Rainer Maria Rilke Biografia Translate this page Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926), escritor austriaco, nacido en Praga, consideradouno de los poetas modernos más importantes e innovadores de la literatura http://www.islaternura.com/APLAYA/NoEresElUnico/R/Rilke/RilkeUNICO.htm
Extractions: Artífice de una poesía hermética y deslumbrante, hijo de la pobreza, el desarraigo y la angustia de un ser inadaptado. Rainer Maria Rilke, acumulo a sus circunstancias vitales ademas el hecho de ser homosexual en una sociedad especialmente represiva. Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926), escritor austriaco, nacido en Praga, considerado uno de los poetas modernos más importantes e innovadores de la literatura alemana, por su preciso estilo lírico, sus simbólicas imágenes y sus reflexiones espirituales. Primeros años Rilke nació en Praga, el 4 de diciembre de 1875. Después de una infancia solitaria y llena de conflictos emocionales, estudió en las universidades de Praga, Munich y Berlín. Ya con 20 años sorprende a propios y extraños con sus primeros versos de amor. Pero con los nuevos aires del no menos flamante siglo, abandona cierta tendencia simbolista para adoptar un estilo concreto y preciso: El libro de las horas y El libro de las imágenes lo legitiman. En ellos se dan cita reflexiones místicas junto con una gran variedad y riqueza de metáforas. Sus primeras obras publicadas fueron poemas de amor, titulados Vida y canciones (1894). En 1897, Rilke conoció a Lou Andreas-Salomé, la hija de un general ruso, y dos años después viajaba con ella a su país natal. Inspirado por las dimensiones y la belleza del paisaje tanto como por la profundidad espiritual de la gente con que se encontró, Rilke se formó la creencia de que Dios está presente en todas las cosas.
Rilke Translate this page Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926). EDITIONS. Sämtliche Werke, ed. by Ernst Zinn, 7vols (Frankfurt R. Görner (ed.), Rainer Maria Rilke (Darmstadt, 1987). http://users.ox.ac.uk/~npalmer/bibl/Rilke.htm
Extractions: Return to: German Literature (Modern) Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) EDITIONS , ed. by Ernst Zinn, 7 vols (Frankfurt a. M., 1955-1998). Werke All Rilke's works are available in Insel paperbacks. The Reclam selection is not much use. POETRY Rilke's very early poetry can be ignored for the purposes of the paper. The main collection to concentrate on is the Neue Gedichte (in two parts, the second of which, Der neuen Gedichte anderer Teil (1908), is the text prescribed for special study). Das Buch der Bilder (1902/1906) and Das Stunden-Buch (1905) are the most important collections before the Neue Gedichte , and you should have at least some acquaintance with them. The Stunden-Buch can be read through almost like a prose work (the poems interconnect). After the Neue Gedichte , Rilke's main collections were: Duineser Elegien and Die Sonette an Orpheus (both 1923). You need to read these and perhaps also Requiem An Unofficial Rilke , with translations by Michael Hamburger (London, 1981). Poems particularly worth attention include (most of them in Hamburger):
Paper X: Rilke Translate this page Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926). Web site rilke.de Görner, R., ed., RainerMaria Rilke, Wege der Forschung 638, Darmstadt 1987 Phelan, Anthony, Rilke. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~spet0201/readinglists/specialauthors/rilke.html
Rilke, Rainer Maria (Litteraturnettet) Rilke, Rainer Maria Tyskland 18751926. E-tekst Project Gutenberg Tekst.Kort biografi. Lenker Books and Writers Biografi Rainer Maria Rilke Biografi. http://www.litteraturnettet.no/r/rilke.rainer.maria.asp?lang=&type=
Rilke, Rainer Maria (Le Réseau D'écrivains Norvégiens) Translate this page des Traducteurs Littéraires. Rilke, Rainer Maria Allemagne 1875-1926. E-texteProject Gutenberg Texte. Brève biographie. Liens Books and Writers http://www.litteraturnettet.no/r/rilke.rainer.maria.asp?lang=fr&type=
GIIN Bandung - Wortveranstaltungen Translate this page Rezitation Berthold Damshäuser,Agus R. Sarjono und Soni Farid Maulana Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) gehört zu den größten und einflußreichsten http://www.goethe.de/so/bad/depkonf.htm
