertaining an audience by performing illusions that baffle and amaze, often by giving the impression that something impossible has been achieved, almost as if the performer had supernatural powers. The practitioners of this are called Magicians Conjurors or Illusionists. Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 History 9 External links Performances we would recognise as conjuring have probably been practised throughout history . The same ingenuity behind ancient deceptions such as the Trojan horse would have been used for entertainment , or at least for cheating in gambling games, since time immemorial. However, the respectable profession of the illusionist gained strength during the eighteenth century , and has enjoyed several popular vogues. Successful magicians have become some of the most famous
Decades History Search He sent JeanEugene Robert Houdin (1805-1871). The 1998 novel TheMagicians Wife by Brian Moore is based on the historic events.