GIIN Bandung - Seminar Pembacaan Puisi oleh Berthold Damshäuser, Agus R. Sarjono dan Soni Farid Maulana Rainer Maria Rilke (18751926) termasuk seorang penyair Jerman yang http://www.goethe.de/so/bad/inpkonf.htm
Cymru Ar Y We: Mae casgliadau archifau Llyfrgell Prifysgol Caerdydd yn dyddio o r bymthegfed archifau; llawysgrifau; barddoniaeth; Rilke, Rainer Maria (18751926) http://www.cymruarywe.org/cayw/collections/cy/699429
Extractions: Dyma gofnod sy'n dod o Gasgliadau Cymru. Cyfeiriadur ar-lein o gasgliadau ymchwil yng Nghymru yw Casgliadau Cymru. Mae'n darparu porth i gasgliadau materol a digidol a thema benodol Gymreig, o'r cylch o lyfrgelloedd academaidd, cenedlaethol a chyhoeddus mwy traddodiadol, ac asiantaethau eraill y sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat ar draws Cymru. Cliciwch yma am fwy o wybodaeth am brosiect Casgliadau Cymru. Mae casgliadau archifau Llyfrgell Prifysgol Caerdydd yn dyddio o'r bymthegfed ganrif ymlaen, gyda'r rhan fwyaf o'r deunydd yn ymwneud ¢'r bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg a'r ugeinfed ganrif. Ymysg y casgliadau fe geir casgliad B.J. Morse (1899-1977), yn cynnwys deunydd yn ymwneud ¢'r bardd Rilke; y 'Lower Swansea Valley Project', a phapurau gan gyn-aelodau o staff Prifysgol Caerdydd. Amrediad Dyddiad: 15fed - 20fed ganrif
Untitled Document Translate this page G 831 R. Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926. The best of Rilke 72 form-true.verse translations with facing originals, commentary, and. compact biography. http://library.brynmawrschool.org/GerTitles_06_2003.htm
Extractions: Die Minnesinger in Bildern der Manessischen Handschrift,. Leipzig, Insel-Verlag G 394.2 B Bernhard, Marianne. Gnadenbringende Weihnachtszeit. Munchen : Sudwest Verlag Munchen, c1966. G 830.104 F Fromm, Hans, ed. Deutsche Balladen. (4., erw. u. überarb. Aufl.). München, : Hanser, (c1965). G 830.6 H Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856. Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen; : Atta Troll; Zeitkritsche Schriften. München, : Goldmann, G 830.6 H Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856. Reisebilder. Müncher : W. Goldmann, [1964]. Die Harzreise Die Nordsee Die Bader von Lucca Die Stadt Lucca.
Ben Shahn (1898-1969) Library Of Congress Citations Rilke, Rainer Maria, 18751926. Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge Other authors Weiss, Margaret R., ed. Control No. 77075271 //r92 http://www.malaspina.edu/~mcneil/cit/citlcshahn.htm
Extractions: The Little Search Engine that Could Down to Name Citations National Library of Canada LC Online Catalog ... COPAC Database (UK) Book Citations [First 20 Records (of 46)] Author: Shahn, Ben, 1898-1969. Title: Ben Shahn: his graphic art. Text by James Thrall Soby. Published: New York, G. Braziller, 1957. Description: 139 p. illus. (part col.) 29 cm. LC Call No.: NC1075.S47 S6 Dewey No.: 741.91 Notes: "Chronology and bibliography [prepared by Barbara Novak with the assistance of Mr. Shahn and the Downtown Gallery for the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston]": p. [127]-139. Other authors: Soby, James Thrall, 1906- Control No.: 57012840 Author: Shahn, Ben, 1898-1969. Title: The shape of content. Published: Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1957. Description: 131 p. illus. 24 cm. Series: The Charles Eliot Norton lectures, 1956-1957 LC Call No.: N7445 .S516 Dewey No.: 704.91 Subjects: Art Addresses, essays, lectures. Control No.: 57012968 /L Author: Shahn, Ben, 1898-1969. Title: Paintings. Text by James Thrall Soby. Published: New York, G. Braziller, 1963. Description: 144 p. illus. (part col.) 29 cm. LC Call No.: ND237.S465 S62 Dewey No.: 759.13 Notes: Bibliography: p. 139-144. Other authors: Soby, James Thrall, 1906- Control No.: 63018187
Famous Austrians, Germans, Swiss 6 Rainer Maria Rilke (René Karl Wilhelm Johann Joseph Maria Rilke, 18751926) Mayer Anselm Rothschild (Meyer Amschel R., 1743-1812) German-Jewish banker, http://german.about.com/library/blfamousPQR.htm
Extractions: zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Homework Help German Language Homework Help ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','http://z.about.com/0/ip/417/C.htm','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','http://z.about.com/0/ip/496/7.htm','');w(xb+xb); Sign Up Now for the German Language newsletter!
Knitting Circle Ludwig Wittgenstein particularly to the poets Rainer Maria Rilke (18751926) and Trakl. The article also reviews the books by Brian R. Clack and Ernest Gellner. http://myweb.lsbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/ludwigwittgenstein.html
Extractions: Biography work bibliography press cuttings Austrian-British philosopher. His full name was Ludwig Joseph Johann Wittgenstein. He was the youngest of eight children in a wealthy secular Jewish family in Vienna. His father was an industrialist. Ludwig Wittgenstein was educated privately at home until the age of fourteen. He then concentrated on mathematics and science at school. He was a contemporary of Adolf Hitler at a school in Linz and they appear in the same school photograph. The extent to which they may have known each other is not clear. Ludwig Wittgenstein went on to study engineering at Berlin, and he then moved to Britain at the age of nineteen to study aeronautics at the University of Manchester (1908-11) where he designed a jet reaction propeller. Developing more interest in mathematics and then mathematical logic he transferred to Cambridge where he took courses in 1912-13 given by Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). In November 1912, on the recommendation of fellow student John Maynard Keynes , he was elected to the elite secret society known as the Apostles which at that time was suffused with a homoerotic atmosphere, but he did not appear comfortable and stopped attending meetings.
Extractions: Zu den Inhalten Warum sieht der Perlentaucher so merkwürdig aus? Home Bücher ... Markt Autorenverzeichnis A B C D ... Z google_ad_client = "pub-8495454810892399"; google_ad_width = 180; google_ad_height = 150; google_ad_format = "180x150_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "CCCCCC"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "000000"; google_color_url = "666666"; google_color_text = "333333"; Rainer Maria Rilke wurde 1875 in Prag geboren. Er führte ein unstetes Wanderleben, bereiste mit Lou Andreas-Salomé 1899 und 1900 Russland. 1901 heiratete er die Bildhauerin Claire Westhoff, 1905/06 war er Privatsekretär Auguste Rodins in Paris, danach wieder Reisen und Gastaufenthalte (u.a. auf Schloss Duino bei Triest 1910). Nach 1918 lebte er vor allem in der Schweiz, wo er sich, ab 1921 im "Turm" des Sclosses Muzot bei Siders im Wallis, in die totale Abgeschiedenheit zurückzog. Rainer Maria Rilke starb 1926 in ValMont an Leukämie. Seine bekanntesten Werke sind die "Duineser Elegien", die zyklische Prosadichtung "Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Laurids Brigge" und der Roman "Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge". Rilke, Rainer Maria / Hattingberg, Magda von:
Literaturwelt: Autorinnen_und_Autoren/R Translate this page Der österreichische Schriftsteller Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926), ist einer derbedeutendsten und einflussreichsten modernen Dichter deutscher Sprache. http://www.carpe.com/literaturwelt/Autorinnen_und_Autoren/R/
Hogarth Press Publications MoneyKyrle, R. The Meaning of Sacrifice. Published by Leonard and Virgina Rilke, Rainer Maria, 1875-1926. Duino elegies. London, Hogarth Press, 1939. http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/literary/hogarth.htm
AIM25: Thesaurus Personal Names: R Personal names index R, AIM25 home Rilke Rainer Maria 18751926 Germanpoet Rimbault Geoffrey Acworth 1908-1991 Brigadier http://www.aim25.ac.uk/search/thesaurus/persons/list17.htm
Rainer Maria Rilke 1 (MLA Bibl) Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) und Eleonora Duse (1858-1923) http://web.skku.edu/german/essay/mla_bibl/rilke981.htm
Extractions: Rainer Maria Rilke (1875 in Prag - 1926 in Val Mont/Wallis) Zur Seite mla-Bibliothek TI = Title, AU = Autor, SO = Source Record 1 of 238 - MLA Bibliography 1981-5/98 TI: Rilke und Agypten; Mit Aufnahmen von Hermann Kees AU: Grimm,-Alfred SO: Munich, Germany : Fink, 1997. 384 pp. Record 2 of 238 - MLA Bibliography 1981-5/98 TI: La Parabole du fils prodigue chez Rilke; Actes du colloque d'Orleans, October 1995 AU: Camion,-Arlette SO: 25-34 IN Camion-Arlette (ed.); Lajarrige-Jacques (ed.). Religion(s) et Litterature en Autriche au XXe Siecle. Bern, Switzerland : Peter Lang, 1997. 255 pp. Record 3 of 238 - MLA Bibliography 1981-5/98 TI: Die orphische Figur: Zur Poetik von Rilkes 'Neuen Gedichten' AU: Por,-Peter SO: Heidelberg : Carl Winter U, 1997. 358 pp. Record 4 of 238 - MLA Bibliography 1981-5/98 TI: Rainer Maria Rilke in Ruland: Gottes-und Todesfrage im Stundenbuch AU: Pastuszka,-Anna SO: Lubelskie-Materialy-Neofilologiczne, Lublin Poland (LMN). 1994, 18:-, 97-110 Record 5 of 238 - MLA Bibliography 1981-5/98 TI: Rainer Maria Rilke und die Ukraine als komplexes Problem AU: Nalyvajko,-Dmytro
ANBEFALEDE DIGTE (før 1931) Rainer Maria RILKE (18751926). Archaischer Torso Apollos (+ oversættelse).HELGE RODE (1870-1937). Morgen. AW SCHACK VON STAFFELDT (1769-1826) http://www.humanisme.dk/digte/